The Death Knell

Chapter 2453 Good Brother Cable

"Are you a mutant too?!"

Domino leaned against the wall and asked loudly towards the outlaw on the other side of the door.

The door frame was constantly hit by bullets and splashed with cement fragments, but she didn't even have to turn her face to avoid it, or even blink.

Because with any luck, bullets and fragments would go around her.

"You too?" Inez put both guns in one hand and used her free hand to drag Deadpool back with his upper body missing.

She had seen the video of Deadpool and the monster, in which he showed amazing resilience.

This girl is different from others. After watching the movie, not only did she not find Deadpool disgusting, but she found it very exciting. She liked the rough gameplay.

"Great! The three of us are all mutants, but that dwarf put a sentry robot in the office!" Domino answered this question in disguise. Of course she is a mutant, and she estimates that her level is not low.

"We have to think of a way, what is your ability?" Inez watched as Deadpool quickly healed himself. He already had a human-like outline, but for the time being, he had no fighting power and could only ask Domino some basic questions.

Sentinel robots can analyze their opponents' superpowers and develop restrained abilities to defeat them. This is their magic weapon for winning against mutants.

According to conventional thinking, Inez must first understand the abilities of her own personnel before she can deduce what abilities the sentinels will evolve.

"My superpower is good luck, very good luck."

While answering the question, Domino got through from the other side of the door. It happened that the sentry's gun jammed at this time, so she came over unscathed and easily.

She had just brushed over one second, and the next second metal jets began to pour out from the door again.

The two women were leaning side by side, with the squirming Deadpool in front of them. The Outlaw was stunned for a moment: "Is good luck a superpower?"

"Why not? When your luck is as good as mine, this is a superpower." Domino shrugged and took out a grenade from his pocket: "What is your ability?"

"I'm very strong. Although I may not be as strong as the Hulk or Red Tank, crushing someone's head is like crushing a grape." Inez said her most remarkable ability. In fact, she also has some self-healing abilities. , although not as fast as Deadpool, it still allows her to be beaten very hard.

But now that the trio already has a ready-made human shield, why should I take the shot? It will hurt if I get injured.

"Are we talking about superpowers? Then my superpower is to be super handsome." Deadpool suddenly sat up and spat to the side. His mask had been shattered and he was now in the original cow dung and avocado state. : "Let me deal with this robot. In order to counteract my super power, it should turn into a beautiful woman, so that I can kill it."

"...Is there a bullet stuck in your head?" Domino rolled her eyes. She pulled the fuse of the grenade and threw it into the door with her backhand: "You can't become a beauty no matter how hard you think, can you?"

"Giggles, what an interesting man. Do you want to make a date when things are over here?" The Outlaw smiled. She also had some mental problems: "You'd better save some strength."

"Are you so proactive? Although I have a girlfriend... but my belief is that the greater the ability, the less responsible. Therefore, you decide the location and I will pay for the room."

Deadpool smiled crookedly, like a hole in a rotten lychee shell.

At this time, the grenade thrown in by Domino exploded. Ordinary grenades were originally ineffective against the sentry robot, but the sentry inside happened to hear them discussing superpowers and wanted to restrain it by transforming.

However, because Deadpool intervened, it didn't know what to do to respond. A logic error occurred and it was stuck in the factory default incapacitated state.

As a result, one of its legs was blown off and it was temporarily unable to move.

"Now!" Deadpool jumped up, took off the rag around his waist, jumped into the office, and accurately put the clothes on the head of the Sentinel robot.

The sensor of the Sentinel robot is located on the head, and it is designed as a humanoid mecha, which is its biggest flaw.

Originally, it could reach out and tear off the things blocking its view, but Deadpool wouldn't give it a chance.

"The sodium carbonate steel weapon that Dr. Doom gave me just arrived. Originally, I planned to use it to stab the little wolf, but today..." Deadpool pulled out a samurai sword from his pocket and drew it directly from The back of the head stabbed the tall robot through the head: "It's not bad to stab a tall guy."

With sparks flying, perhaps due to Domino's lucky halo, this casual stab happened to destroy the robot's core chip.

Inez then rushed in and tore the robot that had lost its superpowers to pieces with his bare hands. The arms and legs were scattered everywhere and even embedded in the wall.

After all this was over, the three of them looked at each other and smiled.

"We seem to get along quite well." Domino walked into the room and searched around, first looking for a dark room or a secret passage: "Maybe we can go out for a drink together after work is over. We should celebrate for blowing up a sentry robot so happily."

"No problem, just choose Sister Margaret's Bar." Inez nodded, she moved a chair and checked the ceiling: "I just don't know if there is a place if I go late. Recently, people in the mercenary industry have become more and more popular. There are more and more of them coming, it’s like being affected by the earth’s magnetic field, it’s weird.”

Domino's dark circles moved, and he smiled: "I'm lucky enough, there must be a box. But we only met tonight, and we are not very close. If there is a conflict in the next mission, I will still kill you." "

"That's what I want to say. Don't worry, our good sisterhood is only for tonight."

The Outlaw has no objection. On the contrary, she really likes Domino.

It was common for mercenaries to fall out and deny each other, and it was common for mercenaries to stab teammates in the back. For example, Domino made things clear and stated, which made him appear more open and aboveboard.

Texas girls like people who are direct and don't play with those meandering things.

The excited Deadpool on the side was imagining something, something that was indescribable and unspeakable.

His saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth, moistening the rotting skin, like a stream flowing through a dead skunk carcass. Then he woke up, shuddered, and sucked the saliva back with a smile.


Could it be that Diansuo specifically chose this time to hire him just to introduce beautiful women to him? What a good brother!

But business is still important.

He rolled his eyes and looked around the office, then got under the huge desk and started cutting and tearing the carpet:

"Our target is a dwarf. Even if there is a secret passage, it won't be on the ceiling. I guess it'"

As he spoke, he lifted up a piece of floorboard with a knife and stuck his head down to take a look.

It was a narrow tunnel similar to a ventilation duct. Unfortunately, the size of the three people present obviously made it impossible to get into it and chase the escaping dwarf.

"Damn, he got away."

Inez jumped off the chair and clenched the edge of her denim shorts with both hands. Her big white legs were very dazzling in the light.

Domino was very calm. She even took out a cigarette to smoke, and said with a relaxed expression: "I bet his passage was collapsed by the explosion just now, and there is no other exit through the secret passage."

"If your superpowers are really that powerful, then this matter would be easy to handle." Deadpool dug into his bag and took out a large bag of marijuana leaves stolen from Afu's house. The packaging looked like a sofa cushion. Then he took out a hair dryer and said, "We smoked him out like a rat. Who brought the fire? I usually use my cousin's."

With two clicks, the two women put the lighters in front of him, and the flames flickered so beautifully.

Wade laughed up to the sky, lit the marijuana and let it smolder in the bag, then threw it deep into the tunnel, and then used a hair dryer to blow it inside:

"Ha! Beauties, I find that I have fallen in love with you."

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