The Death Knell

Chapter 2472 Grasshopper on a straw rope

From Deadpool's perspective, the Skrulls are like bags of moving gold coins, about to roll into his pocket. If everything goes as he planned, things will become very simple.

However, the Skrull captain did not think so. The tall figure under the light on the command seat waved his hand and ordered loudly:

"Super Skrull, kill him."

"As you command, sir."

The strong men surrounding Deadpool responded loudly. One of them was very conspicuous. His right fist was fire, his left fist was ice, his left foot was airflow, and his right foot was rock. Who knows how they were made.

Only a handful of Super Skrulls are born naturally, such as the previous Skrull Emperor Dorrek VI, the current Skrull Fourth Fleet Commander Karl Root (Klrt), and the most famous 'Little Hulk', the kid who named himself Theodore 'Teddy' Altman, whose real name was actually Dork VIII.

Most of the remaining Super Skrulls are creations of laboratory genetic engineering and don't even have names.

According to legend, 90% of the offspring of human inbreeding will have various genetic diseases, or simply be imbecile, but there is still a 10% chance that they may be super geniuses.

The Skrulls, who are carbon-based creatures, also have such things as genetic sequences. They particularly value the purity of their bloodline, and the royal family intermarry with each other. This is the origin of the earliest Super Skrulls.

An accident that gives birth to a genius may be repeated countless times through technology.

So later, they used the technology of modifying DNA in the breeding warehouse to mass-produce Super Skrull, which was the application of this theory.

What is different from normal sexual reproduction is that this kind of 'big glass jar' cultivation uses the genes of a single individual. Generally speaking, the somatic cells of Carl Root are used today.

In short, the process is very simple. Through genetic technology, one body cell is changed into an egg, and the other body cell is changed into a tadpole. Then they are combined and quickly spawned in a green soda-like liquid.

Any combat ship above the Skrull cruiser level carries these production equipment on board. As long as the number of primary cells in reserve is sufficient, they can increase their numbers indefinitely.

These guys produced on the assembly line are naturally not as powerful as the original version, but the advantage is that the output can be guaranteed.

It often only takes 24 hours to go from the embryonic state to being fully mature and capable of killing enemies on the battlefield. Of course, it is a biological experiment after all, and it is common for manufacturing failures or accidents to occur.

The place where Deadpool is now is the inside of a certain battleship. Just looking at the spacious conference room like the Arc de Triomphe Square, you can tell that this ship is not small.

The Super Skrull produced on the assembly line is not particularly smart, but Wade does not know these inside stories. He only thinks that the guy in front of him with full of light effects may be different.

He waved his hands repeatedly and covered his butt to stop him: "Wait a minute, we were good friends just now, why did you want to kill me?"

"Your video makes it hard for us to eat and affects the combat effectiveness of the glorious Skrull Army. Do you think you should die or not?" The commander raised his chin slightly and replied with inexplicable arrogance: "Remember, kill Your man is me, Skrull Noble, Captain Ak'stak of the Royal First Fleet's Special Operations Squadron!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and motioned for the Super Skrull Warriors to start.

Deadpool turned his head to the side and sighed: "Brother, there are so many flaws in this. I don't even know how to vomit. Why is this alien also named Stark? He is also an American. 'Opening up' like a captain? Also, he said he was the one to kill me, but in the end he let his subordinates do it?"

It's a pity that he doesn't have the ability to pause time. In the next second, he is overwhelmed by all kinds of intensive attacks. Flames, cosmic energy, lasers, plasma, live ammunition, these aliens use everything.

A deep hole was made on the deck of the ship. When the smoke dissipated, there was only a pile of burnt meat sauce at the bottom of the hole.

"Sir, the enemy has been eliminated." The leading super soldier, the one with elemental arms and legs, reported loudly to Akarstak.

"Very good...wait a minute, behind you, he's standing up again!" The captain pointed behind the big man.

It turned out that in the still smoking pit, Deadpool, wearing a tattered uniform, stood up again. His head had not fully grown yet, but as long as he had a mouth, it would be fine.

"Who turned off the light?" Because the self-healing light only reached the nose, Deadpool could only temporarily use his nostrils to look at people: "By the way, I think I can still save him, can you call a white car?"

"Kill him!" With the order, the Skrulls launched another concentrated fire attack. Wade swayed in the wind like a rag, and then exploded into pieces.

"Report sir, the enemy has been eliminated." The element controller repeated it again.

"Oh, it hurts so much. Did your mother never tell you not to point your guns at people who can't be killed? Not to mention this battleship, even if it hits flowers and plants, it is wrong, not to mention that I am better than Red Rose. I also want to be a passionate Deadpool. I usually like to help others, but I also like drinking and beautiful women. By the way, what is your queen’s surname? Is she married? Does she mind being fucked by me?”

This time, there was no need for Aka to remind him. Deadpool himself had already spoken. His self-healing speed was faster than last time. At least this time, he had grown an eyeball in a short period of time, but there was no Tianling Cap on his head.

"Bang bang bang!" Now the Skrull warriors didn't need to remind him, and immediately launched another attack on the bitch, covering it with firepower.

The entire conference hall was filled with smoke, like a fairyland on earth.

"Report to the chief..."

"I just said not to shoot indiscriminately. My little comrades, your problem is very serious! If you are still looking at it, the lava in your hand has fallen out again."

Before he finished speaking, Deadpool's voice came from behind him. The man in tatters walked out of the fire as if the Terminator had appeared, his body covered with scorch marks of heat and gunpowder smoke.

It should have been a very exciting scene, but unfortunately he had a mouth. He tilted his head and opened his mouth:

"Humans are born from human mothers, and Skrulls are born from Skrull mothers. Do you super Skrulls have a super Skrull mother?"


The Super Skrulls were furious. Everyone knew that they had no mother.

So these people opened fire wildly again, using all kinds of superpowers. The conference room was completely blown up, and a red alarm lit up in the battleship.

"Boom boom boom!!!" Xu Jin's barrage unfolded.

"Hey, I fell down, hey, I stood up again, what should I say?" Deadpool was beaten into a pulp, but after the opponent ceased fire, he healed instantly and he got up again and danced a cheerful samba: " In fact, whenever I'm naked, I think about some philosophical questions, do you think burritos should be added with chili sauce or mustard?"

"Dong dong dong!!!" Fire covered it again.

"Why are you so serious? Why don't you smile? Yes, it's you who made me! Hahahaha!!!" Thanks to the help of Venom, Deadpool's self-healing speed is amazingly fast, and he has become a complete Immortal in the sense that I'm a little hungry, so I'll distract myself with role-playing first and see if I can trick my stomach.

Venom actually didn't want to help him. Such a cheap host deserved to die!

But if the enemy is a Skrull, it's a different situation. If the bitch is captured or beaten to the point of losing his combat effectiveness, how will he escape after being stripped and captured?

The symbiote and host are now grasshoppers on a string, and if something happens to Deadpool, Venom can't escape.

The Earthlings may not be able to do anything with it, but the Skrulls' high technology may harm it.

But why hasn't this guy broken through yet? Is it really necessary to have this kind of back-and-forth conversation with the enemy?

"Yes, I have a symbiote now. There is no need to play complicated plans with them, just do it!" Deadpool suddenly had an epiphany, picked up a broken metal plate with a sharp edge from the ruins, and launched a counterattack.

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