The Death Knell

Chapter 2412 Everything is complicated

It is better to use firearms in a slightly more open scene.

In the small room that has now become a battlefield, Spider-Man is climbing the walls and ceiling, rolling all over the floor, and with the existence of superpowers like Spider-Sense, alien guns cannot threaten him at all.

Not only can he deal with it easily, but he can also use his words to interfere with the opponent's brain, causing the alien to fall into a state of madness and rage.

"Hey, you hit me, hee, you can't hit me! Don't worry, look at how your little green face has turned black? In fact, I also know a green-skinned bad guy who often rides on his skateboard and plays with the air Surfing, you and him have one thing in common, that is, they never hit me. Are you related? Does your mother live on the earth? By the way, what does eating dirt taste like? "

The alien didn't answer him, but judging from the frequency of pulling the trigger and the afterimage of the green finger, he knew that the other party was a bit over the top.

Although this bad guy lurking in human cities is not as strong as in the online video, if you take a closer look, you will find that his purple tights are all lean meat. Even from a human perspective, his body size is equivalent to As strong as a professional athlete in fighting sports.

"Why don't you speak? Are you worried that if you open your mouth, I will discover your accomplices?" Peter was crawling around on the ceiling, trying to get behind the enemy. This was a Souls-based game he released from Wilson Company. I learned from it: "Actually, don't worry. The most important thing for a family is to be neat and tidy. Why don't you all come out and besiege me together, and then let me send you to prison together. I heard that in the labor camp, all the buttons are made." .”

The gasping alien threw away the gun in his hand and took out a dagger from under his uniform. As soon as he pressed the small button on the handle, the dagger's blade was wrapped with purple energy.

It looked like a weapon on fire, but if you think about it, you would know that if you were hit by it, it would definitely not be as simple as a burn.

"Hiss, is this the legendary Fiery Sword Technique?" The bug jumped down from the ceiling and circled the alien: "Although I have not played the online game from the last century, I have heard of it. It seems that You have been lurking on the earth for a long time, and even this kind of secret has been stolen by you, but the problem is back to the original point, the special effects are quite cool, but what’s the use if you can’t hit someone?”


The alien who was driven crazy by his thoughts shouted and rushed towards Peter with red eyes. The dagger burning with energy pierced the enemy's mouth. He really couldn't stand it anymore! I’ve never seen a superhero talk so much nonsense!

Originally, he was so angry when he was on the Internet with a guy whose online name was ‘Mr. Queens Bodybuilder’, and now something like this has appeared!


Then, he was kicked to the ceiling by Peter, and then a certain hero opened his bow with both hands, and a bunch of spider silk spurted out, quickly forming a cocoon and sticking him to the ceiling.

Xiao Chong crawled over, took away the dagger, and threw it into the corner. Then he took out his cell phone and made a call.


The little fat man answered the phone in seconds and asked eagerly:

"How about it?"

"It's really an alien. How did you know?"

Peter hung upside down from the ceiling and scratched his head, then reached out to pull the alien's face exposed outside the big cocoon to confirm that it was not a leather case.

The little fat man's tone was full of excitement and pride. He felt that he had played a role in protecting the earth. Now he felt a sense of accomplishment, but it also felt somewhat unreal:

"Really? But that's right. I was actually quite sure about it from the beginning. Mainly because this guy said that green skin looks better when we were laning with me online. I knew he was not a human being!"

"Thank you, your information is really useful, but I have to hang up now." Peter's lips curled up and his eyes narrowed happily: "I want to call Mr. Stark and hand over this bad guy. To the Avengers.”

"Okay, come on, pay attention to safety." Although Ned is a little fatter, he has always been straightforward in his work: "I will continue to search online, and I will contact you later."

After hanging up the phone, Little Spider organized his language and called Tony.

Jarvis answered the phone, saying Mr. Stark was busy and asking Peter to leave a message or call back later.

Spider-Man told him about catching an alien. The other person paused for a moment, and when he spoke again, it was Tony's voice.

"Where are you kid? You said you caught an alien?"

In the Avengers Mansion, everyone's eyes fell on Tony, and he suddenly felt that he was the most beautiful kid on the dance floor.

No way, who told him to like making friends?

After Spider-Man got the trophy, he was the first to think of sharing it with Iron Man. Others must be envious.

"Yes, I'm in the Forest Hills community of Queens, in a three-story building opposite the exit of Subway Station No. 7." Peter glanced out the window. Queens was the place he was most familiar with. After all, he had been running around for several years. The courier came: "Mr. Stark, do you want to come and take a look?"

"You first check whether there is a nuclear bomb on him, I will be there soon." After Tony hung up the communication, he kept smiling and nodding, with a stern expression on his face, and opened his arms to his teammates: "Iron Man, In the eyes of children, they are always so reliable, does anyone want to go with me?"

As he said this, he pinched Steve with the corners of his eyes, obviously hinting at something.

Now it turns out that he and others were right in not going to Japan, and he won!

Just as the captain was about to say something, Tony suddenly raised a hand to scratch his head and immediately turned away: "Oh, forget it, I forgot that some people can't fly, and I don't have a habit of flying with other men, so just treat it as I didn’t say it.”

After saying this, Iron Man also walked to the balcony, buttoned up his mask, lit up the two long blue eyepieces, and flew away with a swish of fire.

The Avengers Mansion is located on Long Island, which is actually not too far from Queens. Of course, Tony will not really take the No. 7 subway there. Who among the superheroes in the new era still uses public transportation?

But it was quite late. I had been in a meeting with Fulian and I hadn’t had dinner yet. I thought I’d buy a hamburger on the way and then go there.

"This guy!" Iron Fist Bucky in the mansion gritted his teeth. He looked at Steve and said angrily: "The gap between him and Howard as a person is too big. I really want to rip off that mustache to see if he still dares to provoke. you."

Steve was also a little embarrassed. He actually wanted to go together, but Tony played a trick of 'vomiting after eating', which was tantamount to refusal.

But when Bucky said this, he still shook his head:

"Don't say that. We are all teammates. It is normal to have some conflicts of opinion. Don't pay too much attention to small squabbles."

Fury stood up, patted his black leather coat, and changed the subject: "I have to go. Since aliens have appeared in New York, I have to go back to SHIELD to prepare a plan."

"Aren't you waiting for Tony to bring back the aliens?" Dr. Banner rubbed his hands, and he also felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Black Braised Egg glanced at him with one eye, then shook his head:

"No, keep in touch. Doctor, please control your emotions. We have enough troubles now."

After saying that, the black man walked out of the room and blended into the dark corridor. He left Black Widow and Hawkeye behind, wondering what they were planning.

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