The Death Knell

Chapter 2489 Accidental collision

The turtleneck sweater of the same style as Furui has fine stitches and fine threads and is knitted by machine. It is a high-tech product that is different from conventional hand-knitted sweaters.

At least that was the case more than sixty years ago. This kind of sweater with no visible spaces between the lines became a hit on the market as soon as it was launched.

"This sweater style first appeared at the 1942 World Science and Technology Expo in New York." Jessica flipped through her phone and played a black-and-white video: "This person was Old Joes, the public relations director of Wilson Enterprises at the time. , he was showing people attending the exhibition how to make instant noodles.”

I saw a tall, thin, bald man with an elegant temperament standing at a side corner of the stage, holding a bucket of instant noodles in one hand and a microphone in the other and talking.

It is said that Wilson's convenience food can help everyone save a lot of time, and in an hourly wage society, it can help everyone make more money.

Peter nodded. As a technology-loving nerd, he was also very familiar with the public relations spokesperson of Wilson Enterprises.

He sat back down next to Jessica, tilted his head and looked at it: "Old Joes and the current little Joes look exactly the same. If my reason hadn't told me that it was impossible, I would have suspected that the grandfather and grandson are the same person. .”

"This is genetic inheritance, not magic." Jessica shook her head and pointed at the fragile screen: "Pay attention to what he is wearing. It is a gray turtleneck sweater. When the sleeves are rolled up, he looks smart and smart. Sincerity gives people a down-to-earth look.”

"So, you proved the reason why Wilson Enterprises' clothing has always been selling well." Peter blinked, and the big white eye frame on the mask moved even more: "They do have an advanced sense of fashion, but We are now going to work on Fury's problem, not go to work at Runway Magazine."

He recently spent all his money from his part-time job on a new uniform, adding sensors that can show some expressions and can slightly change the size of the eye sockets on the mask in response to facial muscle movements.

It's not about improving combat effectiveness. He just wants to let the bad guys know that he is scary when he is angry. It is a tactical deterrent.

"This is just the beginning." Jessica said nothing nonsense and took back her phone to make a few calls: "Look at this again. This is the Stark Industries booth at the New York World Science and Technology Expo in 1946."

It is also a black and white video, in which Mr. Howard Stark, who is now Tony Stark's father, is showing visitors the latest invention of Stark Industries.

A super typewriter that can automatically convert into written text through voice control.

Although the machine was larger than an ordinary tractor, it was decades ago. How could people have ever imagined that they could just speak to a loudspeaker and the machine would type your words on paper?

You don't have to spell every word, you just need to say the word apple like you would in daily life chatting, instead of the trouble of a, p, p, l, e, that weird instrument can spell it automatically.

Of course, there was a problem with the recognition rate. The machine couldn't tell the difference between Gum and Cum, which made a bit of a joke. However, Howard, who was wearing a turtleneck sweater, still humorously smoothed things over and promised to use it when the technology is fully mature. To the market.

Seeing this, Xiao Chong came back to his senses. Yes, Howard also wore a turtleneck sweater to attend the press conference.

"Is anyone else dressed like this?" he asked Jessica.

But the girl just smiled and kept sliding her fingers, switching out the web pages she had prepared long ago.

Yes, regardless of Howard, the World's Fair was suspended during World War II, and since its resumption in 1946, almost every year, the spokesperson of every participating company will wear a turtleneck sweater on stage.

The previous generation bosses of Hanmo Industry, the grandfather of Osborne Group, foreign businessmen participating in exhibitions, etc., almost all wore turtleneck sweaters with sleeves rolled up.

For decades, this seems to have become some kind of unspoken rule. Anyone who hosts a press conference that has something to do with ‘revelation’, ‘display’ or ‘high technology’ will wear turtlenecks.

"I understand, you are saying that Director Fury's LMD is dressed like that because he is going to attend a press conference." Peter suddenly understood and looked at the girl with admiration.

The girl who successfully made her pig teammates understand just smiled crookedly and threw the phone back into Peter's arms:

"So, when you watch the press conference now, you definitely don't go to the scene, but rely on the media, watching it from the Internet or TV, then the destination of Fury's LMDs is very clear... Combined When we encountered his location and compared it with the map, we found that the place he was actually heading to was a television station in New York."

"According to Agent Coulson, these LMDs are very dangerous. No matter what they are going to do at the TV station, we must stop them!"

Spider-Man stood up, lifted up his pants, and shot spider silk towards the tall building nearby.

Jessica sighed and shook her head: "I haven't said which TV station this guy is from."

However, as she said this, her body flew up and chased her classmates. I don’t know why, but acting together with my idiot classmates makes me a little more enthusiastic.


In fact, Fury wears turtlenecks year-round.

It was meant to match his black leather coat, otherwise the leather would stick to the back of his neck, which would be very uncomfortable. After all, wearing a fur coat shirtless is something only furry bears would do.

As the 'Marxman', Fury also likes the feeling of the back of his coat swinging like a cape, but there is no way he can walk around the bureau wearing a cape, right? That's purely a matter of personal preference.

A coat is better, although it is a bit strange to wear fur all year round, but how does it compare to a masked tights? Is it much better?

Jessica's reasoning was a mistake from beginning to end, but she was really fooled. The goal of those LMDs was to follow the orders left by Zola and go to the TV station one by one to disclose the aliens to the American people. The existence of human beings causes chaos and cooperates with Hydra's series of plans.

If you want to cause chaos, of course you choose the 'free' country of the United States, where you can talk nonsense.

When doing things in the United States, of course you have to choose New York. Don’t ask why, this place is just pleasing to the eye!

Zola threw Z space to Deathstroke and escaped like a golden cicada. But after he escaped, Hydra's plan still didn't stop, and everything was happening step by step.

But now, Alexander Pierce on the top floor of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Tri-Wing Headquarters looked at his watch again and again, walked around anxiously, rubbed his hands and whispered to himself:

"It's strange, why hasn't the plan been launched yet? What is Zola doing? Why haven't those LMDs arrived at the TV station yet..."

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