The Death Knell

Chapter 2425 The Great Hero Odd

In a natural cave on the coast of the United States, there was a sound of knocking, as if someone was forging iron in the cave, and the fire was flickering.

But the sound of the waves covered everything up, and the salty smell in the humid air made the smell of fireworks disappear.

Odd, who is remembered by many people, is here at this moment. His two round nostrils have air filtering equipment like ventilator tubes stuck in his two round nostrils. He is holding a strange firearm and is using it for 3D printing. .

It can be seen that he is tinkering with his single-person aircraft. It looks like a coffin that people can lie down in. There is a seat bag for riding and a joystick to control the direction. It is called flying here. Motorcycle.

In short, every time he made a part, he would hammer it into the vehicle.

The climate on the earth is like purgatory for their race. Environmental pollution is everywhere. Deadly viruses invisible to the naked eye are always around us. The indigenous creatures are even more ugly and crazy. This is a suicidal mission.

He knew this, from the beginning.

But only he can complete such a task on the entire Broken Land planet, because he is a superhero and has saved the world countless times.

In order to prevent your own planet from being destroyed, there is no other option but to destroy the earth.

He still remembered the smiling faces and expectations of people who greeted him when he set out, and it was those people who supported him to continue fighting in this fallen and dark hell.

Looking at the burning torch beside him, he stopped what he was doing and recalled his hometown, which made his eyes briefly warm.

People gathered around him and stepped onto the ship, just like in the past, calling him a hero and hoping that he could bring victory back.

Flowers, fruits, handwoven talismans, they sent their best wishes.

The high priest and the king came to see him off, and the most powerful people, representing divine and royal power, bowed their heads to him and wished him immediate success.

And his wife, as before, boarded the spacecraft with him to provide intelligence and logistical support during field operations, or to provide some warmth and comfort when he was injured or sad.

Everything works fine at first.

Their transport ship set off with the blessings of the people in their hometown, experienced hundreds of jumps, and spent several months arriving on Earth. Then they activated the superb stealth equipment and sneaked into this seemingly defenseless planet.

Odd was not in a hurry to act. Making any plan required intelligence support, so after learning that the largest and most prosperous city on earth was New York, he piloted a spaceship and dived into the bottom of a lake on the outskirts of New York.

There, he and his wife carefully analyzed various intelligence and worked together to formulate a plan to destroy mankind. How to make everyone die quietly and quickly without feeling pain.

Sneaking alone often means taking local materials. Odd studied the information on the Internet and found that the most powerful weapon of mankind today is nuclear bombs. In addition, there are many news about people with super powers.

This operation is a bit difficult. It seems that there is little hope for mankind to die painlessly collectively. There is no other way but to settle for the next best thing and use some dark means.

He had been sad about this for a long time. He didn't like killing people, and he didn't want any life to suffer, but he had no choice.

The Broken Land seems to have been abandoned by the gods, and there are crises of extinction almost every year. The priest always sends an oracle, saying that the gods have taken out two planets in the palm of his hand, and only one of them can continue to exist.

"Either the stranger's planet explodes, or the Broken Land explodes. As a great hero, Odd, you have to make the decision for our world!"

The priest held his hand with tears in his eyes and said the same words every time.

That's it. Thirty years ago after Odd became the champion warrior of the planet, he embarked on the road of saving his own world again and again. I can't remember how many planets and civilizations he destroyed, but the winner has always been He, and the Broken Land has survived.

Whenever he embarks on a journey, people from all over the world flock to the capital to spontaneously see him off.

And every time he returns triumphantly, people will gather in the planet's capital to greet him and celebrate his and the world's survival.

It was a super festival celebrated by the whole planet, with lights and colorful lights all over the world and everyone smiling.

It's just that every time the emperor and the high priest were depressed about it, as if they didn't want him to come back...

Odd had also suspected that there might be some despicable conspiracy, that they wanted to get rid of themselves, who had great fame and combat power on their home planet?

But without thinking about it, this idea was automatically eliminated by him.

The reason is very simple. Even the emperor and the high priest would not dare to pretend to convey God's will, right?

That is God!

Although Odd has never seen God himself and does not know if it looks the same as the statue of God, he has heard from his parents since he was a child that God is high in the sky, omnipotent and omniscient, and cannot be blasphemed, otherwise there will be disaster. Horrible retribution.

During his growing life journey, everyone around him was preaching God's name, worshiping God's statue, and strictly executing any of His will. Doubters would be severely punished.

Therefore, it must be true that the world we live in is on the verge of destruction.

After collecting relatively easy-to-grasp intelligence on Earth, Odd, with the help of his wife, began to collect nuclear materials and create dirty bombs to provoke confrontation between humans and mutants.

Let the enemies start killing each other. This is a classic tactic of Xiao Bo Da Da, which has been tried repeatedly in the past.

But in the process of collecting raw materials, his wife unfortunately contracted a terrible strange disease. This horrible little monster destroyed everything in her body. Even though Aude tried his best, he could not save her life.

She died painfully in his arms, and he couldn't even take off his protective mask to kiss her goodbye because of his mission.

His wife's last words were for him to save the Broken Land and continue to be the great hero, so he would do whatever it takes to fulfill her wish.

The dirty bomb was made, and he placed his wife's body in the safest place, under the eyes of humans.

Then he got on the single-person flying motorcycle in the spacecraft and started taking action, choosing Japan as the first target of attack. Because in history, this perverted nation once had a war with the United States, a world power, and had a nuclear bomb dropped on it. If it is bombed again this time, it will definitely be very angry and start another war, right?

First start the war at the level of ordinary people, get everyone involved, and then involve mutants with superpowers. It's a perfect plan.

Unfortunately, although the sneak attack on Fukushima was successful, he never expected that Japan, which had always believed in the spirit of the samurai, had no honor as a warrior at all. Not to mention that they were ready to go to war, they would kneel down and beg for mercy from the United States.

This was far beyond Odd's imagination. He couldn't even understand the Japanese brain circuit. Why was the victim not angry at all, but still smiling and begging the imaginary perpetrator to increase his intensity?

The plan failed, so he carefully summed up his experience and took into account the personalities of different human races. He chose the location of the second attack on the side of the furry bear, which is known for its fire-like nature.

This time he succeeded. Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, humans were at war with each other, and mutants were also involved. Everything was as he expected.

So in order to speed up the progress of the world war, he once again attacked China, another big country.

But from here, things get out of control...

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