The Death Knell

Chapter 2474 Where is Fury?

"So, Agent Coulson, are you sure that these species you named the Skrulls have a similar outlook on life and logical thinking abilities as humans?"

The Quinjet was a bit slow, so Iron Man simply flew out of the cabin in his suit, pushed it with "artificial afterburner", and returned to Stark Tower in a few minutes.

Here, everyone from the Avengers science team is here, including Vision, Dr. Banner, the second-generation Wasp 'Hope' Nadia, and the second-generation Wasp who is not a scientist at all, but shamelessly wants to hang out with Nadia. Ant-Man Scott.

As soon as he returned, Iron Man told his plan, and Vision, as the main executor, calmly analyzed the situation and tried to get some supplementary information from Coulson.

Coulson is just an agent, not an expert on aliens. He can only analyze based on the plans and behaviors of the Skrulls. These invaders should be very similar to humans.

At least they have eyes, ears, and noses, and except for the different color of their skin, they look a lot like humans.

"Maybe I can give it a try. When I was browsing the dark web just now, I found a brainwashing device leaked from a mysterious organization called the Red Room. I need that to interfere with the brain waves of the optic nerve network system."

Vision agreed to try, and then looked at Tony, who was the one in charge of the money.

"Bought, marked buyer picks up, now." Iron Man put on his helmet and walked towards the terrace outside the hall. He was going to carry the equipment back in person: "I know the Red House, the home of Black Widow, Leviathan It’s an anti-humanity agency, but it’s been 17 years since the Soviet Union collapsed, so they should have died long ago.”

"I'm not as optimistic as you, Tony." Colson, who always looked optimistic, shook his head: "Recently, there is some evidence that Leviathan is still carrying out activities secretly. They are probably trying to trick you. Howard left a lot Furry Bear likes everything."

At this time, the female Thor stood up. Daisy touched the hammer on her waist and pointed to her mobile phone:

"Then let me pick up the goods, lest this is a trap. Can you keep in touch?"

"Thanks a lot."

Tony didn't compete in this aspect. After all, Daisy's flying speed was much faster than him, not to mention the support of the Rainbow Bridge, so this was not a problem.


Daisy stepped onto the terrace, and the wind from a high place blew her red cloak and long black hair. She rarely called out to the ever-awakening guards of the fairy palace, because she was always embarrassed to cause trouble to others in the past.

But after all, she is the legitimate God of Asgard, holding Mjolnir, so she should enjoy this treatment.

The next second, after confirming that Deathstroke was not around, the thick rainbow bridge instantly enveloped the female Thor and disappeared in a flash, leaving only circles of strange patterns on the platform of Tony's building.

"I'll make a call and have someone send a few Skrull prisoners over." Coulson nodded to everyone and walked to the corner with a smile: "By the way, who can take the time to help me check where our Director Fury is? Have you gone? Why can't you contact me? Thank you."

"Let me investigate." Xiaochong raised his hand and clasped his fingers on the side of his head: "I can't help with anything else. Jessica, will you come with me?"

"My name is Zhenbao now."

Jessica Jones, who dyed her long purple hair black, emerged from Tony's bar. After dropping out of school, she became a smoker and an alcoholic in a short period of time, and also learned how to avoid disturbing the owner of the house. In the case of secretly drinking someone else’s wine:

"But I am paid to do things. Should I go to the director you mentioned? I need to see what Mr. Stark says?"

"No problem, although I hate that black..." Tony agreed. He found Jessica mainly because of her strange strength, in case she would not have enough combat power when capturing the Skrulls.

But since the video hasn't been made yet and there's no trace of the bait, there's still some time. There's no problem in letting the two young people go look for Fury, as long as they can get back in time after receiving the notice.

"Racial discrimination warning!" Xiaochong raised his arms and made an 'X' symbol in front of his chest, and the big eyes on the mask showed disapproval.

Tony pushed him away, took off his uniform with the help of Jarvis, and walked to the bar to pour himself a drink: "You don't understand, my relationship with Fury is very good, I even regard myself as a black man, That's my brother, so I can say the N word to him and it's not racist."

"I see..." Peter pinched his chin, feeling that he had learned new knowledge.


As for where is Fury, who is attracting everyone's attention? He is actually at home.

Although only Damn Dugan is the only agent alive who knows where the Fury family is, it is not a particularly hidden place. It can only be said that the director has done a very good job of covering up and cutting off communications. decisive.

At this time, he was sitting on a chair in the basement, face to face with his wife, and his tone was like an ordinary couple having a conversation.

It's just that one person is in the cage and the other is outside the cage.

"Tell me, Valentina, what does Hydra know about the Skrulls?"

Fury put the cooked food on the dinner plate and stuffed it in through the small opening under the cell.

His wife, who had been secretly kept in the basement after he captured her from Maripoll Port, was also a senior Hydra agent code-named 'Baroness'. Decades later, she was still so beautiful.

There are no knives and forks on the side of the dinner plate. Even the plate itself is made of paper material that will degrade over time. There will not be even a small bone fragment in the shredded meat. Fury is as careful as ever.

There was no other sound in the darkness, only the gentle rotation of the exhaust fan, but in fact it was very clean here, and he would ensure that his wife would not get sick from being imprisoned never to see the light of day.

"That's it? You asked me about aliens right away?" Valentina smiled and crossed her legs. She was only wearing thin pajamas to make sure there was nothing that could be used as a weapon: "I thought you They will first ask me if I am doing well being raised by the LMD robot these days."

Fury smiled for the first time and pointed to his eyepatch: "I am only blind in one eye, dear, and the other eye will always be watching you. Now answer my question, what is the relationship between Hydra and Skrull?" How much do people know? You had contact with alien forces during World War II, and you also mastered that strange cube. Don't try to fool me."

"Otherwise? Even if I don't tell you anything, what can you do to me? Kill me? Or torture me?" Valentina picked up the food on the plate with her hands, stuffed it into her mouth and tasted it : "It still tastes so bad. Your cooking skills haven't improved at all over the years."

Fury turned to look at the corner, then turned back: "I want to negotiate a deal with you. Now the Skrulls are invading the earth, and the situation everywhere is very bad. If you still know that you are a human, you should cooperate with me. "

"Talk about conditions, I like that." Valentina licked her fingers and smiled charmingly: "That's great, I do have a condition."

Then their voices dropped so low that they were almost inaudible in the darkness.

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