The Death Knell

Chapter 2449 Manslaughter of Chiyu

There is chaos in the streets in the distance, and a green figure is flying and laughing, like the kind of clown laughter you hear after walking into a circus.

Wherever he passed, explosions continued to occur on the road below, but the sound of laughter could not be covered up. Maybe some amplification equipment was used.

Thinking about it this way, I feel a little perverted.

"The green it a Skrull?!"

Daisy squinted her eyes and looked into the distance. The house she rented was on the first floor, and there were horses in the backyard. It was originally a dimly lit evening. After this perspective was obscured by smoke and chaotic crowds, it was really difficult to see the specific situation clearly. .

"Skrulls?" Hela paused the game and got close to Daisy: "Why are there aliens so unscrupulous on earth? Don't you have some enthusiastic vigilantes?"

"Many aliens do whatever they want. Maybe it's because the vigilantes have to receive the God-King from Asgard, so they don't have time?" Daisy glanced at Hela from the corner of her eyes and replied helplessly: "When did the Skrulls start? I don’t know who started the invasion of Earth, but they have been mixed in with the crowd, and so is the one standing in the corner over there.”

The God King who was hinted at didn't think there was anything wrong with her coming down to play. She looked at the motionless man in the corner and then at the dog lying not far away, with a look of surprise on her face:

"Is it a Skrull prisoner being controlled? I thought he was a servant. No wonder he didn't even blink."

"With my living environment, do you think there will be servants in my house?" Daisy walked around Hela and went to get the hammer from the hanger by the door: "You can continue playing, I will go out and catch him."

Hela reached out and grabbed the girl who was not holding the hammer, and smiled slightly: "Let me do it. I probably understand what you want to do, but with me here, you don't have to rush to find the death knell."

"What do you mean?" Daisy twisted her wrist, but Hela was obviously more powerful.

The goddess let go of her, and then slowly put her hands on her head. Her hairstyle instantly turned into a standing spider shape. The mask covering her eyes blocked her pale face, and dark green smoke flowed out from under her skirt. , and then turned into a black skirt suit.

An elegant sword with black light and stars flowing on it appeared in her hand. Hela opened the window and climbed out:

"Because I am the goddess of the underworld. If I need any information about the Skrulls, I just need to kill them and enslave the warm corpses or bones. The dead will naturally tell me the answer."

This method is similar to strangulation and brain-eating, but it is more magical.

Without waiting for Daisy to say anything, Hela rushed to the street, stretched out her sword and pointed at the sky, and the pavement beneath her feet expanded like a cake in an oven.

In fact, it was not expansion, but something pushing them up under the asphalt road. Soon the thing broke through the shackles and turned into a sharp black stone pillar, holding Hela straight into the sky.

She seemed to be standing on the head of a soaring black dragon, facing the little green man opposite, and a steady stream of thick smoke poured out from the 'Sword of the Night Sky' in her hand.

The streets, pedestrians, and surrounding buildings were all shrouded in darkness. The stars and moonlight in the sky disappeared, leaving only the cold light of the weapons in the darkness, which became the only coordinate.

The two sides walked towards each other, and the head-on encounter only lasted a moment. A large number of black stone thorns rushed out of the surface, forcing the other party in the direction of Hela.

Although she was half dead, she could still feel the joy of blood rushing to her head every time she fought. Hela let out a shrill laugh like a banshee, and roared like a howling wind:

"Ha! Skrull! I command you to die!"

"Wait, I'm not..." The flying opponent was a little flustered, and stepped on a strange aircraft that looked like a metal plate.

After seeing this kind of momentum that was difficult for ordinary people to understand, he tried to defend himself while trying to avoid the huge spikes that broke out of the ground in the darkness.

However, it was too late. The Asa clan's habit has always been to wait until the fight is over. If the other party can't take a single move, there is no need to communicate.


The moment of the confrontation was only between lightning and flint. Because the strength gap between the two sides was too large, when the green man passed by, his head was cut off by Hela.

