The Death Knell

Chapter 2451 Welcome to SHIELD

Another series of jumps. This time Elsa was smart. She simply left her body before the jump started, perfectly avoiding the symptoms of seasickness.

That's not to say that teleportation magic can't be used, but it's like a taxi, you pay the price based on distance. It's still a little too far from Xandar to the solar system. There are spaceships available, so there's no need to pay the unnecessary price.

The small spaceship broke away from the bizarre jump tunnel, and sprayed blue flames from the tail of the ship and flew towards the blue planet in front of it. Under the sunlight, its edges shone brightly, and various lightning and lightning were constantly surging under the atmosphere. The storm is like an ice flower.

However, the brown Saturn not far away still occupied a large area of ​​everyone's field of vision. The huge ice crystal star ring was rotating rapidly and was very beautiful.

"Titan, another planet with an atmosphere in the solar system." Su Ming touched his chin and said with some emotion: "Earth scientists even believe that its environment is more similar to the ancient Earth. They often observe it endlessly, trying to Study the origins of life.”

"That was before. It is said that this place was once a prosperous and extremely prosperous place." Star-Lord put on one earphone and drove the spaceship with his head shaking: "Not to mention green mountains and green waters, there is also extremely developed anti-gravity technology. Of course, I don't have it. Saw it."

As the spacecraft entered the atmosphere, what everyone saw was ruins everywhere.

All the original floating plates crashed to destroy all his compatriots. Every time I see this, I always have a new understanding of Thanos's cruelty.

The tail of the spacecraft twisted, and several engines sprayed flames downwards. It landed on a slightly flat ruin, blowing up circles of dust and gravel.

"Mantis will stay here to look after the house, and everyone else will follow me."

Star-Lord turned off the thrusters, turned on the optical invisibility function, and then stood up to check his weapons.

Mantis girl nodded. She sat in the correspondent's seat and didn't speak much during the whole journey, as if she was shy.

"I've finally waited for this day... Where is Thanos? I'm going to kill him!" Drax took out his dagger and rubbed the blade back and forth on his strong chest.

This gray-skinned man didn't even have chest hair, and there were some red tattoos on his chest. They had no friction and were not suitable for sharpening a knife.

"He's not here." Gamora walked towards the back cabin, putting his hand on the holster on his waist: "I can feel it on my scalp. If I, who betrayed him, appear in his sight, I will die. It’s decided, this feeling is called a sign of death.”

Star-Lord patted her on the back and walked to the back cabin together: "Be optimistic, Gamora, we have Deathstroke and Captain Marvel with us, so we can still be 50-50 against Thanos, right? Are you right, Slade? ?”

Su Ming followed the two of them with his arms folded. Walking beside him were Carol and Elsa. After listening to Star-Lord's words and looking at his flattering expression, the mercenary decided to tell him the truth:

"The strength of Thanos lies not only in his fighting power, but also in his brain, which is no different from a mental illness. My means of restraining him are very limited, and some of them are not yet timely... Besides, this time's handwriting is not good. Like Thanos, this conspiracy seems too low-key, not that purple potato style."

Peter tilted his head. Is mental illness so great? And what the hell is purple sweet potato?


At the same time, on Earth, another Peter was hanging upside down from the ceiling, listening to Coulson and Tony's meeting.

Skye finished telling what happened to everyone, but when she saw Captain America and the others being captured, she didn't know what happened after that. At this time, the girl, like Peter, couldn't join in the conversation at all.

"So, there is a way of locating the Skrulls. When the Skrulls were captured, a large force came to check quickly and defeated the captain and the others."

Wearing a black tights, Mei looked dashing and still maintained a good figure even though she was nearly forty years old.

"Ordinary Skrulls probably don't have this equipment in their hands." Tony pinched the beard on his chin and stroked the black hair back and forth: "There may be a leader among them who can know where the others are. "

"I have to inform the director that the Skrull we brought back may have exposed the location of the raft." Coulson kept dialing the communicator, but Fury didn't know what he was doing and could not get in touch.

There were about ten people crowded into the small room. This environment made the hairless agent a little anxious.

