The Death Knell

Chapter 2491 Past Story

Baldr, the God of Light, is the biological son of Odin and Frigga, their eldest son, and the first heir to Asgard.

When it came to Odin's private life when he was young, Su Ming didn't know what to tell Carol, so he simply ignored it. After all, the old man didn't attack cows or mares like Zeus next door. , but also likes to sow seeds everywhere and is obsessed with various female giants.

There is no other reason, because female giants are often more than ten meters tall, weigh dozens of tons, and have strong fighting power. They live in mud ponds or magma, and have thick scale armor on their bodies as defense.

Odin believes that a powerful man must conquer such a powerful woman in order to give birth to stronger offspring...

In short, Thor actually has a lot of brothers in his generation, most of whom are hybrids of Odin and wild giants. Thor himself doesn't know their existence. Some of those brothers have long since died, and some have simply disappeared. In the 'story', even other people's memories of them have been erased.

However, Thor's two siblings who are currently known to be alive are essentially not related to him by blood.

Loki is a picked-up Frost Giant baby, and Hela is the eldest sister fabricated from storybooks.

Talking back to Baldr, he is a hybrid of the Asir and the Vanir. He also represented the official fusion of the two protoss and the future of the Asgard forces.

He inherited Odin's strong physique and Frigga's magical talent. When he was born, it was said that the light in the delivery room illuminated the entire Asgard.

Generally speaking, if a vision comes from heaven when you are born, this is a person who will achieve great things in the future.

The same is true for Badal. As he grew up, he was able to do his best in everything. He had very good attainments in arts, martial arts, music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and even technology and medical skills.

When he grew up, according to some articles on, his appearance was 'as beautiful as a beautiful woman, with a body as strong as a tiger'!

Asgardians like this kind.

If it's really hard to imagine, just think about moving Sif's head to Thor's body, it's almost like that.

That is the standard of handsome men according to the aesthetics of the fairy palace. It would be better if the body is physically handicapped, such as missing a hand or blinding an eye.

Because Odin sacrificed an eye to the World Tree in exchange for wisdom, this story was widely circulated, so the one-eyed man was regarded as a symbol of the top wise man from the perspective of all races under the influence of Asgard.

Of course, if you are completely blind, you are a disabled person, and you will be looked down upon in the Immortal Palace because you have lost your fighting power.

Baldr does not have one eye, and his smile is very beautiful. Just like his title, he brings light wherever he goes. That heroic smile is like the Asgardian version of Captain America.

People like him because he is humble and good at fighting, brave and careful, drinks a lot, and is particularly good at wrestling.

Thor was still very young at that time, and Hela had been banished to the underworld before he was born. So in the Golden Palace, Thor pestered Badr to play with him every day, asking him to tell him stories and teach him martial arts. In short, Just like brown sugar.

And whenever Thor and Baldur have a deep love for each other and enjoy each other...

Either in the grass, or at the corner of the wall, or in the dark [Literature Hall] hiding and peeping, Loki gritted his teeth with hatred, and his eyes were filled with cold light.

He felt that Thor should play with him, but Baldr had robbed him, and he had to solve this problem.

So he prepared a plan to kill Baldur and take back his stupid brother, and made up a lie for this purpose.

A few days later, fate revealed a terrible thing to Frigga and Odin. The three sisters of fate at the foot of the World Tree told them that Baldur would die at his birthday dinner, an artifact from the Golden Palace. ', will take his life.

The queen who loved her son immediately cast a spell and talked to all the tools in the golden palace, asking them not to kill her son.

Whether it was pitchforks, mops, or pots and pans, they all agreed to the Queen's request and swore to the World Tree that they would not harm Baldur.

But Frigga forgot something. In the garden of the Golden Palace, there was a small mistletoe seedling. She felt that it was too small, even as soft as Odin's beard, and it was not enough to threaten Balder. So she didn't discuss it with it.

But it was this mistletoe that killed Balder.

Loki became one of the Destiny Sisters and found Frigga to talk to him. He learned that she had not negotiated with the mistletoe, so he started to operate from such a thing.

At the birthday party, Loki turned into a stranger, pulled up the parsley, and gave it to Baldr's other brother, the god of darkness, Hodr.

Although Hodr and Baldr are brothers, he is completely opposite to his brother. He is old, hunched, frail, and blind. He is the kind of marginalized person that everyone dislikes.

Loki took advantage of this.

When someone took the initiative to talk to Hodel, the God of Darkness in the corner of the party was flattered: "Someone actually wants to play games with me?! Odin is on top! Thank you, father! Thank you World Tree!"

Loki, who turned into a strange middle-aged man, gave him the parsley tree. It was not big, just like a twig: "Yes, I want to play a game with you. If you can use this twig to kill Zhong Badr, I will treat you to drink countless mead."

Hodel is blind, but he has excellent hearing and is a marksman who can hear and identify positions.

Badr in the crowd laughed endlessly. This goal is too obvious, okay?

"It's a deal!"

After saying that, Hodel cast out the seedlings of the mistletoe.

Odin and Frigga did not want Baldr to die, and they did not hesitate to cast spells to borrow power from the World Tree to avoid this, but Loki took advantage of the loophole they created by doing so, and he passed on the price of the promises made in order to realize these wishes. 'Falled on Badr.

This is the law of magic. If you want someone to be 'immortal', then at least a few people must be 'dead' in exchange.

Although World Tree is good, it is not a philanthropist. It is one of the ancient gods.

If Frigga and Odin hadn't panicked and frantically sought medical treatment, Loki wouldn't have been able to use this cost-transfer method.

So everything was just like in the prophecy and story made up by Loki, and the high-level mystery immediately gave power to the branch,

The mistletoe branch turned into a sword in the air. This weapon with the law of cause and effect directly nailed Baldur to death on the spot. This sword was the Evergreen Sword 'Mistertin', a cursed magic weapon. Now it is placed in the treasure house of the Golden Palace and is strictly guarded.

Because another prophecy appeared later, it was said that enemies of Asgard would pick up this sword and kill everyone, bringing about the Winter of Swords and ushering in the Twilight of the Gods.

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