The Death Knell

Chapter 2546 An accident on the road

"Have we really escaped?"

In the bridge of the transport ship, Amora looked at Asgard, who was almost invisible behind everyone on the screen, and asked Loki beside him in a daze.

The God of Deception clasped his hands behind his back, with the same evil smile on his face as he shook his head gently: "This is just the beginning. Each of us is connected to the World Tree. Unless we can jump out of this universe, no matter how far we run, we will still be the same. It will be implicated in Ragnarok, which is why Mephisto and I negotiated a deal."

"So each of us must die once?" Amora's eyes gradually moved to the unconscious Thor aside, and she swallowed slightly: "You couldn't lie to them, right? For example, if you die There’s no way to resurrect or anything.”

Loki chuckled and winked at the witch: "You, me, and Thor are all guaranteed, but, when you ask the Demon King of Hell to do something, you have to give someone some benefit, right?"

After saying that, he turned his eyes to the prisoners behind him who were looking at Amora obsessively like puppets.

The implication is that the souls of these people are trading chips. There were about three to five thousand prisoners taken out of the prison, and more than 90% of them were lined up on the battlefield. Only one or two hundred people were left after the two of them boarded the spaceship to make 'food reserves'.

But it should be enough.

Amora immediately smiled after hearing this, and patted Loki coquettishly: "You are so smart. Thor is really lucky to have a brother like you. I am so envious."

"Haha, when my stupid brother wakes up, you'd better tell him this again."

Loki happily accepted the woman's teasing. Amora was really good at talking. Yes, he was the best brother in the universe.

He was in a good mood, not only because he and others escaped successfully and the plan had been launched, but also because Baldur was destined to die and Thor was still with him.

Could you ask for more?

"But when did Hela replace the queen? I still haven't figured out why she stood up?" Amora held her finger in her mouth and looked at Loki with her big, pitiful eyes.

"Where is Hela's plan? I'm too familiar with this style of pretending to be someone else..." Loki sighed, walked to the spacecraft console to prepare for the jump, and shook his head to get rid of unnecessary thoughts. He came out of his mind and explained: "That's the death knell behind her. We only saw Hela, but I understand that everyone was tricked by the death knell."

Amora secretly touched Thor's chest and blushed a little: "Tell me about this person, can you?"

"Of course it's no problem, we are allies." Loki's eyes rolled around and he came up with a weird idea, such as letting the banshee haunt Deathstroke and monopolizing Thor for himself: "But it's safer to jump tens of thousands of light years away first. Some."

As he spoke, he pressed a few buttons. In a burst of light and space distortion, the spacecraft instantly turned into a bunch of light spots, dragging white lines and disappearing into the universe.

A series of jumps, the slaves who were confused didn't even feel anything. Even though their mouths and noses were bleeding, they still stared at the banshee obsessively.

The two casters had no problems. They were used to space teleportation. Although the unconscious Thor was stretched as long as a noodle in the space distortion, he was in good physical condition and slept soundly.

A few minutes later, the spacecraft arrived at the destination of the jump, an uninhabited and desolate star field, a battlefield of unknown forces.

"Here we are, let's take a rest here. I have to contact Mephisto to prepare the magic circle." Loki shook his head, his long black hair hanging on his shoulders: "Do you want to come and arrange it with me? You should Can’t you trust me?”

"No...Loki, look out the window..."

However, Amora just looked out the window in horror. At this time, the bridge gradually darkened, and a huge shadow blocked the light of the star, shrouding everyone in darkness.

It was another huge battleship. It looked like the English letter 'H', and there was only one spacecraft of this shape in the universe.

"Damn it! It's the Dark Temple." Loki immediately sensed something was wrong and returned to the console again, trying to operate the spacecraft to make an emergency jump.

However, it was useless, the space had been locked, the jump engine had failed, and even the opponent's giant ship fired a tractor beam, trying to capture everyone.

If he met someone else, Loki might still think about resisting, but when he saw a throne floating on the other person's spaceship and a purple giant still sitting on it, he suddenly gave up the idea.

"It's Thanos, Amora, please cooperate with me in casting spells. Let's leave these cannon fodder and take Thor away." Loki stopped trying technological means and turned to use magic. He ran towards his brother as he spoke. , ready to carry him.

"Oh!" Although the witch has been in jail, she has still heard of the name of the tyrant of the universe.

Both sides were secretly moving towards the solar system, but they accidentally met in this unmanned galaxy on this route.

I don’t know what Thanos is planning to do, but it’s definitely not a good thing. I and others accidentally bump into him, and the result is that they will be killed and silenced.

