The Death Knell

Chapter 2423 Venom Plan

Hearing the name of her childhood shadow, Dr. Maya showed a wry smile and nodded:

"Who hasn't heard it? When I was little, my mother always told me that if I didn't eat well, go to bed on time, or listen to her, the death knell would come out of the darkness under the bed and kill me. I dragged him into the hell filled with Soviets. I heard that some people saw Deathstroke during the Zerg invasion of New York a few days ago, but the rumor was later refuted, saying that it was due to excessive mental stress and hallucinations?"

The version of the story that Maya heard was obviously improved during the Cold War. The earlier urban legend of the death knell was not like this, and the words to scare children have also kept pace with the times.

As for the witness of the Battle of New York, Fury sent someone to cover it up. Of course he knew.

"In fact, Deathstroke is real. He had contact with SSR, the predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D., during World War II. He also kidnapped Dr. Erskine, forcing the military to publicize the doctor's disappearance. He still appears from time to time to this day. , do something.”

No matter how hot the weather is, the director, who wears a black fur coat all year round, nods. Maya's performance is very reliable. It's right that ordinary people don't know the authenticity of the death knell.

If the Doctor knew about Deathstroke's existence and that he was a human being and not a demon, then there was something wrong.

"Well, then why don't you catch him?" The doctor blinked. A government agency like SHIELD should be very powerful, right?

He was abducted from the University of Mississippi by the SHIELD team, and no one has been able to call the police or do anything else until now. One can only imagine how widely its power has spread.

good question! Luo Dan lowered his head and rolled his eyes. Could he say it was because he couldn't beat him?

Of course not. The image of SHIELD cannot be associated with losers, so naturally there is another saying: "Because he helped Captain America and Sergeant Bucky fight against the Nazis, and also saved the captain's life, we are even." ”

"Okay, but what does this living asphalt-like creature in front of me have to do with the death knell?" Maya was still more concerned about the strange soft-bodied creatures and had little interest in the death knell.

Fury also wished that the topic could get back on track.

"This kind of soft alien creature is called a symbiont, which can parasitize humans or other creatures and achieve a certain symbiotic relationship. Deathstroke also has one. We suspect that it gave Deathstroke extraordinary strength and long lifespan, because no one has seen it It’s not like Deathstroke’s true appearance, so we can’t be sure whether he has any signs of least judging from the time he took action, not only did he not grow older, but he became more and more powerful.”

Maya became interested after hearing about immortality. Her ultimate pursuit in studying biology is to help humans break through the life span limit.

When she looked at the symbiote again, her eyes seemed to glow.

Of course, the symbiote in the jar also responded. It formed countless small hands, clenched fists, and raised a finger toward the doctor, like a small black jungle.

"Why is it doing this? I'm not sure if it understands Earth's culture. Maybe it's saying hello to us?"

The doctor asked the director with some confusion, and at the same time raised his middle finger towards the jar in response.

"It will read the memory, personality, and hobbies of the host and continue to evolve." Fury folded his arms and watched coldly: "It comes from an alien planet. When we caught it, it was attached to a homeless man. Its host begs on the street, but New Yorkers are always in a hurry and indifferent. Whenever people pass by without saying a word, the homeless man will greet them with this gesture from behind."

"Well, it doesn't sound like it learned anything good." Dr. Hansen took a breath.

"Yes, if you provide him with a vocal host, such as a parrot, he will also be able to speak all kinds of street swear words. It is so foul that I suspect that I am learning fake English, because I even need to look up some words on the Internet."

Luodan told a cold joke, but his face was still expressionless. He hadn't laughed in decades since he found out that his wife was a Hydra spy.

"Haha." The doctor laughed awkwardly but politely, looking at the symbiote that looked a little greasy under the bright light: "Then did it say its name?"

"The symbiont has no name. Only after it parasitizes the host, the combination of it and the living thing has a name."

The cunning Fury said some information that could be shared. He looked at the monster with wary eyes and continued:

"It claims to be venom, but when it devoured its host, I didn't see it use any poisonous abilities. It just opened its fangs and big mouth, ate itself like a greedy snake, and then turned inside out and turned into A puddle of slime and the host disappears, like a pigeon trick in Las Vegas.”

