The Death Knell

Chapter 2481 The Code of Conduct of Veteran Villains

In the belly monitor, Dr. Zola's robot was chattering back and forth, speaking all kinds of scientific terms that were incomprehensible, and kept explaining how awesome the new invention in his hand was.

Steve took the opportunity to secretly restore his power.

For a person with strong willpower like him, all he needs to do is strengthen his belief and say silently in his heart, ‘Move, move! ’ and other passionate lines will really make your body surge with some strength.

What sedatives, anesthesia shots? How can these be the opponents of human willpower!

It's a pity that willpower might still be useful during World War II nearly seventy years ago. The level of metallurgy at that time was average, and he could break shackles and other things at will.

It would be nice if he could go to the DC next door, where willpower is one of the powers of connection.

But now, he is trapped in a Marvel secondary dimension where physical constants are constantly changing and technology is the main body. The role of willpower here is infinitely reduced.

This is a cyberized world, where power comes from numbers and calculations.

Not to mention the metal that fixed him, it was Skrull alloy aided by aliens. I had never seen such an antique as Captain America.

No matter how much he struggled secretly when Zola turned her back to him, the metal shackles remained motionless, holding him firmly on the operating table.

At some point, the robot equipped with Zola's program had turned around.

To be precise, the large TV on its waist and abdomen was rotated 180 degrees laterally. The robot as a whole was still facing the other side, except for Zola's head.

The big-headed dwarf looked at Steve with a playful expression, his eyes closed and his teeth grinning, as if he was looking at a clown.

After a few seconds, the captain realized that the two of them had met each other's eyes, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

"You're getting old too, Steve." Dr. Zola's image shook his head, and then turned into a big 3D face that filled the screen, and even a virtual projection head made of light emerged from the monitor: "How many times?" Ten years have passed, do you think I still don’t know that superheroes like to do tricks when others have their backs turned?"

"Zola, listen to me. You haven't made a big mistake yet. If you let us go, I won't ask why you survived and why you caught us. You know, aliens are invading the earth now. we have to......"

Unable to escape from prison with brute force, Captain America used his verbal skills to preach the truth of freedom to Zola, who seemed to have been demonized.

However, Zola, who only had a pair of red eyes and a big red mouth, interrupted him with a smile:

"I know, because I was the one who worked with the Skrulls and teleported them to Earth through my dimension."

", why did you do this? Did you betray us again?"

Although he knew that Hydra had been promoting the existence of the true alien god, Steve thought it was just a brainwashing method. Unexpectedly, Zora actually became an accomplice of the alien, raping someone by himself?

"Don't get me wrong. I have always been a Hydra lurking within SHIELD. There has never been any such thing as betrayal. And working with aliens does not mean to exterminate humanity."

Zola saw Steve's surprised look, and her vanity was greatly satisfied. He let out a chirping electronic laugh and continued:

"After all, Hydra still wants to rule the world. How can it do it without subjects? This is just a deal. They want to sneak into the earth without anyone noticing and find a person named Ginta's mother to take revenge. And I also need it. Some goons who can fight and send you, my dear Captain America, to my laboratory."

Captain America gritted his teeth, feeling as if he was holding a breath.

"Why are you so sure? Do you know how much damage they will cause to the earth and human society?! You madman!"

"Don't be stupid, Steve. Although I have escaped into the electronic world long ago, I have always used the Internet to follow you."

Dr. Zola raised the gun-shaped device in his hand and gestured at the captain, as if looking for a place to strike:

"There are so many things you don't know. The earth and mankind are not as simple as you think. The strong but brainless Skrulls have been annihilated by hatred and their last sanity. They can't achieve anything. They are only thirty. The Vancekru people cannot even make a splash on earth."

"Three hundred thousand!" Steve took a sharp breath. He ignored his own safety and only cared about the number of Skrulls on the earth.

This number is so huge that the military's decades of back-payments to itself do not even add up to this much!

Seeing Captain America's ignorant look, Zora felt proud again, put down the device he raised, and said triumphantly:

"You underestimate me again. They entered the earth through my channels. Of course I left tracking methods on them that only I can identify. When the time comes, Hydra will stand up and replace the United Nations to maintain the overall situation. Think about it, We have a way to detect alien spies and can identify anyone as a Skrull spy... Do you understand? Don't understand? Then let me explain it more carefully."

As if she was afraid that Steve wouldn't understand, as a spy who had been lurking within the enemy for decades, Zola had a lot to say and she had the obligation to make her old friend understand the entire plan, so she spoke very patiently. .

He told how Hydra planned to take advantage of this east wind and control the whole world in the future.

To put it simply, this idea is very intuitive and feasible. First of all, it is necessary to make the existence of Skrulls on the earth public and cause confusion.

Zola has already begun to plan this matter. He hacked into several Fury's LMDs and asked them to go to TV stations across the United States to give self-identity speeches.

First, he told some confidential information and exposed the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D. to the public. After people believed part of it, he brought up the topic of "dangerous Skrulls lurking around everyone", causing initial panic.

Next, proceed to the second step of the plan. The team led by Little Baldy and Crossbones will secretly deliberately let go of the captured Skrulls, and then deliberately fight them in the downtown area, through the media controlled by Hydra. Showcasing the terror of aliens further amplifies the confusion and fear.

Alexander Pierce will use this to persuade the United Nations Security Council to drag all countries into the endless vortex of "catching deformed spies" at once, and then promote the mass production of Aegis (jiu) Shield (tou) (she) space carriers. The target's 'Eye of the Sky' plan provides force support for big plans.

On the other hand, there are 300,000 Skrulls who cannot be captured without suitable means. At least Zora doesn't think Tony can come up with any good methods.

After Tony, the arrogant man, became the chief scientific advisor of SHIELD, he almost pushed all the biologists away to outer space. He refused to approve funding, refused to provide materials, and killed all the subjects.

The biologists could either apply themselves and leave to find another job, or they could stay in SHIELD's laboratory to record the growth of garlic.

Tony seems to have a deep hatred for biology, and is paranoid to the point of being almost perverted.

If you want to distinguish the lurking Skrulls from the crowd, it is impossible without biologists. Of course, Hydra will not give others the opportunity to study this project.

They will take advantage of the chaos to come back to the stage, promote the national socialism of absolute order, designate anyone who opposes them and resists them as Skrull spies, and let the people deal with the "recognized enemies", even if these enemies look good in appearance. Looks like a superhero.

Will the unjust heroes take action against the misled masses of the people? Zola felt that according to their pedantic moral logic, no, they would only hide, flee, cry in pain in a dark corner that no one knew, and then face inevitable death.

Because Hydra has sent people to contact the person who built the Sentinel robot, as long as Bolivar joins this great cause, a powerful army of super-powered robots can eliminate those disobedient heroes. .

Zola used to be 1.52 meters tall, and Bolivar Strack was 1.48 meters tall. They would definitely become good friends, and Hydra's experimental policy on mutants was also very consistent with that person's position.

The early contacts went very smoothly, so that person should officially join tomorrow, right?

In short, as long as these plans succeed step by step, Hydra, which masters the core identification technology and gains people's trust, will become the master of the destiny of the earth.

The so-called Skrulls? It seems powerful, but it is just a pawn in the hands of a wise man.

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