She wanted to help Loki perform a joint spellcasting, but at this moment a golden figure floated out from behind Thanos' throne. The man just waved his hand from a distance, and their teleportation magic was blocked, and even the spell could not be recited. Not coming out.

Loki was silent, and he winked at Amora.

A few seconds later, the entire spacecraft exploded, and the oxygen in the spacecraft blew away pieces of armor, streaking across the sky like meteors.

Thanos on the throne also stopped. He held the armrests of the throne with both hands, looked at the fireworks in front of him, and quietly asked his friends beside him:

"Adam, are you sure that's an Asgardian ship?"

"I'm pretty sure, after all, besides them, who else in their right mind would design a spaceship into a sailing longship style?" The golden Adam Warlock shrugged, leaning forward and sitting on the armrest of the chair.

The giant narrowed his eyes. He was silent for a moment, and then said quietly: "It seems that Odin is dead. After Ragnarok came, the big tree collapsed and the monkeys were running for their lives."

"Oh? Are you so sure?" Adam spit out a colorful bubble, which was cosmic energy.

"This is a good thing for us." Thanos turned and flew towards the Temple, the red light in his eyes flickering: "We are going to Earth to collect infinite stones, without the nominal protective umbrella of Asgard. It will be a lot easier.”

"But you will still face the Supreme Mage." Adam sighed and leaned back in the chair: "Let's make it clear first, I am just the person responsible for helping you collect the corpses, and I will not participate in your battle."

Thanos smiled. The energy of the universe allowed him to speak freely in the vacuum. The laughter was full of confidence:

"I understand, you want to observe me and use me as a living test subject, so just go ahead and observe me. Everything I do is correct, and you will eventually understand me one day!"


"Are you awake?" Mephisto squatted on the throne, looked at Loki who suddenly sat up in front of him, and rubbed his hands with a smile: "You suddenly contacted me and asked me to take action. Fortunately, I am strong enough to defeat Adam Warlock. I'll take your souls out of my hands."

There were dark red clouds in the sky, and the air was filled with the smell of sulfur. The ground beneath him was hot, and there was almost only magma and red earth in sight.

This is the flaming hell.

Loki gasped and raised his hands to cover his face, but seeing Thor and Amora beside him, he relaxed a lot.

"We have a contract, and the soul will only flow here. You...wait, what's going on with my voice?"

Halfway through his words, Loki suddenly felt something was wrong. His voice became thin and high-pitched, and his body seemed to have no strength.

"Hehehe..." Mephisto laughed in the flames. He raised his golden cup and took a sip of the blood inside: "I changed my mind temporarily and changed it for you. A more suitable body, try it now, do you like it?"

"I didn't expect the King of Hell to be so boring."

Loki looked down and saw the bulge on his chest, but he was not panicked. For a magician, suddenly transforming into a woman's body was not a big problem.

"I'm not bored. It's safer to put a little scoundrel like you into a mortal body, and women are generally weaker in strength and physical fitness." Mephisto lay down on the throne with interest, and put He crossed his legs on the armrest and said, "This is my territory. All you have to do is obey me."

This body is just a mortal, far inferior to the previous body of the Asa clan, so Loki feels extremely weak.

But this is hell, and having a physical body to carry it is certainly better than being in a fragile state of soul.

"Of course, His Majesty Mephisto, the great King of Hell, the veritable Satan." Loki climbed up to check Thor's soul next to him, but he said flattering words: "You are the dragon, the brilliance of evil, the The real devil...I will honor our deal, but can you give me some time to settle my brother?"

"Although I know you don't mean what you say, you speak really nicely. If the kid under my command was as good as you, I would be really happy." Old Mo sat up again as if he had ADHD and rolled his eyes. : "Okay, I will order my subordinates to assign you a big cage so that you and your brother can live together, but the soul of this witch is very dark..."

"She is my gift to honor you. It is not included in our deal. My agreement with her has been fully reached. All I need to do is let her accompany Thor in her dreams."

Thor was fine. After the God of Cunning felt relieved, he decisively sold Amora after hearing the Demon King's hint.

The little devil who led the way came, Loki smiled goodbye to Mephisto, and left without even looking at the unconscious witch, even though it was her joint casting of spells that contacted Mephisto at the last moment.

But, so what?

On the way, he dragged his brother's soul on the ground with one hand, raised the other hand and released a magic, using water to create a small mirror, and looked at himself inside.

What appeared in sight was a beautiful woman with green eyes...

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