The Death Knell

Chapter 2450 Elimination Method

"So, do you think the Skrulls appeared on Earth because there was a traitor among humans?"

Carol sat on the coffee table, then played with the wine glass. She looked at Yondu in front of her. This blue-skinned man always felt like a Kree, which made her feel a little dazed.

Yondu held the sides of his hips and tried his best to keep a little distance from the fat snake girl. He drank a lot of strong wine to relieve the pain and nodded affirmatively:

"Is this inevitable? Anyone who frequents the Milky Way nowadays doesn't know that the Earth is not a good place to go. It has all-round protection from magic, and you patrol the Earth from time to time in the physical space. Even if you are smuggling, you can't It has to be profitable, there is no need to risk your life just for a little money.”

Star-Lord also held a bottle of wine, sat next to Yondu and rubbed his chin:

"Is there really such a desperado? You once told me that some people want money rather than their lives. For example, that ugly guy on your ship, who is called...'Bad Face'?" "

Yondu touched the red 'crown' on his head, grinned and showed his gold teeth:

"There are such people among the Predators, I don't deny it, but the prerequisite for taking risks is the possibility of success. The earth is now run like an iron barrel. If nothing else, not long ago, the Zerg from another dimension invaded there, and the scene was But it wasn’t just the people on Earth who saw it, and it scared a lot of people away.”

There is a particularly sweet smell in the office. I wonder what kind of spice the snake girl used, and the temperature in the room is also a bit high.

I have to say that she was able to run a shop in Xandar's black market. It seemed that the business was doing well. She was not a fool. After Deathstroke and his party came, she brought fruits and sent alien cigarettes. Smiling very attentively.

Su Ming took a hookah, which was said to be fine tobacco from a spice planet. He took a few puffs and said:

"So, the only loophole in defense is technology, some kind of technological teleportation."

"That's right, plus it's hard to guard against domestic thieves." Yondu nodded, poured himself another glass of wine, grinned and took a breath: "I can guarantee that no one among the predators is connected to the earth. In the smuggling business, no one usually travels along the waterway near the earth. Once you leave, you will be a lonely ship floating in the unprotected space. It is too conspicuous and cannot be discovered. "

Deathstroke thought for a moment and put the cigarette pot in his hand on the table: "It doesn't matter what you say. Contact Star Eagle first and ask him."

"Do you still know Starhawk?"

Yondu was a little curious, but he still obediently took out the communicator from his jacket. This small device could contact the ship parked in the star port, and then communicate with the universe through the high-power equipment on the ship.

Of course, the distance cannot be too far, otherwise a planet-level communication matrix will be used. Such large-scale equipment can only be used by empires at the level of Kree and Shi'ar. It requires transforming an entire planet into a signal amplifier.

"I know there is such a person, and I know that his reputation among the predators is better than yours." Su Ming continued to smoke calmly, waiting for the blue man to dial.

"Haha, you are wrong. Starhawk is too rigid. He and his sister are not as open as people like me. As predators, you still have to focus on money. There is no need to impose a bunch of rules on yourself."

Yondu raised the terminal, and soon a blue light projection came out of the device, forming an avatar of an iron-blooded man who looked like Stallone.

"Yondu, is something wrong?"

For some reason, as soon as Star Eagle opened his mouth, Su Ming always felt that this man had a red cloth tied on his head and a heavy machine gun in his hand.

But those were all illusions. The reality was that Yondu and Starhawk began to have friendly exchanges, such as asking Starhawk if he and his sister had children due to incest. The two bickered for a few words, and then got down to business, asking if anyone had gone to Earth recently. Smuggling Skrulls or some cargo.

The tough guy's attitude was much more rigorous than that of the blue man. He asked his crew to check the star map shared by everyone recently, and contacted some people for secondary inquiries. After struggling for a while, he gave a negative answer. s answer.

"At least this year, no spacecraft among the Predators has passed through that star field. Why do you ask?"

Starhawk was very interested. He settled the matter first and then asked Yondu what he wanted the information for.

"It's not that I want to pry, but the people in charge of the Earth came to me. Now the Skrulls want to cause destruction on the Earth, and the Earth is suspicious of our smuggling route." Yondu put the communicator on his knees and put his hands on it. He poured the wine himself, looking very helpless.

"Is it the death knell?" Star Eagle understood immediately. The camera didn't even capture Su Ming, so he knew who the real owner was.

"It's me, hello." Su Ming picked up the communicator and put it facing him.

"The Eagle God mentioned you to me, and I often heard your name in Contrasia." Star Eagle patted its chest and saluted according to the predator's habit: "But the answer I can give is still the same, There is no one among the looters involved in this matter, you have the wrong person.”

Su Ming smiled and nodded without showing any doubt: "I believe in you, and on behalf of Emperor Weishan, I would like to say hello to the Eagle God behind you. We can meet and chat next time you come to Contrasia. Now I I probably have an idea and I need to catch the thief."

The tough guy acted resolutely, and with just a nod, he took the initiative to cut off the communication, and the only sound left in the office was the sound of eating fruit.

Everyone turned their attention to Gamora, who was eating until her mouth was red. She shrugged innocently: "What? Can't eat fruit? I'm hungry!"

"Let's go, Star-Lord, take your people and ship with me to Titan." Su Ming returned the communicator to Yondu, stood up, patted his butt and prepared to leave: "After excluding the predators, then Think about the scope of technological teleportation. Only that ruin in the solar system is most suitable for installing teleportation equipment. Thanos may be taking revenge on me..."

"Normal people won't go, right?! And why does Thanos want to take revenge on you?" Star-Lord dropped the wine glass in his hand and was about to leave, still complaining: "I heard that the big purple-skinned guy is everyone He has to go back to Titan every year on Earth to visit his grave. It would be tragic if ordinary people went there to rob tombs and were blocked by him."

"Thanos...revenge?" Gamora, who was eating fruit, lowered her head, thoughtfully. She seemed to have found some inspiration.

"I'll go with you too." Yongdu glanced at the snake girl, preparing to take the opportunity to escape.

However, Star-Lord stretched out a leg and started dancing on the spot, thrusting his chest and hips, making all kinds of disgusting movements, and forced Yondu back to sit on the sofa.

While making seductive movements, he smiled strangely at the snake girl and said, "Ms. Tenderness, Yondu seems to have drunk a little too much and is a little unsteady on his feet. You must take good care of him."

The snake girl's eyes lit up, she turned into a mountain of flesh and pressed Yondu down again, and said in a sweet voice: "Okay, don't worry, little Star-Lord, this is Yondu's home, he can stay as long as he wants. ....."

"Haha, that couldn't be better." Star-Lord held back his smile and turned away, Yondu's curse came from behind.

As we enter the new year, thank you all for your support and companionship to Tuanzi in the past 2020. Today is New Year's Day, and we are still updating as normal. I wish you all a happy New Year, good health, and a smile. May the Year of the Ox get better and better!

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