The Death Knell

Chapter 2478 How to Trade

"How do we trade this broken leg for a hover car?"

Gamora approached the mercenary, blinking her big eyes and asking.

After hearing Deathstroke's heroic words, everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy showed expressions of interest, but there was still a little doubt in their eyes.

Except for Star-Lord, he knows that Deathstroke never fights an uncertain battle. Since he said so, he has a plan.

Su Ming let go of the hand on the back of Carol's neck, held the broken leg in both hands and showed it to them, as if he was holding some treasure solemnly.

In the psychedelic scene of the sewer black market with colorful lights, he and the leg also turned into dreamy colors.

"First of all, you have to understand the ruling methods used by different rulers in a dystopian world where materials and wealth are highly concentrated, such as cyberpunk." Deathstroke led a few people to a relatively remote shop. During the gap, he kicked away the drunkard on the ground who didn't know whether he was dead or alive, and started to explain.

"Okay, this first sentence at the beginning makes it clear that I can't understand it. Let's disperse."

The illiterate Peter stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his face, his eyes turned into the shape of dead fish. He was always suffering from the pain of losing school in the fourth grade of elementary school.

However, instead of his crew members reacting like bad students who didn't understand the lesson, as he had hoped, on the contrary, it seemed like everyone except him understood.

"That's it." Gamora pinched her chin, shifted her body weight to one side, and assumed an enchanting standing posture: "This place is ruled by the dictatorship of the man named Dr. Zola, so most of the materials and wealth All will flow to him, the whole city will cater to his taste, and his taste will determine what is valuable and what is not valuable beyond the necessities of life.”

Even though the green-skinned girl is an assassin, she doesn't sound like a highly educated person, but she is Thanos' adopted daughter after all, so she has to know a little bit about everything.

Although Thanos is the Mad Titan and the tyrant of the universe, he does not have any planet as his base.

But he has a huge army under his command. When this army follows him around in space and fights, it also needs supplies and has its own needs. Everyone has different relationships with each other. That is a deformed society.

Gamora occasionally helps him manage those things, so she also has to know how to manage power.

Rocket also nodded. He squatted on the shoulders of the tree man and swung his tail: "So, he did not implement a feudal rule of extortionate taxes on this city. It seems that he has opened up the market economy, so this rule relies on monopoly. Such commercial means.”

The raccoon is small and furry, but he is undoubtedly the person with the most knowledge and technology among the Guardians of the Galaxy. He can repair spaceships, guns, and everything. He can play with unfamiliar technological creations with just a few fiddles. It shows that he is very smart.

Two distinctive characteristics of smart people are that they learn quickly and have a good memory.

"Only sell what you want to sell. Only he has the goods. Everyone has to beg him." The strong man Drax touched his bald head. Although he looked naive and silly, his words often pointed to the core of the problem. .

"I am Groot." The tree man also expressed his position. After the raccoon translated, he said that on his former home planet, there was a tree king who also managed his territory in this way. This was a kind of disguised slavery. The lower tree They are all working for him.

"..." Peter held his chest and took a few steps back. He looked at his teammates with horrified eyes and shook his head in disbelief: "No, no, this is not true. We didn't agree to be together. Do illiterate people live happily? When did you make up your lessons?!"

Ignoring Star-Lord who was adding extra drama to him, Su Ming nodded and began to take off the shoes of the broken leg in his hand:

"Just understand this. Dr. Zola is a scientist, and now he is an intellectual plutocracy-type dictator. So it is inevitable that 'what is good from above will be effective from below'."

“When an individual among humans surpasses others in some way so much that others have no hope of catching up, then others will begin to worship him, mythologize him, and spare no effort to please him. This is the characteristic of human beings who are social creatures. One of the instincts is to imitate.”

"This is also one of the idol effects. Everyone wants to be better, but they don't know what the specific standard of 'good' is. At this time, they will look for a more intuitive example to serve as an idol."

"And here, it will be reflected in the price of the goods. Things that Zola likes must be sold very expensive because everyone is after them."

The death knell spoke very quickly, without stopping the movements of his hands. He first pulled off the large combat boots, which could be worth a few dollars if sold individually. Then he pulled out the toenails and sold them individually, and also sold them separately. Use the God Killer to shave off the meat from this leg and sell it to the noodle stall owner just now.

So in the end, he only had a leg bone in his hand, with some meat foam and blood on it. He strangled and licked it, and then the bone became white and shiny.

Deathstroke, whose palm was still bleeding, shook the bones in his hand: "So, do you know what Zola likes?"

The raccoon immediately raised his little paw, and he learned to answer quickly: "I know that as a scientist, his favorite things are probably things that he can't understand himself."

Su Ming nodded happily towards Rocket. If he could get extra points, he would give extra points to this little hair ball at this time.

Speaking of which, Rocket and Little Fortune are both smart and well-informed, and they can perfectly make complaints and other tasks.

The only difference is that Rocket likes to spit out fragrance, while Bobo likes to be yin and yang, and the two guys express themselves in different ways of being 'elegant'.

"Well said, I'll reward you with a pack of spicy sticks." Deathstroke threw a bag of snacks to the raccoon and a cigarette: "Yes, all scientists like things that they can't understand. We want to let To make the bones in your hands valuable, you must make them incomprehensible to anyone."

"Is it magic?" Gamora also understood. She changed into another sexy pose and spread her long hair. She did these actions subconsciously and did not intend to provoke anyone: "Your magician has recovered." If she has the ability to cast spells, she can completely make this bone incomprehensible to any technological means."

A bright smile flashed across Deathstroke's face under the neon lights. He handed the bone in his hand to Elsa beside him, whispered a few words, and said with some emotion:

"Yes, the essence of trade is to take advantage of the asymmetry of information and materials. This is also a tactic that can be used in battle. Peter is really lucky to have you as his teammates. You completely complement his IQ. Shortcomings.”

"Hey! Since when did I have an IQ problem?!"

Star-Lord was so angry that he danced on the spot, spinning rapidly on the spot. Is this actually the Hu Xuan dance popular in the Tang Dynasty? Just spinning around in circles and stamping his feet crazily.

But his teammates just laughed and looked at him with sympathetic eyes, expressing warm concern and letting him know that even if he was a retard, they would not abandon him.

This is a good teammate of the Galaxy!

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