The Death Knell

Chapter 2467 Mutant Utopia

"I can't help you with anything, Mr. Stark, please go back."

On the small island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Professor

"I can add more money." Tony waved the checkbook in his hand without giving up, and shouted towards the bald figure: "Since you want to build a country, you must need supplies. I have a lot of money, and I can also sponsor you with various equipment. , let’s discuss it again?”

The wheelchair stopped [Biquge], but Charles did not want to negotiate. He turned around with a smile:

"My parents were once colleagues of your father, and I am also very familiar with Howard. Son, when will you understand that money is not everything, and there are many things in the world that money cannot buy, you will understand my decision today. .”

"I understand! But I also understand that you can't do it without money. Make a price, or just lend us the brainwave amplifier." Tony took a few steps closer, and he bent down and looked at Charles: "We It’s not that I want to use your ability to do bad things, it’s just to find the Skrulls lurking on the earth. You can protect the earth and make money at the same time, so why not do it?”

"Because there are other ways to protect the earth, letting me use my ability to scan the minds of humans around the world and read their memories is the stupidest one among them."

Charles did not change because of Tony's excitement. He still had a warm smile:

"A bright excuse cannot alleviate my sin of spying on everyone's memories. This is immoral and illegal, and it goes against my long-standing principles. I will not lend the brainwave amplifier to you, White Queen or Others may trade with you, but I have the final say in my school, so please go back now."

Facing Professor

His money-making ability failed more than once today, which made him feel a little at a loss.

Growing up, he rarely encountered things that couldn't be solved with money, except for the death of his parents.

And this association made his hands and feet cold.

He swallowed and sniffed sharply: "What about other things? How about I trade it with you for other things? If you want to build a country, I can help you bribe your congressmen, let the United States also issue a statement to support you, and even relax its policy on mutants." Human Surveillance Policy.”

"Policies and regulations can be changed overnight, but people's hearts will not." Charles' eyes were full of wisdom, and he shook his head: "The goal of our X-Men has always been to change people's innermost feelings of discrimination and hatred towards mutants, and eliminate them. Misunderstandings and contradictions. You can buy the mouths and votes of congressmen, but you cannot buy the hearts of the people. This behavior is meaningless."

"How about preventing the military from taking possible actions against you? For example, reducing the production of Sentinel robots to prevent them from capturing and targeting mutants." Tony looked around again. He felt that this place was simply desolate and probably couldn't withstand it. A nuclear bomb: "You can think of your students and fellow citizens, maybe I can replace Hank the Beast as the conduit between you and the government."

"If you provide this kind of help without any conditions, I will be very happy to accept it and will thank you for your kindness, Tony." Professor , everyone’s memories and thoughts belong only to him. Think about it, if I flip through your memory at will, see your female partner’s naked body, see your intimate behavior and relive your feelings at that time, what will happen to you? Is that acceptable?"

Tony rolled his eyes upward, thought for a few seconds and then nodded:

"That's no problem. I'm never afraid of others knowing what I do. I, the Iron Man, dare to do what I do!"

Charles was stunned for a moment, there is such a shameless person?

He really doesn't look like Howard at all. Can his memories and experiences of having sex with the opposite sex be watched and enjoyed casually?

This bottom line is too low!

But after all, the professor still had decades more experience than Tony. He immediately changed his explanation: "Then if I see your mother's naked body in your memory and experience the feeling you had when you were breastfeeding as a child, How about experiencing the taste in your mouth?"

"This is not okay! Don't look at it!"

Tony's face immediately dropped when he mentioned Maria. It didn't matter which models or actresses he was playing with, they were all mostly flesh and blood anyway.

But mother is different!

Charles smiled slightly and raised his hand to signal Tony to calm down: "Yes, now you understand, everyone has different privacy and secrets that they don't want others to share, so do you understand? Deathstroke once told me, Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you, I hope you will think more before doing things in the future.”

Magneto didn't know when he floated to the two of them. He raised his hand and moved Tony several meters away. He put his hand on his old friend's wheelchair.

The purple cloak was windless, and Eric still looked as sad as if everyone owed him money. His deep eyes were hidden under the shadow of the helmet:

"Get out of here, Iron Man, and tell those bastards in the U.S. military that if they want war, we mutants won't be afraid! When I die, the mangled corpse of the last American on Earth will be By my side!"

Iron Man came here to seek help, not to argue with the famous terrorist Magneto. When he saw this man who absolutely restrained himself speaking, he immediately raised his hands:

"Hey, old man, relax, I'm a superhero and a businessman, but I'm not a war maniac or a ***. I'm just assuming such a possibility, and I don't know much about the military."

"Hmph! You..." Magneto pointed at the group of agents behind Tony. The hairless middle-aged man kept laughing, but his intuition told Eric that he was a smiling devil like the leader of the SS.

"That's not what he meant. We still have respect for the United States. After all, it is also my motherland."

Charles interrupted the furious Lao Wan. He pulled down Eric's hand, put his withered palm on his shoulder, smiled and said to Iron Man:

"Even if we want to build our own utopia now, I can be the first to promise that the mutants on the island will never be the first to use force, let alone interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. We just want to live a fair life like everyone else. On Earth, if you can, please convey my goodwill to the authorities.”

Tony sighed and gave up.

After Magneto and Professor

You can't be reasonable, but you can't reason with the big bald man. If you talk about deterrence, the terrorists will overturn the table.

Originally, he had a good plan, just let the professor help screen the Skrulls, and then send out the 'family party' to catch them. If that doesn't work, there is a backup plan. Borrow the brainwave amplifier, hire the White Queen to operate it yourself, or simply give it to the female Thor's dog.

But Charles seemed to have seen through all his thoughts and blocked the road. What should he do next?

Three hundred thousand Skrulls, hiding all over the earth, how to find them! ?


They say that out of desperation comes wisdom, and it was as if a lightbulb above Tony's head turned on, and he came up with a solution.

If you can't find the Skrulls yourself, then let the Skrulls come to you!

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