The Death Knell

Chapter 2496 How to prevent suicide?

"This is an obvious plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain. Why didn't I notice it?"

While Loki was flying side by side with Thor, he took out a rough-edged copy of "The Art of War" from somewhere and pulled his long hair in annoyance:

"The key to everything still lies in the World Tree. Maybe the loss of those items is also a trouble, but compared with the importance of the World Tree, it is not worth mentioning."

Thor used to fly with a hammer, but now he flies with an axe. There is not much difference in posture.

His long golden hair was flying in the air, and his beard drooped as the corners of his mouth curved downward. Some sad words rang out in the wind:

"What will the big snake do to the World Tree? Is it that blue flame? Maybe..."

Nothing was possible, and they were still a step too late. Just as the two of them led the army to the World Tree, winter came.

Asgard, which was originally sunny and sunny, suddenly fell into a blizzard in the blink of an eye. The kind of cold that penetrated the body seemed to be able to freeze a person's soul.

The wind came from nowhere and was filled with terrifying malice. Even the most experienced warriors in the Asgard could feel the hairs on their bodies standing on end at this moment.

The sky has changed. Different from the dark clouds that Thor summoned thunder in the past, the upright black clouds containing electric current give people a feeling of majesty at best. At this time, the gray clouds in the sky that looked like rotten cotton were spreading heavy black snow, while spreading an emotion called fear.

"Heimdall, inform everyone to prepare for battle!"

Thor shouted loudly to the loyal guards, but the strong man following the two men had a confused face at this time.

"But, Thor, what are we fighting against?"

Yes, the Awakening Defender asks the crucial question, where is the enemy?

Do warriors need to use swords or spears to fight against such celestial phenomena with the clouds in the sky and the falling snow?

Thor looked at Loki, and the God of Deception, who had always been resourceful, shook his head. He seemed to have seen something that no one else had seen: "Go and inform everyone to prepare, Heimdall, do you feel cold? The time has come, hold the walls of the Golden Palace, prepare our torches, and do our best.”

The Asgard Lion opened his mouth, and the red beard on his face trembled. The voice was stuck in his throat, but could not be spoken clearly.

"I understand, Asgard will fight to the end."

Heimdall turned and left to convey this final order to the heroic men and women. If the endless cold winter really comes, today may be the day when everyone will die in battle.

The twilight of the gods has arrived, and everyone will die. In this case, it is time to open the city gates wide, and fight to the end with any enemies who come up on the plains when the eternal night falls. This is where warriors can best demonstrate their martial arts. The place.

People in Immortal Palace are not afraid of death, the key lies in how to die with honor.

Although Loki's order to 'defend the city' seems very cowardly, after all, he now holds a divine spear, which represents the will of the God King.

The two brothers flew to the edge of the World Tree platform. The roots of the big tree that seemed to be suspended in the air could not be seen here, but now it has withered, the trunk and branches are covered with frost, and the strong wind is tearing them apart. It has few remaining leaves.

The leaves have been frozen, looking heavy and clumsy, and the slender leaf stems are shaking precariously.

"In the winter of Finbul, I didn't expect that the prophecy would actually come true in this way. I once thought that the World Tree would burn blazingly one day, repeating the scene of that year. I even made a plan to extinguish the fire. I have always used Su Ertel as the imaginary enemy...but it turned out to be ice, water, it."

The black-haired prince said this as if he was sighing or thinking.

Fimbulvetr is the longest and coldest winter in the prophecy. It will end all life and drag the nine realms into eternal night.

There will be no next sunrise, nor will there be another spring, unless everyone in the fairy palace dies in exchange for the world tree to be rejuvenated, then everyone may have a chance to be reborn.

He wanted to reach out and touch the tree trunk, but Thor grabbed his hand and dragged him back to him.

The strong brother shook his head and looked around with the ax: "Don't touch this evil hoarfrost. Except for the frost giants, everything will be frozen by it. The curse from fate is almost invincible. We have to find out how to sneak into the Golden Palace." people come."

"No, you can't find it."

Loki shook his head, his long hair swaying with the strong wind, as if blending into the black snowstorm, and there was no emotion in his voice:

"Stupid Thor, can't you see that this is the World Tree itself seeking to enter reincarnation? With its help, our enemies can appear everywhere..."

"Damn! How do we stop a tree that wants to drag us to suicide?" Thor looked at his axe, but felt weaker than ever before: "When I was in the United States, I often saw the police trying to kill people by killing them. People who commit suicide to prevent tragedies from happening, can we follow their example?”

There are many people in the United States who believe in Christianity. According to that doctrine, suicide is a serious crime, so the police kill them to prevent the souls of the deceased from falling into hell. This seems to be quite correct in Thor's opinion.

Loki smiled bitterly and shook his head. He looked at his belated brother: "Fool Thor, haven't you discovered yet that all the treasures that can be used to kill the World Tree have been stolen in the treasure house? I am the only one. Gungnir in my hand, but this last blow is not used like this..."

"Damn it! If only I still had my hammer!" Thor was also discouraged, but it was more of a complaint than an anger.

The sky has completely darkened. In the distance behind him, Heimdall is coming with people holding torches. The thin line of fire snake is like the lifeline of the fairy palace today, as if it will be affected by the violent storm and snow. Blow out in a second.


"Misty, Asgard sent a message asking for help, just as Deathstroke expected."

At the same time, in the City of Thousand Sails of Vanaheim, which was also experiencing wind and snow, Queen Gullweger was talking to the former Valkyrie in the hall.

The never-ending thick smoke from factory chimneys in the city has also stopped. The sea outside the port is even frozen for thousands of miles. The waves are even fixed in the shape of the turbulence, and the fine ice particles are moving with the strong wind. Rolling rapidly on the uneven ice.

"According to the plan, the ghost universe will be temporarily sucked into Vanaheim, and this 'leaf' will be temporarily removed from the World Tree for safekeeping. We will leave this universe for a while." Gin looked at the dark sky outside the hall, and then looked at Look at the torches on both sides of the gate: "Deathstroke paid a huge amount of energy and price for this. I hope this can prove the friendship between us and exchange Vanaheim for standing firm in the future."

Guerweger had also put on her silver armor at this time, and the red cloak behind her was sewn with snow-white rabbit fur edges in preparation. She was pacing back and forth on the steps in front of the throne, looking restless:

"As long as I am the queen, the relationship between us will never change. I just want to ask, is Asgard really hopeless? Frigga is also my sister after all... .”

Gin shook his head. Because the World Tree connects the nine realms, Vanaheim has also been affected by winter, but it does not mean that Asgard can be seen here. The two are not under the same sky:

"It can't be done. Plucking a leaf from the tree is as difficult as uprooting the tree. The World Tree is rooted in Asgard and is also deeply rooted in this world. In the past, Asgard obtained it from it. We have gained the most benefits, but now, the time has come to pay the price. All we can do is to keep Vanaheim and pray for the sisters of the past.”

Gullweger slowly sat back on the throne, and she gently leaned her sword on the armrest:

"But what are we praying for now? The World Tree itself? No, it needs nutrients to survive the winter so that it can sprout again in the future. Everyone in the nine realms is nourishment for it. This is what Death Knell told me. "

Gin rummaged through the small silk bag, took out a walkie-talkie-like object, briefly exchanged a few codes with the adjutant on the other side, and then waited for the ghost universe to open the valve.

She smiled and nodded to the Queen, indicating that everything was okay, and said in a gentle tone:

"Pray to whom? Didn't you also mention my man's name?"

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