The Death Knell

Chapter 2431 The Transformation of the High Priest

There is also air conditioning or something similar in this temple. In short, it is not only very cool, but the air is also very fresh.

High roofs, gorgeous sculptures, white floors, and those burning candles, the smoke even carries the aroma of fruits.

The structure of this temple is a bit like a candied haws. After entering, there is a church where celebrations are held. After passing through the small door next to the church, you walk through a beautiful garden and arrive at a palace complex.

Odd's memory is of little use here. Even though he was once a superhero on this planet, he has never set foot in the realm of 'gods'.

Well, the place where the high priest and his men live is the realm of God. Everyone in the Broken Land knows that mortals will be condemned and spurned by God if they enter.

Without the map, Su Ming still had trouble, because according to logic, all he had to do was pick the most gorgeous, dazzling, and most heavily guarded place, and the high priest would definitely be there.

After arresting the person, leave and slowly proceed to a remote place to see what the conspiracy is behind the scenes.

While walking and watching along the way, Su Ming had also learned the partial language of this place from Oud's memory. He was able to understand the conversations of the priests, and found that two people happened to be on the way with the death knell.

So they walked in front, and Su Ming followed behind.

"Odd probably won't be able to come back this time." One of the people said this, with a look of pride on his face: "I heard from the high priest that the place called Earth is a purgatory on earth, and the indigenous creatures living there Savage and ferocious.”

"I think so too. He has been away for almost half a year, and he should have come back long ago." Another priest said this, and rubbed his hands happily: "Finally, another champion warrior was eliminated, and the people soon became popular. His brute strength will no longer be worshiped, and all faith will return to the embrace of my god.”

The first priest nodded: "Yes, the emperor doesn't like him either because he is from a civilian background, but those low-grade trash still want him to be a general, how is that possible? Haha."

"It's really disgusting. Just thinking about the stupid faces of those low-class people makes me feel so uncomfortable." The second priest held his chest and rolled his eyes exaggeratedly.

"Hehe, as long as one day it is proven that Odd is dead, God will definitely be angry again and collect various sacrifices from the whole country again. This time we can share more." The priest patted his white robe and said happily. : "So don't think the lower class people are stupid, they taste delicious!"

"Shh, don't let anyone hear it. Eating people to live forever is a secret that only our class can know." The second priest nervously covered the former's mouth, but soon, both of them were drooling and laughing.

The two people walked and chatted, and Su Ming, who was quietly following them, nodded repeatedly. It turned out that it was a method similar to printing indulgences, which was not very novel.

I just didn’t expect these priests to eat their own kind? There is no such information in Odd's memory.

‘Is Ode really delicious? ’ Su Ming asked about strangulation in his heart.

‘Hey. ’ The symbiote sent an idea, saying that it wasn’t really, just barely like chicken.

These two people were going to meet the high priest, and Deathstroke just asked them to lead the way. The beautiful grass and the beautiful pure white path reminded him of the presidential white house in Washington DC for some reason.

Following them through the doors guarded by lower-level priests, and walking through the long corridors, they finally came to a door and stopped.

This door is majestic enough, even more gorgeous than the door to Odin's Sleep. Although it is not golden, it is tens of meters high of pure white marble, carved with sun, moon, stars, flowers, trees and trees. This made Su Ming decide to take it down later. Remove it and take it away.

It’s time to replace the door of Kama Taj’s public restroom. Take it back and ask Modo to apply an anti-magic barrier, and then ask Xiao Wang to install a mechanism on the door. In this way, students will have to use their hands every time they want to use the restroom. By pushing the door open, you can also exercise your physical strength so that you can wield the sword in the future.

I just decided happily, how qualified I am as a supreme mage, and I don’t forget to train students when I am away from home.

The two priests did not knock on the door. They knelt down and kowtowed ten steps outside the door and began to recite prayers, because this room was not only the residence of the high priest, but also a place where God's eyes were often seen.

It doesn’t matter whether there is a god or not. What’s important is that life needs some sense of ritual.

After reciting the prayer three times, the two men stood up. They first took the water sent by the guards and washed their hands and rinsed their mouths. They waited patiently. After a while, someone spoke at the door:

"come in."

With the high priest's affirmation, dozens of guards in the corridor got busy. They took out high-tech big suction cups and fixed them on the door. Then dozens of people pulled the steel cable to open the door like a tug of war.

Along with the roaring sound, the door opened, and Su Ming, who had been staring at the door, felt his eyes light up!

It's really 'bright', the kind of light that reflects light.

This so-called room full of treasures is filled with all kinds of... mirrors.

Big and small, square and round, standing and lying, pointed and ribbed and chained, there are all kinds of things, but there are only mirrors.

A beam of artificial light shines directly into the room through the ceiling. These mirrors refract the light into fragments. There are dazzling scenes everywhere, and even the feet of everyone in the corridor are scattered spots of light.

The mercenary closed his eyes speechlessly. Is this the alien's treasure?

If it wasn't a magic mirror that could hold conversations, he wouldn't think it was worth anything.

Even Deadpool, who was imprisoned and gagged in a red translucent coffin, laughed so much that he hit his head on the coffin lid, not to mention Daisy and Wanda, who also looked like they wanted to laugh.

Looking at the luxurious bed in the room, there is an old alien with dark skin lying on the bed. He is leaning on the cushion and drinking fruit porridge.


Without hesitation, after Cloak confirmed that these mirrors were completely worthless, Su Ming silently ordered Strangler to start.

Countless black tentacles instantly burst out from behind him, passing through the skulls of most people in the corridor and the treasure house, sucking away their brains.

As miscellaneous useless memories flowed into Deathstroke's mind, the vitality of these people was completely wiped out.

The reason why I say most people is because they had a little accident.

Hello everyone, our official account will find red envelopes of gold and coins every day. You can get them as long as you follow them. The last benefit at the end of the year, please seize the opportunity. Public account [Book Friends Base Camp]

The high priest, who looked like he was about to die of old age and was lying on the bed drinking porridge, suddenly flew up from the bed when Strangler launched his attack. He escaped the fatal attack and only had a piece of flesh rubbed off on his ankle.

"Huh? It's interesting." Su Ming waved his hand and signaled Wanda to remove the invisibility circle: "Even a young and strong Odd wouldn't have been able to dodge my attack just now. How can you, a lying person, be like this?" agile?"

The high priest was floating in the air, his hands clenched into fists, and he spoke standard English: "Earthlings? I expected Odd's failure, but he was actually stupid enough to be touched at the door of his house, and even outside Even the guards didn’t notice you, you are all a bunch of losers!”

Strangulation digested the flesh and blood and provided new information to the host. This new information made Su Ming raise an eyebrow and look at the opponent in the air up and down.

The mercenary smiled and shook his head, taking out the God Killer and turning it into a dental drill: "I should ask you, how did you, a Skrull, get into this country? And why did you instruct Oder to attack the earth? Tell me. , behave well and I will let you die quickly."

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