The Death Knell

Chapter 2495 Application failed

The captain is still arranging plans to try to bring out everyone's expertise and strengths while minimizing the unnecessary time spent on the road.

"Captain, do you want me to go too?" Wade saluted Steve like a soldier, then rubbed his fingers with a mean smile: "Look, you don't have enough manpower, and I am an extremely good servant. Bing, you know, suck!"

I don't know what he thought of, but he had just sold the headless machine Fury to Tony, and after counting several piles of bills, he drooled again.

Captain America glanced at Deadpool. He was always wary of the guy who claimed to be Deathstroke's cousin.

If nothing else, this person just smelled like a mental patient. He had the smell of urine and other excrement, and it also smelled like the entrails of a dead rat mixed with durian paste that had been heated in the oven.

If you listen to him talk again, it sounds more like a mental illness.

But maybe...

"It's not impossible to join if you want." Steve handed Bucky the map and asked him to arrange the details. He said to Deadpool: "But I have to ask you a few questions to determine whether you can become our teammate. "

"I understand, import and export veterinary inspection. You are worried that I will suddenly turn into a werewolf and kill you all. This suspicion is reasonable. But can you skip the step of taking the temperature? I don't feel well in my rectum today, but if you If you insist, you can put your finger in and be gentle."

Wade nodded repeatedly, turned around, and pretended to take off his pants.

Steve quickly stopped him, tripping up the bitch with a whip kick, and called Falcon and Hawkeye to come over and hold down his limbs.

"Watch the language! It's not that kind of test, I'm just asking you questions!"

"A quiz game? I told you earlier, why do you need a few tough men to hold me down? I thought you were going to snatch my eggs." Deadpool breathed a sigh of relief, and the white eyes on the mask also relaxed: "It's direct Do you want to ask or go through the process? I’ll bring my own pen and paper, rocket pilot, can you please take it out of my underwear?”

When asked, Sam retched and came into close contact with Deadpool. I'm afraid only Steve's willpower could withstand it, right?

He and Hawkeye had just come into contact with this man, and when he touched his red and black uniform, there was a hand full of dirty blood. The smell was even stronger, and he really couldn't hold on for long!

Steve also knew that he couldn't delay, and he couldn't bear the nausea anymore. Deadpool was still writhing around like maggots, causing sewage to overflow.

"Let me ask you, if I asked you to go with Black Widow and me to take back S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, what would you do?"

"Find the weapons depot first, then detonate the nuclear bombs inside, and send all the Hydras to the sky on earth planes. As for the loyal ministers of SHIELD, just treat them as sacrifices to protect the earth, and then build a monument for them when we're done?"

Deadpool gave the answer without thinking. After speaking, he blinked shyly and looked at the captain, as if he was waiting for praise.

This was not the answer Steve wanted. He thought mercenaries were still soldiers and could say things like, 'All actions are under your command.' He didn't expect Deadpool to be so subjective...

But you don’t want to take such initiative!

He shook his head and changed the question: "What if you and Iron Man and his technology team were asked to search and capture the Skrulls around the world? This time, don't talk about blowing up the earth with nuclear bombs."

Deadpool's eyes widened and he calmly got rid of the shackles of Hawkeye and Falcon through 'sloughing'. He stood up and pointed at his bare, rotten chest.

"Nuke the land? Captain, do you think I am that kind of madman?" He shook his head repeatedly, showing great disappointment: "If I want to deal with the Skrulls, I will choose to find their queen first, and then fuck her thoroughly. Serve, film the process into hundreds of episodes of a serial ethics drama, and broadcast it around the world, so that all the Skrulls will understand that I am their father!"

"I think this plan is good, and it smells like a death knell." Tony nodded and toasted to Deadpool from a distance: "Speaking of which, when the equipment and transport planes I bought again are delivered, will you still be willing to play the leading role? Anyway, just don’t show me the finished product, I’m already sexually frigid now.”

"Shut up." Captain America glared at Iron Man: "Such a shameless plan! Is your plan to exterminate humanity? Ugh..."

Thinking of the edited video of Deadpool and the aliens, the captain finally couldn't bear it anymore. He turned around with retching and tried his best to calm down the shock in his heart.

Bucky hurried over, supported his brother, and patted him on the back: "Don't get excited, Steve, or let him follow me and Falcon out to find LMD. Yes, you have a plan for this. ?"

He asked Deadpool directly, hoping he could give him a hint, otherwise he wouldn't even think about getting a penny.

But if you could understand the atmosphere, would you still be Deadpool?

Even if they are employers, Wade will not respect them, not to mention that the contract has not yet been finalized.

"LMD, does it stand for 'Light Must Die'? Just kidding, I know you are talking about robots." Deadpool picked up the uniform on the ground and put it on, moving his arms: "Speaking of this, you have found the right person. I am an expert in dealing with robots!"


Wonderful vision also floated over, and he wanted to hear what experts had to say.

The red-faced robot didn't feel that he was very strong or had any dissatisfaction. He just wanted to learn how to deal with Ultron.

Looking at the expectant eyes of everyone, Deadpool spun on the spot, looked around, then smiled crookedly like a god of war, took out a piece of equipment from his trouser pocket and unfolded it in the wind!

"See this? With this, no robot can see me."

"...But this is just a cardboard box with red Fuji apples painted on it."

Vision tilted his head in confusion. No matter how you look at it, an empty box containing apples is not something that can restrain a robot.

"Haha, you're a simple robot, you don't even know what Metal Gear Solid is, watch it!" Deadpool arranged several folded cardboard sheets according to their positions, then squatted down and huddled up, and used the cardboard box to fasten himself. The funny voice came from the paper shell: "How is it? Am I invisible in your eyes now?"

Vision looked at the cardboard box crawling on the ground indifferently...

The robot turned around and floated away. According to the beautiful Chinese dialect he learned on the Internet, the mercenary's performance was "mother's mental retardation".

Steve tilted his neck at Tony, meaning that now the trash needs to be thrown into the street.


While the Avengers were having a meeting, Loki and Thor were also counting the losses. They were leaning on the legs of the Destroyer after it was activated, and their expressions were not very good.

"The crown of Surtur was lost, the imitation of the Infinity Gauntlet was lost, and the obelisk... If those can be said to be insignificant, then the loss of the Evergreen Sword, I'm afraid... ....”

Thor looked at his brother, hoping that the always smart Loki would have some ideas. The explosion had covered up all the clues. Now they couldn't even tell how many people had sneaked into the Golden Palace and where they were now.

Don't talk about them. Heimdall, who just arrived, swore that he didn't see anything, and also guaranteed that no one passed through the Rainbow Bridge. This time, he even checked the bottom of the bridge.

Loki pinched the bridge of his nose and kept gently hitting the Destroyer behind him with the back of his head, as if the cold metal could make him feel better.

The next moment, he froze and jumped up as if he was electrocuted. He grabbed Thor's arm and shouted:

"No! Go to World Tree!"

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