Peter, who was hanging upside down, held his fingers in his mouth and suddenly said: "A raft? Is it the kind I imagined? Several logs are woven together with rattan. You let the aliens walk on the plank on the sea and hold the gun on it. Holding their backs and forcing them to dive, but only giving them a small raft, it's very Pirates of the Caribbean style."

Tony smiled smartly, shook his head repeatedly, and the edges of his beard curled up, and he said:

"No, young man, it's not what you think. The raft is a code name. Essentially, it is a high-tech prison I designed for SHIELD. It can switch between water and underwater states. It has no fixed location and is in the water. It can still cruise at a speed of 24 knots in a concealed situation, and only needs to come up for ventilation for three hours a month."

Peter shook his head repeatedly, bent his legs together and used the soles of his feet to catch the thread: "No, that should be called a submarine. Everyone on earth knows that a raft is a surface vehicle. Your name is unreasonable, unless... ..”

When Xiao Chong puts on the hood, it's like awakening another personality.

He is usually shy, introverted, and blushes when talking to girls.

However, when he puts on the mask and becomes Spider-Man, he becomes a talkative, chattering character who likes to chat with people.

"Yes, that's the one unless." Iron Man's smile became even more proud. He took out the half-smoked cigar and lit it again: "This underwater ship is square, and the raft I designed is a giant cube. Now that there is technology that can solve the problem of sonar echo, it doesn’t matter what shape it takes.”

"So that's it." Peter suddenly realized, he knocked his palm with his fist, and then tilted his head: "Then why don't you call it a Rubik's Cube?"

"Good question, because it can't deform. If its structure can be disassembled and assembled at will, and moved back and forth between each other, then that's a good name." Iron Man exhaled a puff of smoke and flicked the ash to the side: "What if this prison is equipped with When it is full, I will consider your suggestions when designing the next generation of prisons. How about it? Do you want to join me in Stark Industries and make some experimental inventions together?"

As they talked, the topic turned to persuasion. Tony admired Peter's talent for a middle school student who could invent something like a spider silk launcher.

"Is now the time to talk about this?" Coulson interrupted the conversation between the big one and the small one, and he couldn't hold on to his smile: "I can't contact the director, but those Skrulls may have already moved towards I went on the raft, and I just got new news that someone killed the Green Goblin with one move in a street fight, and now there is no trace of that guy’s body.”

"Who killed the Green Goblin?!" Spider-Man jumped down from the ceiling: "He should have been imprisoned, not died in a lynching."

"There was no lynching at all. According to witnesses, the Green Goblin fought with a strange woman. The battlefield was suddenly enveloped in black smoke. Then people heard the woman laughing. Then the smoke dissipated, leaving only a large pool of green blood on the ground. .”

Coulson sighed, he knew the existence of the Green Goblin, and even knew who that person was.

However, Norman Osborn was a person covered by the military and had been helping them research individual aircraft and enhanced serum. Now that he has been killed, I wonder if the military will cause trouble for the heroine. .

"Um, can I leave?"

Skye, who had been listening, pointed to the window, but the cavalryman grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back with a smile:

"You can't leave. You know so many secrets and you are still a hacker of the Rising Tide Organization. We will not let you leave. You only have two choices. You are so smart, you must know what I mean, right?"

The hacker girl opened her mouth and swallowed with a gulp: "Stop talking, I understand what you mean, I want to live."

Colson immediately came over, smiled, shook hands with her, and suddenly pricked her with a needle.

"Ouch!" Skye retracted his arm and kept rubbing it: "What does this mean? Is it a poisonous needle used to kill mouths?"

Coulson looked at the place where the skin test was done. There were no allergy symptoms on the wrist. He smiled and put away the small syringe and shook his head at the girl: "You passed the test. You are indeed from Earth. Welcome to join SHIELD. Iron Man and Spider-Man are your guarantors, don’t let them down.”

"Wait, when..."

Tony blinked and wanted to interrupt, but Colson seemed to be escaping and turned around and walked to the rooftop:

"Everyone get moving and return to the Quinjet. Take the computer host with you. Let's go to the raft first."

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