The Death Knell

Chapter 2426 Crazy

If he hadn't been smart enough to detect someone squatting there and replace himself with a self-destructing robot he made, he might have been caught by humans that time.

Next, an unknown frame-up video began to circulate on the earth's data network. In the video, Odd could see many fake compatriots getting off a broken spacecraft, speaking harsh earth language, and telling a false story. story.

That’s so fake. How can there be any carbon-based organisms that eat soil for a living? Do you have any common sense?

But the people on earth believed that story more. He couldn't stand up and say it was false. The plans mentioned by those fake people were eerily exactly the same as his plan...

He was exposed in a disguised form, so he could only temporarily stop his activities and hide at the beach to make new plans.

But he had no idea in a short period of time, his mind was in a mess, and some questions lingered.

How do people on Earth know what they look like? Where did they get the spaceship from? Why would people on Earth believe an obvious lie?

He didn't dare to act rashly until the answers to these unsolved mysteries were found.

You must know that he is in the enemy camp and alone. If he makes a wrong move, the whole game will be lost. It is like dancing on the tip of a knife, and there is no room for any mistakes.

But the moisture content in the earth's air was too high, and his flying motorcycle had to be repaired and maintained after flying at high intensity to several places. The best place he could find was this deserted seaside cave.

"Ding! The blogger you follow has been updated!"

The laptop nearby suddenly popped up sound effects and pop-up windows, pulling Oded out of his memories.

This kind of human portable information terminal is not portable at all, but it is really big. He stole it during the preparation work. By connecting the simple motherboard to his personal terminal, he can automatically connect to the earth's network.

Letting humans take the initiative to provide intelligence is also one of the tactics. There is a profession on this planet called bloggers. Many of these people are well-informed. In earth dialect, they are commonly known as love to gain popularity.

Once there is any news worthy of attention, Aude may not necessarily understand it, but as earthlings, they will definitely understand it and will forward it to the Internet.

In this way, by just following hundreds of public accounts and video bloggers, Aude has organized his own temporary intelligence network without spending a penny.

Yes, regardless of whether the information is true or false, such information is definitely not confidential information, but he doesn't need to keep it confidential.

There is a place in the United States called Area 51. There are really aliens there. Odd even went to take a peek. Is this absolutely confidential information?

Then what? Can I use this news to provoke a war among ordinary people? Can mutants be allowed to go to war with governments? Neither can, so this kind of confidential information has no value.

On the contrary, the more relevant it is to the interests of the public, the easier it is to handle seemingly trivial matters. As for how to determine the authenticity of hundreds of thousands of pieces of information received every day, this is a basic skill for a soldier.

"Ding ding ding..."

Within a few seconds of being distracted like this, the beeps on the computer started to sound one after another, and all the websites that were open began to pop up.

You know that he pays special attention to different social networks around the world. What happened?

He put down the multifunctional weapon in his hand, took off his protective gloves and came to the computer. The earth was too dirty, and he couldn't be injured or infected here, so he was always careful to protect himself.

Skillfully swiping the touch pad, his thick fingers were like carrots, but still very sensitive.

If you click on any anchor you follow, you will find that they shared a video almost at the same time, but with different titles.

"Is it the moral decay of the aliens or the lack of humanity?"

"Hot! Aliens are hot too!"

"A crazy orgasmic experience, you can see it when you come in!"

"The latest and most effective weight loss tutorial."

Many people have an interesting characteristic, that is, after suffering themselves, they want to see similar people suffering the same way, in order to find comfort or happiness.

This is why prank-like curse videos can spread widely on the Internet. In addition to the protection of adjutants to prevent them from being blocked by others, people's spontaneous copying and pasting is the real main force.

All in all, these videos had a dazzling array of marketing topics, and Aude, who had never seen such a display before, could not help but be aroused by his curiosity. He lightly touched the panel and clicked on a video...


After just a few seconds, his small eyeballs almost burst out of their sockets, and he saw the god he worshiped rolling over on the big bed with a human being who was rotting, molting and dripping with yellow water! He even used the Terrigen Crystal as a prop!

The god he worshiped looked as despicable as a beast at this moment. He was tortured by that disgusting guy until he howled and screamed, but he still demanded more and more.

At this moment, he felt dizzy, and an uncontrollable force was punching in his stomach, which he could not resist or suppress.


He vomited out the food he had eaten tonight, which was the precious fruit he had brought from his hometown. Only pure food blessed by God could be eaten. He did not eat human food, nor humans, nor earth.

The food he had spared to eat left his body, and along with the smell of sourness, a feeling of weakness also came to his mind. He felt that there was only darkness in front of him, and he could even stand unsteadily.

Shaking and backing up, he sat down on the repaired flying motorcycle as if in a daze, trying his best to digest the information received in his mind.

"Why? How could it be possible? No... yuck!!!"

He couldn't even talk to himself, because the invisible hand grabbed his stomach again and squeezed it hard.

Green acid spurted out of his mouth like a fountain, and tears blurred his vision at this time.

He knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly, trying to get the god to come out and prove that everything was not true. However, the god did not respond to his hero. Just like in the past, he would only respond to the call of the high priest.

The high priest has an extremely gorgeous room that collects all the treasures in the Broken Land. Every time he needs to communicate with the gods, he will enter the small closed room alone and give an oracle the next day.

In order to be able to receive the oracle's instructions at all times, the dedicated high priest even lived there later. Maybe only someone as pious as him would be looked at differently by God?

There was an endless cycle between vomiting and trance, and time seemed to have lost its meaning. By the time Odd came to his senses, it was already two hours later.

By constantly hypnotizing himself to convince himself that the video was fake, he finally overcame the difficulty with extraordinary willpower, at least he stopped vomiting.

But tears still flowed out uncontrollably, and an indescribable sadness lingered in my heart.

He endured the grief and watched the entire video carefully until he saw his god being played like a rag doll by that bitch, with all twenty-eight limbs paralyzed on the bed. After the shed human left triumphantly, he Facing the black screen, he remained silent.

"Is it the moon?" he asked himself softly, and neighed like a wild beast with grief and anger: "It happened on the moon, where is my God? Ah!!! Why? Why is it so unfair!!! "

After all, lies that deceived himself could not last long, and self-hypnosis was of no use. He admitted that it was his god. The god he had always worshiped was indeed more closely related to humans, and could even be said to be despicable.

Is the earth more important in God’s heart? Maybe the other party is the default winner this time?

He wanted to go to the moon immediately and ask God what it was all about. Was all the cruelty he had experienced just a boring game?

With his tears gone, he closed his laptop and concentrated on repairing his aircraft. He was going to go straight to the moon to find out.

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