The Death Knell

Chapter 2490 Limbo

Zola next to the operating table strangled Steve's neck, and the latter could only struggle desperately, but the mechanical arm was too strong, like an inescapable snake of fate, entangled and binding ideals and dreams.

"Surrender! Steve!"

Zola's electric drill was approaching, and the sharp needle that pierced the heart was cold. Captain America screamed in pain from the severe pain in his chest. He was even unable to resist it all.

But the captain would not surrender. He shouted angrily at the other party: "I can spend the whole day with you! As long as there is still one person who has expectations for me, I will never give up!"

"Who is it? Who else has expectations for you?"

Zola looked like a blurry black shadow under the shadowless lamp. Her voice was sharp and urgent, as if she was searching for an answer.

Just like a revolving door scene before death, a large number of memories flowed into Steve's mind. Not only that, he also felt that his weak limbs were filled with strength again.

A glowing figure appeared at the door of the laboratory. It was that person, with a kind smile on his face.

Yes, it's him!


Steve shouted out and woke up from the nightmare at the same time, but in front of him was not the undead in his memory, but the back wearing black and yellow armor.

This is a small bedroom. In addition to the bed, there are a lot of sundries and furniture. Under the white light, the figure is facing away from him. What is he busy with on a table?

His hands and feet were not bound, and the star shield was leaning against the bed. Steve breathed a sigh of relief. He sat up and rubbed his face. He didn't know why. He clearly remembered that he was saved by the death knell, but why was it the godfather who appeared in the dream? shadow?

"No, I can't bear to be called you like that, old man." The man working at the table turned around, the mustache on his lips twitching, as if he was suppressing a smile, and he was still holding a A cup of coffee was handed to him: "The sudden shout you just made was so sincere. Tsk tsk, what did the death knell do to you? Make you cry for daddy in your dreams?"

Captain America took the coffee, drank it, and then looked at Tony with speechless eyes.

Iron Man is wearing his own high-tech armor at this time, but this suit is yellow and dark blue. If it weren't for the two eyes on the mask and the Ark reactor on the chest, it would be too easy to misunderstand from behind.

"Why are you imitating the death knell?" Steve stood up angrily, but his weak legs made him sway uncontrollably, and he reached out to hold the head of the bed.

Tony took out a small device, came over and opened the captain's eyelids to check: "This is the anti-Deathstroke suit. Of course I had to put it on immediately when he sent you over, lest he let me have nightmares too. You have been in the dream all the time." After struggling fiercely, I can only place you in this utility room that is not usually used to prevent you from beating Bucky and the others to death."

Imitation is for the purpose of transcendence, as scientists all know.

"Are Bucky and the others okay?" Steve cooperated with the physical examination and sighed: "When we were taken away, there was a little girl with us. She should have fallen out of the window. Have you checked? "

"Are you talking about Skye? She is outside. The smiling good man with hair loss persuaded her to get an iron job. Bucky and the others are also sleeping and have not been replaced by the Skrulls." Tony put away the instrument and held his chest with both hands. Crooked Mouth asked: "Deathstroke left you to me, and then left the Guardians of the Galaxy behind, claiming to be helping but actually monitoring us. He left with Captain Marvel. Tell me, what happened?"

"I have to see Coulson right away. There are a lot of Hydra spies lurking inside SHIELD. I'll talk about my business later."

Steve picked up the shield and put it on his back, staggering toward the door. At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and a mean voice shouted outside:

"Robots are being sold. Anyone can buy my robot? Don't let your child freeze to death in an alley with a robot in his hand."

The captain and Iron Man looked at each other, with different expressions on their faces.


"Hela, long time no see, you seem to have turned a little grayer again?"

Where is the death knell that is being chanted at this time? In the dimension of Limbo, Elsa beside her was also replaced by the mysterious guest, but Carol, who was still looking around curiously, stayed behind.

There is actually nothing interesting to see in Limbo. The black rocky ground, the gray-red sky, and monsters with slimy tentacles are everywhere. Except for the castle in the middle of the dimension, there are no buildings.

On the terrace of the castle, Deathstroke met the goddess of the underworld, Hela, who was wearing a dark green evening gown.

She was holding the edge of the window sill with both hands, looking into the distance.

However, although Limbo is called this, also known as Limbo, no hell dimension can be directly seen here. It is just a special space where various unspeakable creatures live, as well as demons corrupted by the past.

"How humorous." Hela turned around, looked at Deathstroke's face with big eyes, and slowly stretched out her hand: "If you are a dead person like me and live in a place where you will never see the sun, you can do it."

"It doesn't apply to me, Hela." Su Ming caught the little hand and touched it on his lips: "To say a person has white skin is a good word in American language arts to praise others for their noble status. I don't mean You don’t look like a warrior... I’m just happy to see you arrive as promised.”

"You speak much better than my two brothers, Deathstroke, but now is not the time for small talk." Hela retracted her hand and turned to gesture outside the balcony: "Where is my other brother? The mysterious guest only Said he should be hunting tentacle worms in some underground tunnel, but insisted on waiting for you to come back before looking for him."

"Really?" Su Ming touched Mysterio's head. The girl with long blond hair narrowed her eyes like a cat: "Actually, there is no need to be so careful. Hela has the same position as me on this matter. We are ally."

Liana now has the image of a devil with two horns on her head and a tail behind her. She holds the pale soul sword in her hand.

While enjoying the touch comfortably, she shook her head:

"Teacher, you said that Baldr died due to Loki's plan, and then his soul fell into the underworld and suffered. I think he didn't like our goddess. If you were here, you might be able to act as a middleman to ease the atmosphere."

Nowadays, the mutant utopia is very busy. The teachers are either engaged in construction or responsible for diplomacy with visiting foreigners. The students do not have to go to class these days. The mysterious guest just excused himself to take leave, saying that he wanted to return to Limbo for a visit.

Su Ming smiled. He put down his hand and took out drinks and snacks for several ladies to enjoy:

"You are the supreme mage of the second dimension, and you can use the power of Emperor Weishan at any time. Baldr is not weak, but he is not stupid either. He cannot fight against you, the lord of the dimension. You can completely be the middleman yourself. "

"A Supreme Mage like me?" The mysterious man spread his hands, and black-red smoke rolled on the dragon-like claws: "The closer we are to the time when the stars are in alignment, the red stone will remain in Limbo during my stay. The power is becoming more and more difficult to control, and now I look like another demon lord, which should not be good for easing the atmosphere."

"Okay. How is he doing now?" Deathstroke nodded.

The mysterious guest grinned: "I don't know, I can roughly judge the large area where he is, but after all, he is in a complex underground insect tunnel, not to mention that decades have passed, and I can't always keep an eye on him. "

Carol, who had already quickly picked up the bag of jelly and sucked it, interrupted at this time: "Pause for a moment, I don't understand. Who is Balder? Does it sound like a relative of the God King and Thor?"

"Then let's eat and walk, and I'll tell you a story on the way." Su Ming nodded towards the mysterious guest, motioning for her to lead the way to find Badr, and said to Carol who took off: "To put it simply, that is unlucky. Guy."

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