The Death Knell

Chapter 2452: Colleagues snatch lives

"I roll, I turn, I climb."

In the dark office building, Deadpool was talking to the non-existent audience while performing various tactical actions, moving back and forth between desks:

"Have you learned this? Finding bunkers is the first step to survive in the modern urban battlefield. You must make sure you hide your head. Lowering your head is the most important thing. Whether you can see the enemy is another matter. When shooting, just be careful. Guess where they are, then reach out and fire suppressive fire."

He learned this when he was a young soldier in Africa. The black uncles there could always fire from behind the bunker in various unexpected positions.

While explaining, he also performed actions, such as putting his head on the ground and raising his butt high.

Because the side area of ​​the small table was limited, he could only curl up and hide. If he covered his head, he could not cover the other side.

The office building of Straker Enterprises is very spacious, with thousands of square meters on the first floor. The floor is so dark that you can't even see your fingers. It can only be illuminated by the little genius child's watch. His target is the chairman's office located in the middle of the floor. .

There is light there, the dwarf must not have gotten off work yet, and all the staff here have been driven away.

Some Grande bosses have this habit. After closing the business, they like to drive all their employees away and count the money by themselves in the office. It seems that if someone sees the banknotes or hears the sound of coins colliding, then he will lose money.

"No wonder Cable, the man from the future, chose this time to take action, perfect timing." Even someone like Deadpool, who doesn't care about timing, thought this was great. He squirmed forward on the ground, avoiding the imaginary existence. Laser Siren: "How about I give him a project as a bonus? Kill one and get one free? Does the dwarf have a wife and children?"

"..." The non-existent audience said something to him.

"All of them are dead a long time ago? Not now? Then kill his gardener. According to my experience, if a rich and powerful middle-aged man does not have a wife or lover, then he will definitely end up with a strong and dull man. The gardener has a leg. Either a driver or a personal doctor. In short, he must be a man, the kind who can make him stand obediently. "

Deadpool touched his pocket and took out a small pistol. He gently turned on the silencer and spoke loudly, proudly sharing his 'wisdom'.

The silk fanny pack was given to him by his cousin. He used to keep it in his trouser pocket, but when he lost his trousers while swimming in the Ganges, he only had time to take out the bag.

"This old guy asked a good question, what if I kill the wrong person? In fact, right or wrong is not important. I am giving him a killing quota, purely because I want to make Diansuo a friend. He knows that I kill more for him. If you meet someone, you will definitely be very moved, and the more innocent the person is, the more moved he will be, taste it carefully, quack quack..."

Being a little tired from imitating a cockroach crawling, he simply put the gun in his mouth, completely relaxed his limbs, and started to squirm like a caterpillar using the power of his waist and hips.

That's right, although you can't see it, [Biquge] must have monitoring and alarm equipment above your head. This is the safest way to move forward!

He believed so firmly.

However, at this moment, a person suddenly ran from behind, bending down and running like a ninja. He passed by Deadpool in a swish and ran towards the office.

"I'm going to go! This is a foul." Deadpool also got up and ran as fast as he could: "I was here first! Wait a minute, let me kill the dwarf, can you refill the gun?"

Running in front of him was a figure dressed all in black. He looked like a bank robber. Two holes were cut out in his mask, only a pair of eyes were exposed. He turned his head and spit out the fragrance:

"Silly X, what are you thinking? This business is mine!"

Deadpool wasn't angry at all when he was called stupid. His attention was not on this aspect at all, because this shadow was a girl!

Although I can't see my face, my voice is nice and my figure can barely be seen to be hot in the dark. That's enough.

He ran faster and stretched out his black hand. When the opponent's butt was only a few centimeters away from the tip of the claw...

Suddenly, Deadpool stepped on a banana peel and fell down.

"Hey, why are there banana peels here?" He spit out the gun from his mouth, spit out a few more teeth, rubbed his knees and got up: "This cleaning company is too bad, bad reviews."

