The Death Knell

Chapter 2476 Life imitates the substitute

"This doesn't seem to be the Skrulls." A few minutes later, the two of them were discussing the pile of wreckage on the ground. Jessica tied a ponytail behind her head with her backhand: "The Skrulls you are talking about should be an alien species. creature, and this is a robot.”

Yes, Peter was only half right, it was indeed not Fury, but it wasn't a Skrull imposter either.

Originally, she just wanted to kick the opponent and capture him alive, but Jessica didn't know the severity of her attack at all. After a few punches, Fury's head fell off, and a lot of electric sparks sprayed out from his neck.

The heavy punch hit the fake Fury's chest, and even the ground behind him sunk a large area. Spider-web-like cracks were all over the place where the two stood, and the black head made a pop like a champagne cork. It popped out.

Because this was a dark alley without lights, and the head was dark, it was unexpectedly nowhere to be found in a short time.

"I've never seen anything like this before. By the way, I'll play a video for Mr. Stark." Peter scratched his head, but a smart head is useful most of the time, so he immediately took out his mobile phone.

Tony was still waiting for Daisy to come back with the equipment, and he happened to be idle. It could be said that the conversation was instantly connected.

"What's wrong, kid? You just went out for a while. Do you want to use my private jet to go to Washington? Just tell Happy or Pepper."

He was holding a wine glass in his hand, still looking cynical, resting his elbows on the bar and twisting his body to the music.

"No, sir, we met a Director Fury, but...well, I can't tell. You can see for yourself."

After speaking, Peter turned the phone in another direction. The rear camera of his second-hand phone was broken. If he wanted to take a picture, he had to keep turning the phone.

So the people on Iron Man's side saw the headless corpse wearing black leather clothing. At this time, the 'fireworks' on the neck of the corpse had finished spraying, and the sparks ignited the sweater. At this time, the engine oil was burning with a ball of fire.

"Isn't this the Ghost Rider?" Tony tilted his mouth, rinsed his mouth with wine and made a grunting sound: "It's useless for you to ask me for such unscientific things. We don't have a magician here."

"Let me see!" Scott came over to watch the fun. The horse's face appeared on the other side of the camera, but he just made a meaningless sigh: "Wow! It's so exciting, but it's a pity that I can't see anything. .”

After all, Coulson was more reliable. He recognized what it was just at a glance:

"This is the Director's LMD. Its full name is 'Life Imitation Stand-in Device'. Whether it is a human fingerprint or a retina, it can completely imitate it, not to mention that it can have a fake appearance. During the Cold War, it was designed by Holden Ladd. The mechanical double developed by Dr. Cliff with the help of SHIELD. You young people all like Japanese games, so do you know what Kagemusha means?"

Peter nodded immediately, and he suddenly realized: "I understand, it's a robot stand-in, so do we still need to find Director Fury now? He lets his stand-in run around the streets, so he should be safe, right?"

Colson was silent for a moment. He looked at the cavalry behind him. Melinda nodded slightly to him, and then he spoke:

"Actually, the problem is big. Nick Fury is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and has level nine authority. His LMD must be kept and guarded closely. When it needs to be used, it must be approved by the United Nations Security Council. This device , should never appear in an alley, unless..."

"Ah, that's it unless." Jessica rolled her eyes in the alley and whispered in Peter's ear: "Generally speaking, as long as this word appears, there will be shocking bad news."

"Yes, girl, you are right." Coulson smiled and nodded: "In the decades that LMDs have served SHIELD, they have saved the lives of many agents, but their programs occasionally show problems. ......Uncertainty."

Vision, who was bartending for Tony in the hall, turned his head 180 degrees and looked at Coulson with his dead red face: "Your statement is illogical, Agent Coulson. Bionic robots driven by programs should be very precise. , the program is written by humans and there will be no uncertainty.”

"That's the problem." Colson walked to the bar and lowered his voice: "Some strange phenomena will appear on some LMDs that have been activated for a long time. For example, they will forget that they are machines and think that they are real people, thus killing Get rid of your master and live as that real person."

"Uh...why don't I know about this project?" Tony snapped his fingers and motioned for Vision to give him another drink: "I am the chief technology advisor of SHIELD. Also, why would a stand-in robot... Killing the person you are supposed to protect? This does not comply with the three laws."

Colson also took a glass and drank half of the glass. He smiled and raised the glass:

"Advisor, Mr. Stark, there are many things that only someone wants to ask, so I will take care of you. In fact, the mechanical structure of the LMD was made by your father Howard and Dr. Radrick, and the person who programmed them was Dr. Zola. Perfect The person who is responsible for all the details is Dr. Pym. Although Dr. Radrick is now working on a new system as an update and upgrade, and he has spent more than ten years teaching himself programming, the success of the 'Ada' project remains the same. Nowhere in sight.”

After hearing this explanation, Tony drank a glass of wine silently.

This kind of ghost thing is actually the work of four genius scientists. Although Dad and Zola are dead now, and Dr. Pym is crazy, no matter who among them has developed a robot that can kill the controller. strangeness.

Dr. Radrick is a four-eyed nerd who spends all day typing on the keyboard in the laboratory. He is still an old virgin even after being dozens of years old. He does not look like a bad person at all.

Dr. Pym is the most suspicious. He has a criminal record for creating Ultron.

Anyway, the LMD's loss of control couldn't have been caused by a dead person, right?

But since Nadia is here, Tony won't say bad things about her father, so as not to affect the unity of the Avengers.

"But sir, I don't see any big threat from this kind of robot. They are very weak." Peter had already found the head of Fury's robot, and asked Jessica to hold the phone and keep the video call while he showed everyone The fallen mechanical head.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is not considered high-tech. It is just an inorganic skeleton with a polymer material structure and a human skin mask of unknown material. The more valuable thing should be the processor and program in the head.

With such a tug at the broken neck, the fake Fury's face was torn off, and Peter was tossing the face in his hand like a handkerchief.

"You interrupted the circuit, and of course you didn't think there was any risk. In fact, they can self-destruct with a power equivalent to 20 kilograms of cyclone explosives."

Coulson coughed and didn't know what to say about the child tearing the robot's face, so he could only choose to ignore it and continue to say what he said:

"And you must not have paid attention just now. These robots can imitate everything about the user, including voice, pupils, and fingerprints. Guess what steps SHIELD would need to launch nuclear weapons to cover the world?"

Peter took a deep breath, hugged the turned-off metal head tightly, and tentatively shrank his neck: "Do you need the director's voiceprint, sclera, fingerprints and password?"

"The good news is that in addition to those, you still need authorization from the Security Council, but what you are holding is still a loaded gun." Coulson pointed his finger at the camera: "Now quickly bring that head back. We need to destroy it immediately.”

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