The Death Knell

Chapter 2482 Explanation is a cover-up

Zola explained for a long time, and Steve finally understood. To put it simply, it was still the Nazi method of taking advantage of the people, but with some extra alien plots and high-tech methods mixed in.

"Is this Red Skull's plan? Where is he? Let him face me. When did he get used to hiding behind a tank transformed from a washing machine?"

"This is my plan! Mine!" Zora Robot jumped up, its heavy body hitting the ground with a thud, and the two corners of its big face also turned downwards: "Red Skull is dead long ago! Now! It’s my Zola’s time! My! Time!”

If he was still the four-eyed dwarf, he would be blushing and roaring by now.

However, this machine body obviously does not have that function. Even the power of the speaker is limited, and the sound is not very loud.

Steve tried to dislocate his palms to see if he could get out of the handcuffs, but he said:

"I don't believe it. This plan sounds like the Red Skull and smells like the Red Skull. It must be his plan. Stop pretending. I've been caught by you now. Doesn't he even have the guts to see me?"

"I! Say it!" Zola was so angry that he threw out the equipment in his hand, and two bellows arms like range hood pipes were swinging above his head: "The Red Skull is dead! Dead! I will become Nine Heads The Supreme Leader of Snakes! I will guide mankind in the right direction of development! It is me, the genius Anim Zora God Z! who formulated this perfect plan!"

Steve laughed, his laugh was so fearless, so heroic, full of the brilliance of a superhero's personality, and he used it to cover up the sound of his dislocated joints:

"Hahahaha... I don't believe it! Unless you can prove to me that the Red Skull is dead, I will think this is his handiwork."

"The Red Skull was on a plane with you at the time. You killed him with the Cosmic Cube. Now how do you want me to prove that he is dead?!" Zola folded her arms on her chest and stared at the captain with an electronic expression. The big face made of lines was full of sorrow and anger: "This is really my plan! The plan that is so evil that it will make you tremble is mine!"

Captain America shook his head. His palms were in severe pain, but he still kept his expression calm and stalled for time with Zola:

"He disappeared with a blue light. I didn't think he would die so easily. You can't lie to me... Is he hiding in the cabinet over there and eavesdropping on our conversation?"

The location where Steve was looking was a locker commonly used in chemical experiments. There were bottles and cans in several columns above, and a cabinet with double doors below, used to store large barrels of consumables such as alcohol.

That's one of the few things Captain America can recognize in this science fiction-like world.

Zola walked to the cabinet with a pounding step, stretched out her robotic arm to open the cabinet door and showed the captain the reagent jar inside. She then raised the cabinet to reveal the wall behind it, indicating that there was no one hiding behind it, and asked angrily:

"Have you given up? The Red Skull is not here. I told you, he is already dead."

"Impossible, he might be hiding behind the door over there." Steve's eyes turned to the direction of the door again, and he was about to pull out his hand. He only needed a little time: "Usually there is a shoe rack or other place behind the door. As for the coat racks, you don’t have those behind the door of your house, it’s very suspicious!”

Zola's television shook from side to side, or maybe just shook its head, and he walked to the door, closing it, opening it, opening it and closing it again.

After repeating this several times to show that there was nothing behind the door, he came back:

"There's nothing behind the door, what else do you want to say?"

Captain America still shook his head, and his eyes turned to the other side: "Where is that small room over there? Is it the toilet? The Red Skull is hiding in there, right?!"

In order to make Steve believe in her, Zola went over to open the small door again and showed the scene inside. It was just a simple utility room with some discarded instruments and equipment piled up.

He himself has changed into a mechanical body, what kind of toilet does he need?


"What about on the ceiling? I heard something rustling."

"That's ridiculous! That's electricity!"

"Under the desk, I just saw a dark shadow flashing past."

"No! That's a biological weapon!"

"Bucket, yes, that opaque bucket. The Red Skull must be hiding in it and eavesdropping, right?"

"This bucket is no bigger than a toilet, how could the Red Skull be hiding in it?!"

