The Death Knell

Chapter 2477 Judgment Arrives

"Actually, this isn't all bad, is it?" Tony hooked Colson's arm and clinked glasses with him: "You just said that LMD has a production line, right?"

"Yes, but I don't know where exactly. Mei and I are both level six agents, and we are not yet at the level to know that."

Coulson immediately understood what Tony was up to, and he reached out to hang up the video communication. The small projection device looked like a button.

Didn’t Tony have a ‘photography plan’ to copy Deathstroke?

The ready-made LMD only needs to change a piece of skin to imitate the Skrull Queen, which directly saves Tony the trouble of changing the production line, making silicone molds, or going to the workshop to knock out a robot with a hammer.

"I'm going to call Commander Maria. Does she have enough authority?" Tony took out his mobile phone and flipped through the address book: "Speaking of which, is she gay? Last time I wanted to invite her to drink with me, she actually Refuse me."

"That's someone else's private matter. It's true that I'm an agent, but I don't belong to the department responsible for distributing contraceptive pills." The hairless agent turned his head away speechlessly and looked at the night scene outside the window.

The director's LMD is running all over the streets. This is not right. The second team on the bald side must be notified to investigate this matter.


What about Daisy on the other side? The goods have already been picked up.

Because Tony uses U.S. dollars for settlement, she is given a warm welcome in this secret base in Ukraine.

The fat general in a military coat didn't know what specific duties he was responsible for, but he was so enthusiastic that he personally took Daisy to visit one of the abandoned Red House bases, and said that he could choose any of the brainwashing equipment inside and see which one was in good quality. I'll have someone help you move it.

"If you buy a few more at one time, a tank or a large crematorium will also come with it." The general smiled and discussed business with the rich woman with super powers from the United States, and showed her the place where the Soviet girls once lived and studied. , gushing in proficient English: "By the way, we also sell nuclear warheads, satellite weapons, second-hand nuclear submarines or aircraft carriers, but not here. If you are interested, we can go to the beach to talk."

According to him, Daisy falling from the sky with a ray of light and being wrapped with lightning is not a problem. As a paying customer, she can be covered in flames, have horns on her head, or emerge from the ground.

The female Thor looked at the corpse crematorium with large black spots at the entrance and exit. Although the furnace was pitch black at this time, she seemed to hear the screams of the innocent souls.

"No, I'm just here to help pick up the goods, I can't make the decision."

"Is that so? It doesn't matter. You can go back and tell your boss that we are having a sale here. If you are interested in any antiques, you can contact us again." The fat general still smiled enthusiastically and asked his men to move out the brainwashing equipment. So that the lady can pack it up and take it away.

Daisy didn't know what kind of pervert would be interested in the things here, whether it was the small bed covered with tooth marks, rusty handcuffs, torn dolls and small skirts, the inconspicuous places had seeped into the cement wall The black marks indicate that this is not a good place.

Furthermore, her impression of visiting this kind of 'website' was diminished.

Now she just wants to escape from here. Although the seller is very enthusiastic and honest, she feels that her chest is tight in the underground facility.

The group of people returned to the ground. The set of brainwashing equipment, including a large chair similar to a dentist's bed, plus a bunch of monitors and old-fashioned computers with tapes, were all used by soldiers without numbers and with their faces covered. Pile on the playground.

"Madam, how do you plan to take these away? Do you need to see our cargo military plane?" Looking at this pile of sundries, the general started selling again.

"Hmm..." Neither Daisy nor Tony thought that the so-called piece of equipment was actually a complete set. There were dozens of them in that big cabinet alone. Although they could lift it, their arms were not long enough.

In front of so many people, wouldn't it be a good idea to just call Rainbow Bridge to pick him up?

The existence of superheroes is still a semi-obvious thing, but myths and magic must be kept secret.

Just when she was struggling, she suddenly felt a gust of wind coming from behind. When she turned to look behind her, a barge-like aircraft decorated with reliefs of skulls and roses was breaking through the clouds and descending rapidly.

Clouds were like cotton candy, wrapping around its fuselage, and those large-caliber weapons were clearly protruding from each hatch, looking very ferocious.

The troops on the ground immediately became alert, but this strange red aircraft did not show any hostility. It just hovered carelessly next to the cargo and opened the hatch.

Several figures jumped out from the aircraft. They were women wearing white armor and red robes and ribbons. They all carried flamethrowers and various high-tech luminous weapons.

"Female God of Thunder?" The white-haired woman headed by walked over with a sword on her arm. Her armor, which did not appear to be heavy, left deep footprints on the wasteland: "The great emperor guided us to this place. The sun and stars Keep an eye on everything, you need to give your strength to the Order of Glory.”

"Wait a minute, I don't understand what this means." Daisy grabbed her hammer and showed great resistance: "Who are you?"

The leading woman on the other side sighed, turned to look at the sisters behind her, lowered her voice and moved closer to Daisy. She could even smell the smell of orange soda on the other side.

Just listen to the other party whisper: "The elder nun asked me to tell you: 'It was Deathstroke who sent me here. The satellite has seen your whereabouts. Now come with us.' Do you understand this time?"

"How do you prove your identity?" Daisy became shrewd. Although she was very happy to hear that it was Deathstroke, when did he have such a group of elite female warriors under his command? This is not like Kamatai. Ji is here...

"Proof, does this count?" The woman lifted up one side of the ribbon around her waist. Under the sacred red seal was a small khaki silk bag. She stuffed her long power sword into the small bag and took it out again. Come out: "You know this, right? The nun said you must know it, and she lent it to me."

Daisy also had one of Deathstroke's space props that she just bought. Anyone who owns this thing has a good relationship with Deathstroke.

"Why did I forget that I still have space props again, and I'm still worrying about how to transport these equipment? I'm so stupid!" Daisy knocked on her head, looking very annoyed.

Not long ago I reminded myself not to forget the power of magic, but I still couldn't remember it!

"Carry supplies onto the ship! Take this human woman to meet Sister Efilar and purify the world for the emperor!"

Seeing that Daisy was persuaded, the woman turned around and gave the order, and the nuns immediately echoed loudly.

"For the Emperor!"

They began to move the equipment quickly, throwing it onto the landing craft as easily as moving a few bricks.

"I know Efilar." Daisy finally understood something. She flew into the landing ship and looked at the nun in front of her: "You guys come from the same place, uh, you all like to wear armor in your hometown?"

The nun captain smiled slightly and gestured to the skull servo floating over. The spacecraft immediately took off. She replied:

"Sisters, we are ordered to help humans. You don't need to ask too many questions. I am just following the order."

"Okay." Daisy found a place to sit down and breathed a sigh of relief.

On the wasteland of the playground below, the Fat General and the others looked up at the aircraft disappearing into the sky, silently.

"Leader Vasily, it's not Iron Man who's here. Do we want the people we arranged to follow?" A masked man who looked like a guard came closer and asked the fat man leader in a low voice.

How can the general look like a diligent businessman at this time?

The body quickly shrunk like a deflated balloon, and his face changed accordingly, turning into a strong middle-aged man with white hair. He looked at the bright spot disappearing in the sky and slowly shook his head:

"Cancel the operation, send manpower to collect intelligence again, don't be in a hurry, my comrades, we will definitely gain our own place in this world..."

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