The Death Knell

Chapter 2473 Follow the example of the gourd

"Oh mom, it smells so good!"

Peter wiped his mouth with a smile on his face, put down the bowl of noodle soup, and let out a sigh of contentment.

At first, he refused to eat noodles from the sewer, but in the end, he ate the most.

Fortunately, the arm given by Deathstroke was big enough, and the noodle stall owner provided extra noodles, which satisfied Star-Lord's black hole-like appetite.

"When did you have the character of a foodie again?" Su Ming leaned on the bar of the dining car and asked with a cigarette in his hand: "You must know that this kind of setting is not cute at all on a man. You are a dancer." Men, please keep in shape."

Peter patted his slightly bulging belly, stood up and pulled on his jacket, trying to hide his belly a little:

"I was hospitalized before. You know the food in the hospital, boiled potatoes, boiled beans, boiled carrots, all the dishes are without salt or oil, the hamburger meat is even made from tofu... Besides, I'm the captain now, and the gigolo on our ship is Drax. Come on, dance for my old captain to cheer him up."

"Tch." The strong man sat on the round stool and turned around. He didn't mean to obey at all, but pointed his butt at Peter: "No one has ever admitted that you are the captain."

"Yes, the captain is a product of the dictatorship. We always discuss things when we encounter problems." Raccoon wiped the soup from his mouth. He didn't know what kind of powder the noodles were made of. It smelled like chemical raw materials, but The soy sauce bone broth is good and has a rich taste: "We don't have a captain, just a human fool who thinks he is the captain."

Gamora eats very quickly, she has finished eating long ago, and now she is trimming her nails with a dagger while chatting with Carol and the two girls.

When she heard this topic, she also added: "I hate dictatorial tyrants. Why do you think I escaped from Thanos?"

"I'm Groot."

According to the translation, the tree people think that Peter is a good-for-nothing good-for-nothing who only knows how to fly a spaceship. A simpler translation means, 'You are not worthy'.

After hearing the answers from his teammates, Star-Lord closed his eyes in pain. His hand holding the napkin and the curly hair hanging down in front of his forehead were trembling constantly.

The air became solemn, and his voice was full of disappointment. He put the oil-stained paper on the counter after wiping his mouth:

"Anyone who doesn't want to admit that I am the captain and thinks that you will live better without me, get out..."


Japanese noodle stalls will have a awning stretched out in front of the cart, and some curtains with "noodles" written on them hanging below, or sometimes a lantern or something, which is the sound of the curtains turning.

"Fake! Hey! Why are they all gone! Wait for me!"

The next second he realized that everyone around him was gone, Peter screamed and ran out crawling, holding his stomach and catching up with the large group, which caused another burst of laughter from everyone.

The source of happiness in Guardians of the Galaxy is so simple, you just need to toss Star-Lord every day.

"I've just finished eating. It's not appropriate to go fight with Zola immediately. Let's go to the market over there for a while to digest it?" Deathstroke made another proposal to delay time. He needed to get feedback on several other actions, so he continued Just act hard here.

Carol was a little confused, because whether she was in the US army or the Kree army, the education she received was similar to 'soldiers are faster', and Deathstroke's behavior at this time was exactly the opposite.

"Slade, can I ask why you say that? You and I both know the importance of time..."

Deathstroke turned to look at her, with a gentle gaze in his one eye, and heard the gentle voice asking: "Carol, do you believe me?"

Captain Marvel nodded without thinking. The memories of past contacts reminded her that Deathstroke was a good person. He not only cured her vegetative brother, protected the earth from invasion several times, but also arranged a new address for her family, and even Mary's. Old acquaintance.

He's amazingly strong, resourceful, and always good.

So she immediately gave up thinking, exhaled and said with a smile: "Of course I believe it, then I won't ask, let's go to the market together, but do you still have any currency that can be traded?"

Su Ming smiled and hugged her shoulders and walked forward. With his other hand, he took out a severed leg of a biochemical weapon from his pocket, and answered calmly in the neon-lit sewer:

"You don't think I didn't prepare a backup plan, do you? Haha, do you see this leg? I'll get us a hover car."


"This is what my new plan is." In the Quinjet, Tony finished explaining his plan to the SHIELD agents, Xiaochong and the others, but instead of applause, he was greeted with a long silence: "What do you think? ?Give me some feedback, come on, give me some feedback."

He waved his palms and urged a little, trying to get everyone to express their opinions.

Although he can be cocky at times, he's smart enough to know that there's no harm in brainstorming.

The good old Coulson still had that gentle smile, and sitting next to him was a confused Skye. He smiled and said: "This is to copy Deathstroke and Deadpool's plan, find someone to pretend to be the Skrull Queen, and then There is no big logical problem with staging an age-restricted action show and using the tape as bait to attract other Skrulls to fall into the trap, but..."

"But what?" Tony shrunk his chin, walked to Colson in the swaying cabin, and put his face close to him: "Don't be afraid of hitting me. Genius scientists are never afraid of failure, because next time I will success."

"Because we only know that Skrull has a queen, but we don't know what this queen looks like." Coulson said it bluntly. This is the biggest problem. Except that Tony doesn't know why he ignored this, but Everyone is struggling with this.

I guess Spider-Man doesn't think so. Peter is thinking about why there is an age limit for wrestling videos? Is it because it's too violent?

Hearing this answer, Tony's mustache raised slightly, and his steel palm patted Colson's arm:

"That's it? Is it gone? Of course, it is not easy for you to think of this step with your wisdom, but who am I? I am Tony Stark, I am Iron Man! This name means everything is possible Maybe! Friends, I want to reiterate an important position once again, technology is the most powerful force today."

Although it was annoying to be ridiculed for his lack of intelligence, everyone at SHIELD knew Tony's arrogant personality and was used to it.

The cavalry touched Skye's hair next to him and asked like he was petting a cat: "Then what do you do with technology? Mr. Consultant?"

"I don't know." Tony said confidently that he had nothing to do, but the smile on his face remained unchanged. Before anyone could coax him to step down, he added: "But I know who can do it. The Avengers are a collective. Think about it, who among the members is both a computer and a human?”

"Vision...Tony, do you mean that Vision can read the images in the minds of the Skrull captives through wires or USB drives, and accurately copy them?"

Coulson already understood that if the red-faced robot could do this, then the plan could be said to be successful.

"What? Using wires to read the memories in other people's brains? This sounds like pseudoscience proposed by biologists!" Unexpectedly, Tony rolled his eyes and kept shaking his head: "I mean, what is the impact of vision on humans? He conducted very comprehensive research and taught himself almost all human skills, so, although you don’t know it, he is a very powerful psychiatrist, or hypnotist.”

Peter came back to his senses now. He hung upside down on the ceiling of the plane: "So, biology is pseudoscience, but the hypnotic magic that people in Las Vegas know is a real science? Why does it feel like something is not right? , and this is not plagiarizing other people’s ideas..."

"I won't listen, I won't listen!" Tony covered his ears like a child and ran to the cockpit, muttering as he ran: "I just can't do biology. Don't ask why, I just can't!"

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