"Look, I know the Red Skull is not dead, so tell me, where is he hiding?"


Steve raised different suspicions, causing Zora to almost turn over the laboratory, just to prove that this top-level evil plan was conceived by himself, not Steve's old enemy Schmidt, who was considered the mastermind. Tried my best.

But finally he came to his senses, picked up the handheld device on the ground and approached the operating table.

"I realize you seem to be stalling for time! Enough! Try this trick, for my stolen glasses!"

Zora activated the gun-shaped device in his hand, and the thing buzzed again:

"This is the super gene extractor I invented. Just insert the front drill into your heart and run the set program. It will automatically separate the super soldier serum in your body. Next, I only need to copy With these serums, and using the biological culture equipment traded to me by the Skrulls, I can have an army of German captains! Gaga gah..."

Just like decades ago, he made his purpose of bringing Steve here clear.

In order to avenge Captain and Bucky for taking away his glasses, he also extracted the super soldier serum and used it to create super Aryans.

There is a saying in the East that it takes ten years for a scholar to rebel before he succeeds. Steve knows Zola well and knows his weaknesses.

Zola was once bullied by the Red Skull. Every time Schmidt punched him hard, he could only obey. As long as the man was mentioned in front of him, Zola would lose his balance and insist on proving that he was better than the Red Skull. powerful.

"Isn't an army of German captains equivalent to a group of Red Skulls?" Steve puffed out his chest and signaled Zola to come, but he was still persuading: "Schmidt and I were injected with the same serum. , Dr. Erskine’s invention will make good people better and bad people worse, are you sure the people you create will listen to you?”

The electric drill in Zola's hand stopped again, and although the big electronic face could not be considered facial features, there was clearly a hesitant expression at this time.

Yeah, what if we really create a lot of Red Skulls? Will they continue to bully themselves?

But then he saw his own body, a metal body that looked like a patchwork of refrigerators and washing machines.

There is nothing to be afraid of anymore. Being able to enter the digital network is equivalent to immortality. What can Schmidt do to him even if he is really alive?

So Zola smiled. He put the device in his hand close to Steve's chest, let the drill stick out of the machine and spin quickly:

"You still want to distract me? Nice try, but it's useless. Once I drain all the blood and genes from your body, I will send Sergeant Bucky to hell to accompany you!"

Looking at the drill bit getting closer and closer, Steve suddenly pulled out his dislocated fist, raised it on the operating table, and launched an attack.

Although his wrist joints hung limply there, he could throw an elbow.

He observed for a long time, and there was a small glowing green dot on the TV, which should be the camera, which Zola relied on to collect visual information.

Then as long as you blow up the little green light, you can buy more time to escape from here, find the shield, and then find Bucky.

Bend your arms, move your body sideways, and blast your elbow out like a hammer!

Steve thought so and did so, and the elbow covered by the blue uniform was getting closer and closer to the monitor.

However, just when he saw hope of success, Dr. Zola's free robotic arm suddenly appeared on the attack route, as if he had expected it, blocking the final desperate fight in his palm.

Although it was inconvenient for Steve to exert force now, this elbow attack had a force of ten tons at least, but it was easily blocked by Zora's metal body that looked like an outdated household appliance.

Then, without any handcuffs, Zola's arms became as long as noodles. She held Steve down with one hand while slowly bending down and approaching.

The big face made of red light spots was still shaking, and he said:

"Stop struggling and feel the pain, Captain, even if you scream and break your throat, no one will come to save you! Hahaha!"

However, the next second, just as the drill bit had begun to rub against Steve's chest and uniform, and the Kevlar material was being rubbed to emit a burnt smell, a golden light flew over with a roar, directly shattering the handheld machine. Toy.

Then, in the smoke, a low, devilish laughter came from outside the door.

"Which of you ordered a broken throat? The goods have arrived."

Seeing the red dots of light shining in the darkness in front of the door, and the black and yellow armor that gradually came into the light of the laboratory, Steve, who had exhausted his willpower and physical strength, let out a sigh of relief and fainted on the operating table. .

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