Although she is a biologist, Maya is not too crazy. She was stunned for a moment, and her face became serious. She took a few steps back and distanced herself from the jar.

I thought the symbiote might be a cute little animal, like a starfish or a slug, but I didn't expect it to be a hostile species.

The doctor frowned and suddenly asked: "Have you ever done experiments on humans? Wait, it's that tramp, right?"

Black Braised Egg did not answer this question. Instead, he turned around and left without answering the question: "I will send a few people to help you with your research. When you need any test products, let me know..."


At this time in Komori Hills, Steve and his team's questioning of Skye had already come to an end.

But they did not rush into action to pursue the alien lives stolen by Fury and Coulson. On the contrary, the captain thought that the Rising Tide Organization was more interesting.

After learning from Skye that the video of the 'alien meeting' was dug out from a cloud disk and then posted on the dark web, he always felt that this matter seemed a bit familiar.

But even though New Bucky was thinking hard beside him, he couldn't figure out where this familiar feeling came from.

Natasha noticed that this might be the handiwork of her principal, but of course she would not say it, and she would pretend to be puzzled and act as onlookers with Hawkeye.

"Can you log in to your communication software again? See who discovered this video first. This is very important to us." Steve held the shield and patiently communicated with Skye.

"No, I've said everything I can, but I will never betray my friends when I go out to hang out!" Skye twisted her neck, showing her fearless spirit.

"Don't waste your time, Captain." Falcon Sam persuaded somewhat numbly: "I don't see anything wrong with this matter at all. We already know that Fury tricked us, and we should seize the time to settle the score with him instead of Wrapped up here with a little girl for an hour.”

"Yes, let me go. My mother is still waiting for me to come home. The kitten I raise cannot be left without someone to feed it. It only recognizes me." Skye nodded repeatedly and looked at Steve expectantly.

Bucky, who was wearing round glasses, immediately appeared, pointed at her head with a finger and complained: "But not long ago you said that you were an orphan, with no fixed abode, and wandering around. What you are saying is miserable. It’s not even up to par, it’s too amateurish.”

"Uh, did I say that?" Skye scratched his head and showed an embarrassed smile.

The key is that these superheroes used fatigue interrogation on her. She has never experienced this. It is inevitable that there will be some mistakes. Can they be forgiven?

Steve raised his hand to signal Falcon to calm down. He patted his shield, and the five-pointed star made a few muffled sounds: "You have to trust the intuition of a veteran. My intuition tells me that Fury is wrong again this time. The key to this incident lies in the Internet."

"But none of us are good at network technology."

Sam took a deep breath and chose to obey the captain's order, but he also raised difficulties.

Look at the people in this team. The captain, Bucky, and Natasha are all young-looking old people from the last century. Hawkeye was born in the circus, and Sam himself was just an ordinary soldier who later worked in the Veterans Mutual Aid Association.

Does this sound like the kind of backstory a hacker should have?

"So I'm not communicating with people who are good at this?" Steve pointed at Skye who was huddled in the computer chair, then turned to her and changed his approach: "In this way, I know that my friends are very good. It’s important, and there’s no need for you to betray your friends, so can you use this computer to log into the dark web and just see what new news there is?”

"The dark web is actually like hidden drawers. Each address is independent. You can't log in to the dark web, but visit some addresses." Skye thought for a while, and in order to escape, he reached out to turn on the machine: "Let's talk about it first. Ah, I'll show you if there's any new news, and then let me go! Huh? This is a new video that was just uploaded but was marked with a hot mark, 'Shocking! The moral level of aliens is... ..',What's this?"

"Can you take a look?" Natasha came over, wanting to see what her boss was up to.

Skye wiped her nose and typed on the keyboard, explaining while operating:

"I will first compile a simple scanning program to rule out the possibility that it is a Trojan horse or virus and then click on this link. Otherwise, it will be easy to get tricked. There are all kinds of bad guys in this forum, and we are not the only ones with the rising tide of hackers."

After a few minutes, the scanner is written, running, and everything works fine.

The white and tender little hands operated the mouse and clicked it. A file was quickly downloaded and then played automatically.

The next second, accompanied by Dongyang's somewhat hot opening music, a strange, indescribable, and indescribable picture appeared on the monitor.


Even if he only caught a glimpse of it from the corner of his eye, everyone present vomited.

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