The Death Knell

Chapter 2430 Broken Land

"Well, I found a place. You can continue the business meeting over there. I guess it won't be over for a while."

Deathstroke communicated with Gin. She asked several partners about the Broken Land to no avail, but Su Ming had already found it.

"I understand, don't let Hangsha eat randomly all the time. What if you get sick?"

Gin was also concerned about the little pets.

"It's okay. It has good teeth and a good appetite. It tastes good when you eat it." Su Ming touched the small black bean sprouts on his shoulder and muttered a little speechlessly.

How can any symbiote eat something bad? Not kittens or puppies.

"That's it for now. I'm still busy here. When you're done, come to Vanaheim to find me."

She hung up the communication there and was never sloppy in doing things.

Su Ming also observed the Broken Land in front of him. It really lived up to its name. Even though he was well-informed, he had to admit that this place looked quite unique.

Only half of the entire planet is intact. Overall, it is like an apple. Someone took a big bite and then chewed it up and spit it out. However, the large and small pieces maintained a strange balance and floated in the sky. .

The rubble on this half of the planet has neither formed a star ring nor fallen to the ground. This environment is really a good soil for the birth of mythological beliefs.

"Did a comet hit this place?" The four of them stood on a piece of gravel in the sky. Daisy looked around with some emotion: "My astronomy is in vain. How can there be a living planet in this form?"

"Didn't I tell you, astronomy will eventually become geography. The gravitational system here is very interesting. There should be many magnets inside the planet. The repulsion and gravity of different magnetic fields work together to create these floating islands. scene."

Su Ming squatted on the edge of the floating island, overlooking the surface under the clouds. His cloak sensed the power of the magnetic field, and he also informed the female Thor of the information drawn on his back.

Daisy's current interest is in being a superhero. Although she could have taught at a well-known university after winning the Nobel Prize in Physics with the discovery of Neptune's new moon, she refused and chose to continue running the business. Super size cake shop'.

Because I am my own boss, I have more time.

Of course, thanks to Caroline's genius marketing, the two women's shop has been teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.

"This place looks very...barren." Wanda stood next to Deathstroke and also poked his head out to look down: "There are few vegetation, lack of water, and there is a lot of wind and sand on the ground. It obviously has good technology. , but civilians don’t seem to be able to use it.”

Just like what she said, Oud's so-called beautiful hometown looks like a deserted land in the eyes of humans, and it always feels unsuitable for survival.

The witch's naked eyesight is not as good as Death Knell, but she has chaos magic. She can clearly see every corner on the ground just by 'thinking' to let herself see.

The floating islands in the sky are all bare, and the density of cities on the more complete half of the planet is also very low. The so-called capital looks like a slightly larger urban area, let alone a super city like Attilan. Comparing it, it is just about the same as Hamilton in Canada.

There weren’t that many tall buildings yet, and there were no beautiful rivers flowing through the fields.

Most of the residents on the street were half-clothed and well-dressed. Although there were also high-end-looking vehicles coming and going, those who rode in floating cars and wore gorgeous clothes and tall hats looked like priests or nobles. and so on.

"What a sad fate. We are all ordinary people deeply trapped in our own views of justice." Deadpool lay on his side next to his cousin in a posture like a reclining Buddha, and spoke in a strange voice: "That hero is my enemy. , the weak can only pay the price of peace in pain, but they will no longer have a future after today..."

But his performance didn't match the serious lines at all. He was still lying there, even scratching his butt leisurely.

"...Which one are you playing again?"

Su Ming first checked whether the medicine bottle had been stolen again. When he found out that it had not been stolen, he hit his cousin on the head on the spot.

Wade jumped up and smiled evilly, even sticking out his tongue, and asked his cousin:

“How many floors can a bag of rice carry?”

Su Ming stood up and turned around to leave. It turned out that this guy wanted to play Payne's game and treat the broken land below as a small village?

Feeling speechless, Deathstroke said that it was time to get down to business instead of playing.

There are several purposes for coming here. The first is to capture the high priest and read the information in his mind. Secondly, according to Odd's memory, the high priest has a mysterious room full of treasures, and he is looking for any cosmic wonders. Finally, it is to completely blow this planet to pieces to avoid future troubles.

"Wanda, use a group invisibility technique and go directly down to find that high priest."

With a flash of red light, Wanda completed the task. She cast spells very fast, acting like she had super powers. But compared to Monaco, who was trying to pinch a rabbit, she was designated as the target of possession by Sithorne. There will be greater troubles in the future.

I don’t know if this is what Hoggs was hinting at when they left. Did Emperor Weishan notice something...

Let’s put aside Wanda’s problem for now, since we have a backup plan anyway.

The problem at hand now is that we don’t know how these Oude compatriots have a sense of smell?

You must know that even if everyone is covered by the invisible mobile barrier, the smell of Deadpool can still spread out. The strong fragrance is really impossible to ignore.

"Well, make a spherical barrier that prevents the air from flowing inside and outside, and then put him in it."

Deathstroke gestured with his hands, making a hamster cage posture, and pointed at Wade.

"I protest. I have human rights. It is my freedom not to take a shower. But if you isolate me, you are discriminating against me and humiliating me."

Deadpool kept kicking his legs on the ground and looking at him, he seemed to have participated in demonstrations in the United States. His movements were very skillful, and he rolled here and there.

"I'll give you 500 more." Deathstroke was well prepared and took out five green tickets with a flip of his hand.

The red and black tactical gloves swished over and took away the banknotes. Wade lifted a corner of his mask and counted the money with saliva: "Now you can humiliate me as much as you like. Come on, don't pity me because I am a delicate flower, witch." Do you like it from behind? Please push..."

Wanda narrowed her eyes, created an isolation room with restraint tools, blocked Deadpool's mouth, and then locked her in.

The world is quiet now.

A group of three people and a coffin flew below. These floating islands were covered with large and small gravels, and the terrain was also very uneven. On the other hand, there were almost no mountains on the remaining half of the planet. What is visible is either the Gobi or the desert.

This planet should have experienced a mass extinction, and Oud's ancestors may have been alien species, or they may have evolved from surviving lizards or tortoises. In short, this environment does not seem to be suitable for crocodiles to survive. .

Finding the high priest is actually easy. Anyway, with Odd's memory, the road to the capital of the Broken Land is not too familiar.

As if he had lived here for decades, Su Ming and his two women carried the coffin, walked through the streets and alleys invisibly, and arrived in front of the temple in a short while.

The entrance to the temple is the huge statue of the god. Anyway, the death knell looks a bit like a combination of a centipede and a walnut. I don’t know who dreamed about this kind of ghost thing, and then made it up to scare people. What a talent.

The sun in the current galaxy is very hot and can evaporate every ounce of water vapor exposed to the sun, but even so, the square outside the temple gate is still full of kneeling believers who come from all over the world to make pilgrimages.

They are pious and dedicated. Even if they only have a little food, they will put it on the plate held by the priest as a tribute. However, they starve in contentment.

But these had nothing to do with the death knell. He winked at the girls and quickly walked to a shakier place - the temple.

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