The Death Knell

Chapter 2422 Operation Fury

"It's been a pleasure working with you, Dr. Hansen."

Fury generously handed over a check and arranged for his men to prepare test reagents. One advantage of SHIELD, which Fury controls, is that it never defaults on paying scientists.

Maya Hansen proposed a simple method to detect Skrulls based on the human body's rejection reaction. That is to perform a series of treatments on Skrull blood to separate serum that does not contain red blood cells and enzymes, and then only test suspects. A skin test similar to penicillin will do.

The Skrulls' physical fitness is stronger than that of humans, and their cell activity is also quite high. The immune cells in their blood will produce strong rejection reactions with foreign cells.

Simply put, if a human is injected subcutaneously with a tiny amount of Skrull serum, a rash will appear at the injection site and the body temperature will rise.

But if the person being injected is a Skrull, this phenomenon will not occur because they are the same kind.

That's probably what it meant. Fury couldn't quite understand it anyway.

Black braised egg can be regarded as an old antique. After all, he has lived from World War II to today. Although he has tried his best to learn various technologies and espionage skills in the Internet era, as a director, he really has no need to make up for biology. .

Just know there's a way to spot the Skrulls blending in with the crowd and sign the check.

"I'm very happy too." The female doctor smiled and accepted the check and put it happily into her pocket. She was not at all shy about money like other technicians: "I earned one hundred thousand US dollars in just a few hours. I I thought if other biologists knew about it, many people would envy me, and in this way, my research could be carried out again."

"This matter needs to be kept secret, Doctor, this is for your own good." Fury's one eye was half drooped and he said calmly: "If the Skrulls know that you have developed a method to distinguish them, they will definitely You retaliate, I know these aliens, I’m afraid when you go to the supermarket, the old lady queuing behind you may be their transformed form.”

Maya smiled, she lowered her head to pack her things and nodded:

"I understand, I just said it casually. After all, I know that your existence is confidential... There is one thing I am confused about. Why do you know the names of these aliens and know that they are enemies?"

Fury looked at Coulson and winked, so the good old man smiled and explained to the doctor:

"We have dealt with them more than ten years ago, and the process was very unpleasant. As for why they are hostile to the earth, maybe they are greedy for the resources on the earth, or maybe they have some treasures that we don't know about. This is the future. The mystery is solved.”

In fact, they don't know that the real reason is because the Supreme Mage took Galactus to the Skrull home planet, causing an entire star field to be swallowed up. This was a huge hatred.

After the Skrull Queen survived, she transferred back to the Royal First Fleet, and the whereabouts of those legendary Super Skrull Warriors have been unknown since then, and have never appeared on the battlefield with the Kree Empire again.

"Hmm! It seems that I asked something I shouldn't have asked again." The doctor took off his white coat and took a deep breath: "Then I won't ask any more questions. Can your people send me away? I'm here. I was blindfolded the whole way and I didn’t even know where we were.”

Fury was silent for a moment, not because he wanted to take advantage of others, but because he was thinking about another thing.

SHIELD has had a big gap in biologists in recent years. The science department has been almost occupied by physicists headed by consultant Tony. There are a few researchers in biology, but they are all mortals, so they don’t count. The kind of person who is a scientific genius.

Dr. Pym went crazy after the original Wasp was lost in the quantum realm.

Dr. Banner is only half a biologist, majoring in nuclear physics and minoring in biology. The Hulk is completely out of control and can easily attract the prying eyes of the military.

Although Reed Richards is also very accomplished in biology, that guy fled in fear of crime not long ago and may still be feeding mosquitoes in the Amazon rainforest.

No one is available.

The Dr. Hansen in front of him was less than forty years old, which was very young for a scientist. Moreover, the research topic is virus technology, and he wants to invent the elixir of life. This seems to be a genius choice.

If she could be recruited to join SHIELD, not to mention any in-depth cooperation, just being a consultant would be very useful.

"Wait a minute, doctor, I have another project with a higher pay than this. Are you interested in learning about it?" Fury extended an olive branch. The other party was short of money, so he started with money.

With the precedent of making a hundred thousand dollars an hour, she should be tempted.

Sure enough, a simple doctor is no match for a black-hearted braised egg. After hearing this invitation, he suddenly became interested again:

"Are they also aliens? I agree!"

"Colson, don't you still have something to do? Doctor, please take a look at the contract first."

Fury did not answer directly, but chose to send his men away first. Although Coulson is now a seventh-level agent, this matter involves ninth-level authority. Even if he is the director, he had better protect S.H.I.E.L.D. Established rules.

Coulson understood immediately, after all, they are all old foxes. He chuckled and patted his head: "Yes, I almost forgot if the director didn't tell me, so I'll take my leave first. Dr. Hansen, nice to meet you."

The doctor responded with a smile, watched Coulson walk out of the laboratory, looked at the long list of numbers on the contract, signed decisively, and then waited for Fury's answer.

Black Braised Dan still did not answer in a hurry, but led the doctor to another door, opened a hidden elevator, and the two entered: "Colson is not married yet. Doctor, are you interested in him?"

If there is interest, then Fury will send Coulson to use the beauty trick to completely control the doctor.

In fact, Colson's conditions are not bad. Although he has some hair loss, rents a house, and the nature of his work often prevents him from going home, he is actually also an invisible rich man.

Coulson kept the "Lola", the first floating car on earth invented by Howard, for his collection. If he sold it to Tony, the prodigal son would probably be able to exchange it for a skyscraper.

Not to mention that Coulson also collected another famous car, the black limousine owned by Red Skull Schmidt. The mustached corporal had ridden in the back seat many times, and it was even more valuable.

In addition to various Captain America signed cards and figures, although it is not an intentional investment, it has actually increased in value over the years, and it is also a hidden wealth.

This shows that Colson is just not obviously rich.

Dr. Hansen smiled and shook his head. He neither refused nor agreed, but asked with a strange expression:

"Is S.H.I.E.L.D. still responsible for solving male-female issues for its employees?"

"We are agents and we know that freedom is relative to discipline. The relatives of any employee must undergo strict scrutiny. This is what I have learned from my own mistakes."

The elevator door opened, and Fury walked forward in the dark, verified his pupils and palm prints, and then turned on the light.

The location where the two of them were now was in a secret laboratory below the laboratory, or another cell. Under the pale light, there were not only various instruments surrounding the walls, but also a large jar in the center of the room.

There is a pool of silt-like black material inside the jar, which is constantly surging and rolling, as if it is alive.

"This is the next topic. It may be a helper for humans to break through the physical limits, but it may also be a demon that destroys humans." Fury introduced to the fascinated doctor, and walked towards the big jar, separated by bulletproof armor as thick as a tank. Glass looked at it.

"what is it?"

Maya kept pace, even reaching out to touch it through the glass.

Because it showed charming wisdom, after the two entered the door, it actually conjured up a hand to give the middle finger.

"Have you heard of Deathstroke? Doctor."

Fury didn't answer the question, and suddenly asked about the mercenary.

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