The Death Knell

Chapter 2433 Changing Doors

The time we returned to Earth happened to be the early morning of Karma Taj. The sky was still dark and there were stars hanging in the slightly bright sky. This was also the time when the apprentices went out for morning exercises.

This is the case with martial arts skills. You can practice Sanjiu in the winter and Sanfu in the summer. You can't stop it every day, even for a super warrior like Su Ming.

It is a little troublesome, but after all it is part of the strength, and if you want to maintain this strength, you need to pay a corresponding price.

After Deathstroke took over Kama Taj, the education for the students was more comprehensive and modern than in the ancient times.

Through commercial means, we exchange supplies with the Divine Spear Bureau and develop alien trade with places like Vanaheim, which reduces the time apprentices spend on farming and working. All this time is used for studying, practicing martial arts in the morning, learning magic at noon, and learning magic at night. Studying cultural courses has a full schedule.

You study six days a week and have one day off. During your break, you can go down the mountain to Huaxi Village or squat in the dormitory and surf the Internet. As long as you can pass the annual wizard exam.

At this time, the students were curiously looking at the white stone gate that was pushed out of the portal, and they were talking in low voices, their words full of curiosity.

They were talking about the details of these carvings, or the origin of this stone door, or guessing where the Supreme Mage had been before.

"Stop hanging around and continue your morning class!"

The shirtless master wearing black leather tights walked over, whipping the whip in his hand, and the students immediately lined up again to practice.

In fact, Karma Taj does not punish students corporally. This whip is a prop that Modo uses to whip himself to feel pleasure.

After understanding the advantages of the leather whip, he no longer used the 'Life Court Scepter' issued by the Holy Land. That kind of short stick could never scratch the itchy places.

Su Ming walked out of the portal. When Modu saw the students continuing to train, he turned around and saluted: "Master, you are back."

"Well, you go and replace this door with the toilet." The other end of the portal behind Deathstroke has turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the gushing magma finally poked its head out of the crimson vortex, but Wanda strangled it to death. On the other side: "There are more students in the Holy Land now. For example, the toilet door needs to be replaced with a durable one. Remember to add an anti-magic barrier, and use Antarctic vibranium to make the hinges and bolts."

"Your will be obeyed."

Modu smiled happily, his dark face full of joy, and then cast a spell and dragged the door away.

He likes to make people feel happy, and he feels very happy just thinking about the torture of the students who have to push the door hard to hold back their urine when they wake up at night.

Su Ming wandered around the square for a while, supervising the students' practice on Modu's behalf.

He found that Strange seemed to be in good condition today, and he danced with great force with his big sword. At least compared to the same batch of apprentices who entered Kama Taj, he was obviously more talented in hand-to-hand combat.

"If you ask me, you should send them to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to work as mercenaries. What can they do by cutting the air here?" Deadpool got behind his cousin, chewing something in his mouth.

Turning around, I saw that this guy had lifted the mask around his mouth, holding a handful of small orange fruits in his hand, and was eating a mouth full of juice.

"Where did you get this food from?" Su Ming looked at him with strange eyes and took a step back without leaving any trace.

"Picked over there." Wade pointed to the flower bed not far away and sniffed hard: "Do you want to eat it? It's really strange, why no one picks this beautiful fruit? Well, it tastes a bit gasoliney. The taste is really exciting.”

Deadpool is addicted to all kinds of special smells. For example, he will inhale the smell of gunpowder smoke from the barrel of the gun after shooting, and sometimes he will smell the butt of stray cats, etc.

Being addicted to the volatile smell of gasoline seems much more normal.

In a magical holy land like Kama Taj, flowers of different seasons bloom at the same time. The colorful flowers are particularly beautiful, and some fruit-loving plants also bear fruits at this time, bending their branches heavily.

For example, the small fruit that Deadpool is eating now looks like the size of a cherry tomato and the color is like a kumquat. It is grown on a low shrub and looks very golden and beautiful.

There was more pity in the eyes of the Supreme Mage, and he shook his head to reject his cousin's kindness: "This is the fruit of Coral Sakura, an ornamental fruit plant. Generally speaking, even cattle and horses don't eat this stuff, because... .”


Before he finished speaking, Deadpool's little hands began to tremble violently, and the uneaten fruits rolled to the ground. He covered his belly with his backhand:

"I can't. My stomach suddenly hurts so much that it's about to leak! Where is the toilet?"

"Run five hundred meters to the east from where we are on the playground, then turn left at the intersection and go to the edge of the cliff." Su Ming pointed the way, and then watched Wade cover his buttocks in a 'racing walk' style. Step away.

But just when his back was still within sight, a golden ring of fire appeared next to Deathstroke, and Mordo walked out with a cheerful smile:

"Master, the door has been installed. I have never seen such a heavy and strong door. Do you want to go over and try it?"

Su Ming sighed with a strange smile on his face: "No, you can continue to lead the students to practice. These two ladies and I will go to the living room first."

The three of them walked through promenades and gardens, past ponds and bamboo groves.

The living room is still the same, antique oriental style, but many foreigners are not used to crossing their legs, so Su Ming added some chairs.

We didn't come here for anything serious, we just wanted to have breakfast while collecting intelligence, so the three of them simply sat at the same table.

Master Hamil brought the teapot, and Su Ming made the tea himself and asked the two women, "What do you want to eat? I'll have it brought to you."

Daisy rubbed her belly. She was indeed a little hungry. If she hadn't disliked Wade's dirty hands just now, she might have eaten the fruit too.

When Deathstroke asked her about breakfast, she replied almost without thinking: "Since we are now in the territory of China, I will eat Xiao Long Baozi. I have eaten them in Chinatown, New York."

"Well, what about you? Wanda." Su Ming nodded to Hamil and asked him to write it down.

After all, the guardians are all the stewards of Karma Taj, and it is their job to arrange meals for guests.

The Scarlet Witch is not as relaxed as Daisy. After all, she is a mage and knows what kind of place Kama Taj is. She is somewhat reserved: "Just be like her."

"Okay, Hamil, go buy ten drawers of steamed buns and come back from the Qingfeng Main Store in Xinjiekou, Imperial City, and bring back two kilograms of soy milk." Deathstroke's armor turned into a white robe, indicating to the butler that he could go about his business.

"What about your cousin?" Hamil obviously knew that there were four of them when he came, but there were only three here.

Deathstroke shook his head, and he began to water the teapot: "Leave him alone, he is just like a monkey, he will find food by himself."

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