The Death Knell

Chapter 2413 Hu Interception Team

Peter's heart moved as he hung up the phone. He turned around warily, only to find that several more people suddenly appeared in the small room.

It was a group of agents in black suits who were preparing to pack away the aliens who had somehow passed out. The spider silk could not be untied for a while, so they used laser cutters to cut away the large cocoon on the suspended ceiling. .

The leading agent had a friendly smile on his face. After seeing Peter discovering them, he asked gently: "Are you awake? The gender reassignment operation was successful."


A drop of sweat seemed to fall on Spider-Man's head. He never expected that he was an adult and would still tell such an outdated joke.

"Agent Coulson?"

"It's me, wasn't that joke just now funny? I learned it from the Internet not long ago." Colson put his arm around Peter's shoulders and walked to the window, gesturing behind him to signal the cavalry to move faster: "I thought you guys Young people like humor."

Peter trembled and said hesitantly: "But I don't like men..."

"Young man, your thoughts are very dangerous. I didn't say I liked that." The agent, whose hairline receded significantly, still kept smiling. He took out a voice recorder from his pocket and pressed the red button: " Can you briefly tell me how you found this alien?"

The little spider tilted his head. He felt that something was not right...

"Wait, how do you know I'm here? Iron Man didn't ask you to come, right? SHIELD is spying on me, Project Prism? You eavesdropped on the phone calls between me and my friends, and intercepted the text messages between us! "

Peter shook his shoulders and showed resistance to physical contact, indicating that he was a little unhappy.

But Coulson, who noticed this, did not change his expression, and the cavalry and others behind him had already fled away carrying the unconscious alien concrete block.

Telling jokes, using a voice recorder, watching street scenes, and deliberately irritating people are all tricks to buy time for other agents.

"Correction, S.H.I.E.L.D. is an international official agency established and operated under the authorization of the United Nations. Its responsibilities include responding to supernatural affairs and dealing with alien invasions. This alien is in New York. It is only legal and reasonable for you to hand him over to us. Choice, and the Avengers are just a civilian organization, non-staff members working with SHIELD."

Peter was a little dizzy. After all, he was a middle school student. He heard about laws and United Nations authorizations, which seemed very powerful.

He opened his mouth, and the crescent moon eyes on the mask drooped: "But Mr. Stark said he would come..."

"Secondly, as a young superhero, we did not monitor you, we only provided you with a 'protection program'. As for what the Prism Plan is talking about? What interception of text messages? I have never heard of it, and naturally I will not do it. .”

Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway.

With this attitude, Colson didn't answer Peter's words at all and kept talking about what he had said before.

According to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s character analysis of Spider-Man, it can be found that Spider-Man is actually not tough in character, and sometimes lacks social common sense and can use words to disrupt or manipulate.

Talking to people and talking to ghosts is a compulsory course for agents. There are different ways to deal with different targets.

"Well, what protection procedures are there?"

Peter scratched his head, blinked his eyes, and wanted to ask what happened.

However, Agent Coulson stopped talking. He put away the recorder and patted the boy on the back with a smile: "We helped you solve a lot of troubles when you didn't even know it. By the way, I have to leave now. For a moment, can you help me guard this scene? Thank you!"


The innocent Peter has already begun to recall, has the SHIELD team helped him clean up any mess? Or when you don’t know?

If it is true that these agents have done a lot for themselves secretly, shouldn't they be thanked? For example, treat guests to dinner, order pizza for them, etc.

However the fact is...

There was no such thing, it was just Coulson's nonsense to get away.

While Peter was thinking hard and standing by the window to help guard the crime scene, the middle-aged agent had already walked to the door.

Even though it was night, he still took out the high-tech sunglasses from his breast pocket, put them on his face with a flick, then turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

About thirty seconds later, Iron Man descended from the sky with a coquettish gesture. He landed on the road outside the door with a clang, and then flew gently into the third-floor window.

"Hi, good evening Spider-Man, I'm here, where are the aliens?"

Tony raised his mask and showed what he thought was a charming smile. There were still leaves from the hamburger he had just eaten on his teeth. He liked to sit on billboards or similar high places to eat fast food.

On the other hand, he who still found Peter annoying during the day was acting very real now.

In the dark room, only the computer screen was still on. Xiaochong still hadn't come to his senses and was still thinking about Coulson's words. After hearing Iron Man's question, he replied in a daze:

"The alien was taken away by SHIELD. Agent Coulson came just now and asked me to help him guard the scene."

"What? Damn it!" Tony was spinning in place as if his butt was on fire, with his hands behind his back and looking at Peter with a hateful expression: "You were deceived by that damn agent, Coulson. No, Nick Fury, a guy with a black face and a black heart, is playing this trick with me!"

Peter was confused after hearing this and had no idea what Tony meant. Aren't SHIELD and the Avengers the same family?

Seeing his puzzled expression, Tony sighed, pulled out the chair in front of the computer, sat down, and explained directly:

# Send 888 cash red envelopes # Follow vx. Official Account [Book Fan Base], watch popular masterpieces, and draw 888 cash red envelopes!

"After the Avengers were formed, Fury and I had some differences on some things. He believed that the Avengers should be subordinate to SHIELD and let the superheroes do what they were told. And I think there shouldn't be too many in the Avengers. The official voice, once some things are mixed with politics, it will become very troublesome."

"Uh, I don't understand. Aren't you also a consultant for SHIELD?" Little Spider felt as if he had done something wrong, and stood beside Tony with his head down and a little guilty.

"It's not that simple. You captured an alien alive. Nick Fury instructed Coulson to intercept it. If the Avengers want to follow this clue, the initiative lies in Fury's hands. So Do you understand? This is the information age, and whoever has more information has more say."

Tony rubbed his face and was suddenly stunned. He pulled out a data cable from his suit, plugged it into the computer, and then started typing on the keyboard:

"Wait, maybe things are not turning around. Coulson made a mistake. He did not take away the computer used by the aliens. Let me see if there are any traces of contact between aliens and compatriots... ..By the way, what does that alien look like?”

"Green skin, pointed ears, very lean." Peter felt even more tired. He sat back on the table, his fingers tangled together in confusion: "Are you adults so dark in your behavior? Why? Are you not trying to control others, or are you wary of being controlled by others?"

Tony shook his head while typing the code and deeply scanning the hard disk and network traces:

"This world is inherently dark, but don't imitate us. We are all hopeless. Just be yourself."

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