The Sword of the Night Sky is Hela's treasure. It is no less mysterious than Gangnir. It is condensed from the miserable souls of the underworld. It can be said to be a sword-shaped staff that can only be made from dead people like Hela. use.

Although it is not as loud as a flaming sword like Valetin when used, it is definitely the most concealed killing weapon because everything happens in the dark.

But this kind of magical black mist will not affect the sword holder himself. Hela can clearly see everything that happens, and at the same time, she accurately catches the falling green head.

There was some sticky blood dripping from the broken neck, and Hela pulled the long green ears to make it easier to carry. She controlled the black stone under her feet to turn back in the air, and stood in the darkness, watching the headless corpse flying on the smoke. The skateboard fell and he showed a cold smile.

"A mere scum dares to go against the God-King of Asgard? I will enslave your remains for ten thousand years and go to the most filthy abyss of the nine worlds to swallow mud and feces, ohhhh... ..”

After laughing for a while, I felt better now.

Hela dispersed all the stone pillars in the darkness, repaired the ground with magic, picked up the headless body and broken skateboard over there, and easily climbed back through the window into Daisy's rental house.

She put away the sword, and the black smoke dissipated, and everything on the street returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

The pedestrians who were running away a moment ago were standing stupidly on the street, touching the tops of their heads, thinking about what happened.

Even though they looked pale after inhaling the breath of the underworld and would inevitably become seriously ill when they returned home, at least their lives were saved, right?

Hela looked around with the bloody head, found a square plate for baking cakes, threw the body and head on it, and pushed it to Daisy: "Kill it, if you serve me good wine If so, I wouldn’t mind manipulating this corpse to tell their intelligence story.”

But Daisy tilted her head, focusing more on the skateboard. The more she looked at it, the more it looked like it, and then she opened her mouth wide.

"You killed the wrong person. This is not a Skrull." The female Thor rubbed her head and took out half a bottle of leftover beer from the refrigerator and presented it to Hela: "This is a street bad guy, he seems to be called the Green Goblin. ? He is Spider-Man’s old enemy. He used to operate in the area of ​​Manhattan near Queens and never came to Brooklyn."

"It doesn't matter, he would not regret ruining my fun." Hela took the beer with a bit of disgust, unscrewed the cap and smelled it: "Have you ever drank this?"

"My roommate drank it and I put it in the refrigerator."

Daisy stretched out her hand expressionlessly, trying to close the Green Goblin's staring eyes:

"Her father is a fraudster. She used to live a luxurious life like a top lady, but then she went bankrupt and had to live with me. Now she still has many bad habits, such as leaving half-eaten snacks and not drinking half-drunk wine. ,Such a waste."

The God King threw the wine bottle out of the window with a backhand, then changed his armor, let his hair down, and continued walking towards the game console:

"I'm so sour that I can't drink. Go buy me some wine. You still have a Skrull prisoner. I'll help you investigate after I get some wine."

"Wait..." Daisy noticed something was wrong: "Are you going to stay at my house and never leave?"

"I am the God King of Asgard. When I live here with you, you should say 'the sun shines brightly'." Hela said with a smile, and then moved her little hand to continue the game. The music came from the TV again, and she His voice was relaxed and casual: "Go and get some wine, and two more roast pigs."

Daisy scratched her head frantically. She felt like she was going to collapse. She spun around in circles, just so at a loss.

She asked from the bottom of her heart: "Don't you have anywhere else to go? As the god of the dead, why do you still eat roast pig? And don't put the body on the cake baking plate!"

"I don't know many people on earth, including Deathstroke, Satana, Ghost Rider, and you, but you are the only one who has a game console here." Hela dug around in her clothes and took out a gold ingot to throw away. To Daisy: "I know you also want to get along with me for a long time. It's just because of poverty that you are in such a difficult situation now. It doesn't matter. I'll spend this."

After catching the ten kilogram gold ingot, Daisy, who had no hammer on her body, was almost knocked down. She opened her mouth, but in the end she still showed a smile:

"What do you like to drink?"

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