The Death Knell

Chapter 2492 Find a fool

"In short, the general story is like this. I can't guarantee that what I said is completely correct." Deathstroke shrugged after telling the story. While continuing to fly in the underground tunnel, he said to Carol who was listening to the story: "It's better to Ask Hela? She is also a party involved after all."

Hela sneered, her skirt flying, flying beside the death knell: "I am not a party. I was expelled to the underworld by Odin long before Balder was born. His precious son will not be invited to his birthday. I attend.”

The cave was very dry, and there was a strange smell in the turbid air. It was very light, but it was disgusting.

Fortunately, the current group of people are not ordinary people, and this environmental factor is not enough to affect them.

"That's not what I'm talking about. I heard that Baldur was buried in great glory later, but Frigga didn't want to accept this fact. She once sneaked into the underworld and begged you to release Baldur's soul." The darkness ahead was a little weird, like dye. There was a cloud of ink, so Su Ming took out the God Killer, and the golden electric light suddenly illuminated the smooth passage with four walls.

It turned out that the darkness was caused by several groups of tentacle monsters, which looked like a combination of land sea cucumbers and sea anemones. After they saw the mysterious guest, they rolled away quickly.

"There is such a thing." Hela originally planned to strangle the soft monster to satisfy her cravings, but the lighting of the death knell scared them away, so she was very disappointed: "I also promised her, I made a bet with her , if all the creatures in the nine realms shed tears for Baldr’s death, then I will return her son’s soul to her.”

The mysterious guest leading the way moved her wrist, and the red scales made her feel a little itchy:

"Do you have higher authority to deal with souls than the lords of hell?"

"That's right. Odin once negotiated terms with death. Otherwise, how do you think the Hall of Valor detains the souls of warriors from reincarnation?" The goddess answered very naturally, without hiding anything. Maybe it was because she knew that the death knell was by her side. I can't hide it even if I want to.

"Please continue." The mysterious guest seemed to be thinking about something, and nodded with a smile, showing the fangs in his mouth.

"It's very troublesome to talk about. There are a lot of insignificant things. It's nothing more than the many efforts made by Odin and Frigga to resurrect Baldr." Hela turned her head and blinked at the death knell, her pale face There was a smile on his face: "In short, basically all the creatures in the nine realms cried at that time, except for one person who didn't cry, so Baldr failed to be resurrected, and he played with me in the underworld for a long, long time... .”

Carol, who was at the back of the team, answered first. She stretched out her hand and waved: "Is it Loki?"

"Yes, and no." Hela sniffed. She didn't need to breathe. Maybe she was identifying the direction in the tunnel: "Odin ordered everyone in the fairy palace to cry. Anyone who didn't cry would be killed. So Loki cried very sadly. But he found an underground giant named 'Coal' in the hometown of the dwarves. The giant didn't even have eyes and couldn't cry. When everyone was crying, he teleported the giant to Jin Palace, there is nothing Odin can do now.”

Su Ming also knew these things, but not as clearly as Hela. He continued:

"Anyway, Odin found a reason to do Hodel afterwards. Loki got rid of his two brothers at once. At the same time, because Frigga's children were all dead, she put all her love on the 'innocent' With Loki, it can be said that he has accomplished multiple things with one stone."

"Dark, too dark."

Carol was silent for a while after hearing this, and then she expressed such emotion.

But it's still acceptable. After all, these people's names sound like fairy tales when placed here.

"Anyway, as long as you don't compete with Loki for Thor, basically nothing will happen. Loki is actually quite easy to talk to, but his personality is a little twisted." Su Ming shook his head with a smile and looked at Hela: "But I don't Understand one thing, how did Baldur escape from your underworld? How did he resurrect?"

"I don't know either." Hela spread her hands and faced Deathstroke's suspicious eyes: "I really don't know. You have also been to the underworld. It is a vast land with few people. I got tired of playing with Bader, so I left him in the city. I left him to fend for himself, but suddenly one day he disappeared."

"...Is that so? It's interesting." Deathstroke didn't express much, but just nodded to show that he understood. Then he looked at the mysterious guest: "How far are we still?"

"Badr is not far ahead, come with me." She flapped the huge bat-like wings behind her and increased her speed.


The God of Light has no light at all now, and is more like a miner working in a coal mine. He is dark and dirty, and his body is covered in the smell of feces mixed with sweat and other things.

Because he had never left the underground for so many years after falling into the limbo, when he saw the light again, his first reaction was to raise his hand to block it.

The light of the God Killer was not very strong unless it was deliberately stimulated, but even so, the electric light still stimulated Balder to shed tears, and two white marks instantly appeared on the beautiful face.

Deathstroke made a gesture, indicating that he would come to communicate first, and then Hela would come up.

Looking at the person with a loli-like face and a strong back, Su Ming knelt down in front of him even though he was a little displeased.

"God of light? Baldr?"

"...Ah, ah, ah."

He has not spoken for so long that he can only make such sounds like a mute. After all, he lives underground and preys on the tentacle monsters here to survive. The corruption of the old gods may have also affected his brain.

Su Ming stood up, raised his fist to his chin, took off his mask and blew out a long breath from his nostrils:

"He seems to have forgotten that he is a human being, and his thoughts cannot be connected to each other under the indescribable influence. In this case, it may be a bit difficult for him to deal with the big snake."

After hearing this, Hela also came over, stretched out her hand and pinched Badr's arm. The other party just looked at her with fearful eyes, huddled up and shivered.

"It seems that he has not forgotten everything." She smiled triumphantly at Deathstroke: "Look, his body still remembers the fear of me. Maybe we can take advantage of this."

"I still think chess pieces that are intelligent and can move by themselves are more useful. Marionettes need to be operated and are not reliable enough." Su Ming understood what Hela meant, but he did not agree with the use of brainwashing magic remote control. After all, it was not flexible enough.

If the opponent is a snake, it will definitely not work. The veteran's fighting ability is on the same level as the desperate Odin, and it is more insidious.

Hela thought for a moment, then looked at Mysterio: "Then we have only one other way, gouge out one of his eyes and sacrifice it to the evil gods behind this dimension. If normal rational thinking is taken away by them, Maybe I can get it back?"

She didn't have much confidence in what she said, it was just a guess. After all, she had basically no experience with those weird beings who seemed to live in another world.

"Godslayer, ice cream scooper; Mystic, prepare for the sacrifice ceremony."

But Su Ming directly replaced his answer with action, grabbing Badr with a spoon in his hand.

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