The Death Knell

Chapter 2432 So that’s it

The high priest in front of him was not a member of Odd's race at all, nor was he the liar he was back then.

The old liar was killed by the new liar. This new liar was a Skrull, a born excellent lurker and spy.

Generally speaking, it is very difficult to distinguish transformed Skrulls scientifically, because the victims are completely imitated from the genetic level, and even super Skrulls can imitate super powers, or use their own super powers after transformation. , it can be said that it is impossible to guard against.

This is a cosmic-level problem. Even though the Kree and the Skrulls have been at war intermittently for millions of years, they still don’t have any good way to distinguish shape-shifting spies. There are some small methods, but they can’t be used. to screen the population on a large scale.

The usual method is to first suspect someone as a Skrull, and then work on one or several suspects. There is no real-time group detection mechanism for this.

But who calls Deathstroke the symbiote host?

No matter how sophisticated the equipment is, sometimes it cannot compare to a good tongue.

Wine and water look exactly the same, and it takes a long time for instruments to analyze the ingredients, but now you just need to smell or lick them, and the answer will come out immediately.

Strangler is such a gourmet. He has followed Deathstroke for so many years and has eaten countless things. He has also tasted the taste of a Super Skrull, which is exactly the same as the current one.

Although the genetic arrangement of those things was completely different, the taste was the same, which was enough for him to inform the host.

The high priest floated warily, trying to distance himself from Deathstroke: "I don't understand what you mean about Skrulls. I am the high priest of the Broken People and the Broken Land. My god will bless me!"

"Haha, actually what you are thinking about right now is 'Long Live the Queen', right?"

Su Ming asked Wanda to release Wade to guard the door, and then he flew up, not giving the opponent a chance to distance himself:

"You glanced at your feet when you spoke just now. This is a sign of guilty conscience. In addition, you should not use the cosmic translator. That thing determined that I was a human and automatically translated your words into English. The real The residents of the Broken Land don’t want to play with high-end foreign products like this..."

Seeing that there was no argument to be made, the high priest felt regretful and resentful. He gritted his teeth and took out the implant from behind his ear, threw it to the ground, and then transformed back into the appearance of a green body with pointed ears, and his body was ignited with cosmic energy.

"Human, you forced me to do this. The career I have been lurking for so long has come to nothing, and it's all because of you!"

He let out a distorted roar and then attacked Deathstroke.

Courage is admirable, but strength is lacking.

Su Ming kicked the flying Skrull away and broke a lot of mirrors. Judging from the opponent's speed and strength, this should be considered an elite among the Super Skrulls, with combat effectiveness and The fighting experience is quite good.

He was insidious and vicious, and he just wanted to steal Deathstroke's peach. This was indeed the style of Skrull's fighting skills.

However, the gap in strength is still there. Super Skrull is not bad, but Deathstroke is obviously much stronger. Of course, Deathstroke does not need to compete with the opponent in terms of strength and physical fitness, just relying on his brain is enough.

"Wanda, catch him."

Yes, the answer is that simple. Just tell the Scarlet Witch and the problem will be solved. There is a spellcaster in the team, why not use it?

Wanda was also very straightforward. After hearing the order, she didn't think at all. She gritted her teeth and raised her hand with a tense face.

A big red energy hand was shaped out of thin air, and then it fished out the strong Skrull from a pile of bad mirrors and pinched it.

This was the inspiration she got from Hogs' previous move to capture Odd, and it was the embodied application of energy.

Obviously, the difference in the form of energy is here. No matter how hard the other party struggles, there is no way to escape the shackles of magic.

The Skrull Empire is very powerful, with a vast territory and an extremely large fleet. The contemporary queen is even more skilled in martial arts and is assisted by the great general Carl Root.

But one of their most obvious weaknesses is that they only know technology and know nothing about magic. Now that they are caught by chaos magic, he still wants to break free with a look of horror on his face.

But if such a little soldier could escape, Wanda would not be one of the strongest people on earth.

The big red hand seemed to be holding an ice cream cone, and sent the Skrull to the death knell. The mercenary took off his mask, revealing his smiling one eye.

"Magic is a specialty of the earth. You have to try it. How about it? Are you satisfied with your treatment?"

"Bah! You don't want to get any news from me, Earthlings, your doom is coming soon, for the empire!" The unknown Skrull spat randomly, then shouted a slogan, tilted his head, and died.


Su Ming was not in a hurry, he just controlled the strangulation to read the memory. Anyway, once you get it, it doesn't matter whether you are dead or alive, as long as your brain is intact.

After a few seconds, he knew an interesting plan and the general plan of the Skrulls. The guy in front of him was just a soldier and didn't know much, but he could make some guesses based on the clues.

This is probably what happened -

After the explosion of their home planet, the Skrulls fled their homes in tears, but they did not dare to trouble Galactus, so they put all the blame on the Galactus messenger who led Galactus to eat.

It's the human with white hair, dead fish eyes, and naturally curly hair. The villain calls himself 'Gintama'.

They had a blood feud with this silver mother, and the surviving Skrulls all swore that even if they had to search the universe, they would find this person and kill him.

But after so many years, Galactus is still active everywhere, but the silver mother seems to have disappeared from the world and never appears again.

The Skrulls waited and searched, not to mention how miserable their lives were.

In the end, some smart people gave them a suggestion. Since you know that Yinta’s mother is a human, then go and get the earth. Wouldn’t this human appear to protect his home planet?

This is a good plan that will definitely save the enemy. After all, it was just to prevent Galactus from eating the Earth that Yinta’s mother led one of the creation gods to the Skrull home planet. Once the earth is in danger, Yinta’s mother will definitely We have to come out to save it.

The plan works! No matter if you want revenge, you still have to occupy the earth as compensation.

However, the Skrulls are not Shi'ar after all. They do not have the urge to fight. Instead, they launched a comprehensive infiltration of the earth. After learning that there were many superheroes on the backward planet, they even changed some conventional spies. How to play.

They want to find a cannon fodder, one that has nothing to do with Skrull, and throw it to the earth to cause damage and test the water by the way.

Thanks to the powerful intelligence system, they found the Broken Land, then selected Odd, who had destroyed many planets and was good at doing this, sent someone to take over the identity of the high priest, and then drove Odd to go to the earth for thunder. .

How should I put it, the plan was successful, and they did lead to the person they wanted. Although it was not Ginta's mother but Deathstroke, there was essentially no difference.

But here's the funny thing, even if Deathstroke stands face to face with the Skrulls, they don't know who he is, and they can't recognize their former enemies.

"It's done, Wanda opens the portal, and we're going to return to Earth. Also, Daisy, come over and help me dismantle these two doors, use a hammer to loosen the door frames, knock lightly, and I'll make a call."

"Do you know what's going on?"

Daisy took off with the hammer to work, looking at the death knell with big curious eyes, her long hair shaking as she struck.

"The Skrulls are fighting undeclared war, and I am ready to take the opportunity to formulate the rules of the solar system."

Su Ming asked Strangler to catch the fallen beautiful door and push it to the Kama Taj courtyard on the other side of the portal. He raised a finger to ask Daisy to wait because the emperor was communicating with his nuns:

"Efilar, launch the extermination order...yes, cyclone torpedo, now."

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