The Death Knell

Chapter 2466 Raccoon Decryption

"I'm dying."

Star-Lord crawled on the asphalt road like a lizard, and reluctantly came to the edge of a flower bed. He picked up its beautiful silver metal outer edge, spit out stomach acid among the flowers, and said nonchalantly:

"Slade, remember to remind me to stand firm before taking off next time. Also, if possible, Groot, I hope you can create a safety belt inside the big ball."

"I'm Groot!"

The tree man on the side was washing his body at the fountain. His tone sounded a little unhappy, probably because Star-Lord vomited in his body.

Drax walked up to Peter, stretched out his broad palm and patted the captain's back gently, and asked softly:

"You really don't want to drink urine?"

"...This is not a desert! When I said I was going to die, it was just an exaggerated figure of speech! And when did you connect dying people with excrement?!"

Star-Lord, who was desperate for love, jumped up and made a classic three-part complaint.

Su Ming stood with Carol and Elsa, crossed his arms and added: "Actually, Drax is not wrong, because before death, people will inevitably lose control of their sphincter. How can you let the crew not tell the truth? What about the words?"

"Yes." Drax nodded aggrievedly, immediately left Peter, walked to Deathstroke, and said to the mercenary in a simple and honest tone: "Brother, I want to get on your ship."

"Don't rebel so easily! And he's not your brother's generation at all!" Star-Lord chased after him and grabbed his arm. His legs swayed quickly, and he immediately performed a break dance: "Also, he doesn't have a boat. , only a giant monastery built on an engine block!"

Because he often went to Contracia, Peter had naturally seen the fleet floating around New London, which was a magnificent church and palace complex equipped with a lot of engines.

"Brother, I want to be a monk." Drax immediately changed his mind and touched his bald head to show that he was already prepared.

"You guys just want to play together to kill me. I figured it out. It turns out that the clown is me!" Peter turned around and left, while Gamora and Rocket who were watching the fun on the other side suddenly burst into laughter and made a gurgling sound.


After everyone had some fun with Star-Lord, they gathered next to the fountain again and needed to figure out what to do next.

The city perfectly conforms to all the science fiction conjectures about the cyber world, with sound and light pollution, skyscrapers that make people invisible, pedestrians all over the street more or less equipped with implants, and ridiculously expensive organic products on the roadside. Food etc.

There were no small animals, no plants, just cold metal, which reminded Su Ming of the hives in the Warhammer world.

However, these people living at the bottom of the city are completely different from those over there. At least in the Warhammer world, people who have nothing are still supported by their fanatical belief in the emperor, but here, pedestrians walking on the street are in a hurry , and his expression was numb.

They wore transparent breathing masks and umbrellas of various colors made of plastic sheets to avoid the waste gas sinking to the bottom of the city and the continuous acid rain falling from the sky.

Based on preliminary observations, Su Ming judged that these citizens must have been genetically modified, because all of them were blond and blue-eyed, with a standard Aryan appearance.

Well, Zola herself was Swiss, and not only was she black-haired, fat and ugly, but she was also a funny dwarf.

But these do not prevent his aesthetics from being close to that of Nazis. Now it has its own dimension, and it is only normal to create the so-called Aryans.

But human cloning or in vitro fertilization? It shouldn't be Zola's scientific research direction. Where did his technology come from?

"I got a bracelet terminal." Gamora squeezed back from the crowd and shook the terminal in her hand. There was no doubt that it was stolen: "Everyone here has this thing as proof of identity. Not only can you log into the internal network, electronic money is also stored in it. With this, we are no longer a hacker."

As an engineer, Rocket took over the thing, fiddled with it a few times with his two furry little paws, and then cracked it after booting it up smoothly.

After a moment, the raccoon made a sound, and opened and closed its sharp beak: "The usage is similar to Xandar's personal terminal, but the underlying data is completely different. By the way, Deathstroke, are you sure this person named Dr. Zola has not entered The universe?”

The fountain behind everyone made the sound of dripping water, but people in a hurry would not come to rest. It was like an isolated island in the flow of people.

There is even a narrow gap above the head, and high-altitude floating vehicles can be seen flying by from time to time, leaving the red light of the taillights remaining on the retina.

Maybe people would think that it is wrong to build a fountain blocking the road at an intersection, because there is a lot of garbage floating on the water, and the water quality is not very clean. It is obviously used as a trash can.

"I'm sure not. The year he electrocuted himself by banging his head on the computer monitor, the Cold War wasn't over yet."

Su Ming gave a definite answer. If someone went to heaven during that time, they would be as conspicuous as a lice on a bald man's head, and it would be impossible not to be discovered.

The raccoon twirled its tail and nodded noncommittally: "That's strange. This is not something on Earth's technology tree at all. You said Dr. Zola is the inventor of Earth's electronic computer, right?"

"Yes, what do you think?" Su Ming squatted down and kept eye level with the raccoon.

"I have cracked many electrical appliances, computers, TVs, MP3s and other electronic devices on Earth. The coding systems of people on Earth are all binary. There are only so-called Arabic characters 1 and 0 in numbers." The raccoon put its little paws on On Deathstroke's knee, he stretched out the terminal to show Deathstroke: "But this one is programmed in a completely alien language."

The bracelet projects a screen, which displays the underlying data flow during its operation. The blue symbols shine from the top of the screen like a waterfall, and then gradually dim while other lines of luminous characters will flow from the top. The top appears.

Su Ming's first reaction was, could this be the style of The Matrix, where everyone is now in a digital dream?

Then he looked at the symbols carefully, and he showed a hint of understanding.

"This is not an alien symbol. This is an ancient language that was once used in a small number of areas on the earth, but has disappeared in the long river of time in modern times." The mercenary touched the raccoon's head with his hand, especially the fluff on the pointed ears. Very good.

Speaking of ancient literature, Elsa also joined in. As an outstanding graduate of Karma Taj with dual training in magic and martial arts, ancient languages ​​are naturally a required course for any magician.

She craned her neck to take a look, and she also showed an expression like a death knell. Then she straightened up and explained to everyone who looked confused:

"This is the rune symbol, the language of the World Tree. Our Earthling Dr. Zola has an ally from Asgard, Master, what do you think?"

"It can be seen with the naked eye or with the mind's eye." Su Ming stood up with a smile and took a deep breath of urban waste gas full of chemical raw materials: "I know who is providing support to this former Hydra scientist, and I understand Why did Odin choose this time to launch his plan?"

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