After saying these nonsense, he continued to chase the woman in front of him. It didn't matter what the mission was or not. He just wanted to ask her name and if he could make a date.

But at this moment, the person running in front suddenly stopped, because in the other direction, a third person appeared again, a woman holding two revolvers.

One gun was aimed at the shadow man, the other was aimed at Deadpool, and the third person let out a hearty laugh:

"If you don't want to die, get away. This dwarf is my target."

Deadpool sighed and turned towards the air on the other side: "By the way, how many people did this unfortunate dwarf provoke? Why do we have to queue up to kill him? How many mercenaries and assassins are active in New York now? This is a bit involuntarily It’s serious…”

The three of them stood in a stalemate in front of Straker's office. They were not in a hurry anyway. After all, there was only one door. This house had a very simple "mouth" structure, right in the center of this floor.

The shadow took off her hood, revealing a black and white face that looked a bit like a giant panda. She smiled slightly:

"I bet you can't shoot me."


The blond woman wearing a cowboy hat raised the muzzle of the gun, and her huge bust also trembled. Deadpool's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw it, and he kept swallowing his saliva.

I also heard the cowboy girl say:

"You want to bet that there are no bullets in my gun? Honey, this is a Colt revolver. Can you tell if there are any bullets in the magazine?"

The black and white girl also pulled out her guns like magic, pointing one at the cowboy and the other at Deadpool. She said calmly: "There are six bullets in the magazine. I saw it, but I bet you to shoot." Exploded chamber."

The atmosphere became tense, both women looked at each other with squinted eyes, and neither of them made any rash move.

"You two beauties are so powerful." Wade wiped his nosebleed, and he also raised his gun, bent down and walked between the two of them: "Don't get excited, it will be terrible if something goes wrong. , does anyone know me?"

"Deadpool, I know you are a regular at Sister Margaret's Bar." The girl with black and white face spoke first, glancing at Deadpool's crotch with a half-smile. This was the first time she saw someone wearing crotchless pants, bare crotchless. The arms come out to do the task.

The cowgirl kept staring at the black and white girl's eyes, and of course her eyes also fell on Deadpool's part.

Different from the former, she smiled, licked her lips, and swallowed: "I also know your name, and I have watched the movie starring you. Is there a full version?"

"We will discuss the matter of fan autographs together when we have time. You can sign wherever and however you want."

Deadpool smiled proudly, rubbed the dead skin on his body, and said quickly:

"Since you all know me, why don't we come up with a deal? How about we cooperate? Anyway, our employers should be different people, so there is room for maneuver. The panda will use his heart to do the business, and the cowboy will use his head. I will spend some time. Jin, take away his headless body."

The two women thought for a while and slowly put down the weapons in their hands. The panda girl was more indifferent, since she was very confident in her luck anyway.

This time it must not be the same employer, and there must be no commission points.

"My name is Domino, a hired assassin who just came to New York recently." The woman with a black eye said.

The cowgirl also tapped the brim of her hat with the barrel of her gun, turned to look at the light-filled office, as if looking at a treasure chest with a crack, and replied casually: "Outlaw, mercenary, German Texas."

When Wade saw that the relationship between the two women had eased, he rubbed his hands happily, raised his small pistol and stood in the middle, ready to kick the door: "Then we have reached a consensus, the payday is here, baby!"

He laughed and kicked open the door. The red top he wore as pants was now flying like a skirt!

But the door was not a panicked dwarf, but a giant silver-white robot, folded in the corner like moving mercury. After seeing a few people, it suddenly began to expand and deform, turning into a murderous weapon, and also emitted electronic energy. sound:

"The X gene has been detected, the target is the mutant invader, the extermination program has been started, and the ability is being adapted."

"Oh..." Seeing the Sentry robot's arms turning into miniguns, Deadpool put down the small pistol in his hand, knocked on his head, and stuck out his tongue: "You're out of luck. Hey!"

The next second, the two women dived to the left and right sides respectively, and Deadpool, who was unable to escape, was beaten into a rag by the dense metal storm.

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