The Death Knell

Chapter 2465 Picking up the treasure

Three hours later, in a dark alley in Hell's Kitchen.

Very few people come here on weekdays. Garbage overflows from the trash cans and piles on the ground. Rats of all sizes prey on cockroaches here, and the sound of chewing never stops.

The surrounding old residential buildings were all dark, and gunshots or screams could be heard from far or near from time to time, while the sound of police sirens always seemed to be far away in the horizon and intermittent.

This is Hell's Kitchen, a hotbed of chaos, the womb of the devil.

At this time, a dark figure was crawling in this dirty alley. If you look carefully, you will find that this person only has the upper body!

Yes, although he was still wearing red tights on his lower body, there was nothing inside the trouser legs. He was an empty shell from the waist down. He crawled out of an apartment building with only the strength of his arms, dragging blood stains into the alley, like It's like it's haunted.

This person is Deadpool.

His face was pale at this time, sweat pooled in streams in his ears, and his lungs kept ringing like broken bellows when he breathed.

Having lost his lower body, he tried his best to lean against a trash can, and communicated with the air with an expression on his face as if he was surviving a disaster:

"Viewers, I'm back. Although I've cut off all the content I'm not allowed to air, I can tell you that I've encountered the strongest opponent in my life."

"Yes, it's Inez. She's so scary. She's like a squeeze machine in a junkyard or a giant juicer in a juice factory. I don't have a drop left, bro."

"And that domino, she said she didn't want it, but after drinking, she played even crazier. She actually put a grenade into my... my... place, and it exploded. !Uuuuuuuuuuuu!"

At the end of the sentence, Wade was speechless and choked, his eyes trembling with emotion, as if he was about to cry.

But then he changed his topic, a smile appeared on his completely bloodless dark white face, and added:

"It's so exciting! It's over. I'm in love with these two women. If I can't go to bed with them often in the future, what's the point of my life?"

"Huh? You say I can't do it? Is this audience a new member?" Deadpool took out the mask from his trouser pocket and put it on gracefully. With a 'pop' sound, his waist and legs grew longer: "I It’s just because there’s not a drop left, so you sneak out under the pretext of injury. Do you really think that your self-healing ability will be defeated like this?”

"Wait for me to rest for a week, and then I'll come back to these two bitches for a showdown."

He got up and ran, looking back from time to time, as if he was afraid of being caught by a woman.


Deadpool, who was in a panic, didn't know which alleys he walked, let alone how far he ran. When he came to his senses, he found himself at the edge of the Hudson River.

Seeing the moonlight reflecting coldly on the river, and listening to the rushing sound of the river, he suddenly...

I feel a little urgent to urinate.

"Don't ask me why I wanted to pee when my bladder was broken before. This environment is like an inducement. If you came to the river in the middle of the night to listen to the sound of water, you would want to do it too." Wade explained seriously and turned around Walking towards Dahe: "You are not allowed to peek."

Then he went to the river to release water. In fact, it was blood in his urine. His internal organs were also shattered a lot. The congestion in his body could be released from above or below.


With the sound of the small waterfall, he suddenly felt much more relaxed.

But at the same time, he narrowed his eyes because he found a dark shadow in the water, chasing the water and opening its mouth, as if it was drinking his blood.

"A shark? I know there are crocodiles in the sewers of New York. When did there also be sharks in the Hudson River? Come if you smell blood. You are really a clever little guy."

He smiled. He was in a good mood today and he did something that suited his mood.

That is to use blood and urine to feed the black shadow that is suspected to be a small shark. Sometimes it turns left, sometimes right, and spins it around, while the bitch laughs on the dock.

However, the black shadow stopped moving after being played for a while, as if he was angry.

"Huh? Why are you not moving? Could it be that excessive protein intake caused dizziness?"

Curious, Wade squatted down and put his face close to the water, wanting to take a closer look at the black shadow.

Just squatting down was not enough. The water waves reflecting the moonlight made it difficult for him to see clearly, so he took off his mask, lay down on the dock, and put his head into the water as much as possible.

However, the next second, the water surface suddenly exploded, and a black muddy substance hit his face!

"What?! Tentacle monster? Yachudie, should I call it that? look familiar."

Deadpool, who was so frightened that he was on his back, wanted to fight the mud at first. It was like an octopus with strong suction or the facehugger in the "Alien" movie, not a good thing.

But when he pried it off his face with a knife and took a look at it under the moonlight, he immediately felt happy.

"Isn't this a symbiote? Audience friends, it seems that I have been blessed by Domino today. I am extremely lucky. I can pick up good things like symbiotes just by looking around."

After explaining to the non-existent live broadcast room, he reached out and poked the slime monster in his hand. A symbiote without a host does not have much fighting power.

On the contrary, it has exhausted its strength to be able to jump out of the water.

"Hey, what's your name? What's your father's or mother's name? Where are your grandparents? Or grandparents? Which planet are you from? Is the plasma spark tower of M78 Nebula still shining?"


The black greasy monster suddenly didn't want to possess this human being because it didn't feel or taste right.

I haven't noticed anything in the water yet. Although this person's blood and genes are full of waste, eating it can also supplement protein.

But after leaving the underwater environment and coming to the air environment, I realized that this person stinks too much!

"By the way, forget that you can't talk, and strangulation can only make noises." Deadpool seemed to recall something, and then held the symbiote and pressed it on his face: "Come on, parasitize me, I Definitely the second best host after my cousin. When you get on top of me and increase my strength, I will go back to find Inez and fight again! Who is she? You will understand as long as you read my memory Come on, come on me!"

The unfamiliar symbiote hesitated for a moment. It had never seen such a lowly request. When previous hosts saw it, they were very panicked at first, and then they were brainwashed, hypnotized, and slowly drained of their use value. , and then eat it.

This human being actually took the initiative to be parasitized. Does he know what the symbiote is?

But these questions are not a problem. All you need to do is stay in him and read the memory. After finally escaping from the Skrulls, you just need to refresh your brain...

So it lay on Deadpool's face, then flowed into his body along the seven orifices, and launched a fierce attack on the cranial cavity where the brain is located.

All it saw was a puddle of mud.

Where other humans should have their brains, this guy is just a puddle of rotten sludge. Is this really a human?

No matter, let’s eat first.

"It's a little itchy, hee hee, don't touch there, it's a sensitive zone." Deadpool let out a weird laugh, sitting on the dock and looking at the river: "You can eat whatever you want, I'll treat you, how does my brain taste?" ?Isn’t it like vanilla ice cream.”

However, the symbiote didn't see it that way. The stinky brain regenerated at an infinitely high speed made it want to eat and vomit. It even took the initiative to pour the stinking mud into its mouth, making it choke!

At the same time, the memories read are full of crap, ideas that normal people would not do, not even symbionts would do.

In addition, this guy's mind is full of useless memories. All his actions are for mating and eating. He doesn't know anything else. Is he some kind of humanoid insect?

‘Unlucky...I encountered such a thing, and why does it seem to be trapped? Why does he heal so quickly? ’

There was only darkness in front of Venom's eyes.

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