The Death Knell

Chapter 2547 The old man transforms

"A woman with green eyes? I don't remember when I helped Orochi."

Hela took out a smooth black stone and looked at her reflection inside. The emerald green fire of the underworld was burning in her pupils, rippling like sea water.

"Poof!" Deathstroke, who was eating melon seeds next to her, laughed. He used cosmic energy to decompose the melon seed skins in his hands and shook his head repeatedly: "It's not you, even the 'you' in the past didn't have green eyes, and the underworld fire doesn't count. Someone else took care of Orochi when she was weak."

The so-called other Hela refers to Lianne, who has not yet become the goddess of the underworld in the time stream.

"But I don't remember that there is a woman with such an appearance among the Asa clan. Green eyes should be very rare, right?"

Hela dropped the stone casually and looked at the big snake in the distance who was still eavesdropping with its ears erect during the battle.

With Deathstroke's mental interference, Baldr's advantage in the battle was even greater. Orochi's condition was visibly declining, and his thoughts seemed to be focused on this unexpected green-eyed girl.

Therefore, she deliberately cooperated with Deathstroke to discuss this topic.

Speaking of which, she had never fought like this before. She could influence someone through words alone. It was such a dark and despicable tactic... I learned it.

"It is indeed very rare. The color of human eyes depends on the pigment in the sclera, and green is obtained by mixing blue and light brown. You will definitely not understand if I tell you about genetics here. Anyway, you only need to know It’s enough that she’s not an Asir.”

Su Ming clapped his hands and handed the remaining half bag of Wilson's melon seeds to Hela. He took out a cigarette and lit it. He took a deep breath and shouted towards the battlefield:

"Orochi, can you summon the evil ghost army in your dream to play with me? If I am happy, I will consider telling you the identity of that person."


Orochi panicked for a moment. Deathstroke was a human being. He obviously shouldn't know what happened in ancient times. Why did he know that he had such an army?

But the evil ghosts were sealed in another dimension by Odin. Only when the World Tree is completely dead can there be a chance to summon them. Otherwise, why are you still fighting here to delay time?

Balder took the opportunity to stab him again. The injuries caused by Gangnir's combined with the power of runes, there was no way to heal quickly.

However, Deathstroke was just a test and did not need Orochi's answer. He had already guessed the old man's situation just by looking at the instant reaction of his pupils.

Su Ming shrugged and said to Hela, who was learning to eat melon seeds next to him: "It seems that the evil spirits in the dream are still alive, but the big snake can't summon them for the time being. He is dragging us here. He must have some kind of deal with the person behind the scenes." .”

"Is that so? It doesn't matter. Anyway, I haven't sent all my troops in the underworld. The cannon fodder just killed less than 50 million people just to prevent this kind of situation." Hela's answer came with a clicking sound. She found this thing called melon seeds quite interesting.

Although she does not need any eating behavior to maintain her physical existence, idleness is also idle. Eating something to play and drinking some wine during breaks are all personal hobbies.

The conversation between the two was not evasive at all, as if it was deliberately told to Orochi, but even if Orochi occasionally took the initiative to launch a long-range attack at the two of them, Deathstroke would block it lightly and respond with all kinds of rubbish.

"Licking a dog will lead to a bad death."

"Loser, cuckold."

"A tragic person who falls out of love on the spot when he confesses his love."

"That green-eyed girl carried the rails all night long."

All kinds of 'fragrant' remarks came out of Deathstroke's mouth, irritating the snake's eyes red. The key is that Hela still looked innocent and insisted on the Supreme Mage explaining every unfamiliar term, and then the woman got After explaining, he looked at the big snake with contempt.

Orochi fell into doubts about life. She obviously couldn't defeat him, so why did she dare to look at the strong man with that look?

Also, why is Balder, who is being beaten away by him again and again, laughing? Is it because he also looks down on himself?

Feeling confused, mixed with shame and anger.

Finally, a few minutes later, when the originally thick trunk of the World Tree had decayed to the point where it was almost invisible, the scarred snake could no longer bear the trash talk.

He gave up his plan to continue fighting in his human form and wanted to gain stronger resistance and destructive power through transformation.

"I am the snake! I am Doomsday! I am the Twilight of the Gods!"

Once again, he blasted Badr away with his axe, and the big snake pulled away and yelled at the sky like crazy.

This seemed to be some kind of spell, or a transformation line similar to 'I am He-Man'. In short, after he looked up to the sky and roared, his whole body immediately swelled up.

His facial features were distorted, his mouth kept protruding forward, his eyes turned into vertical pupils, and his body instantly grew hundreds of times larger, causing the two people watching to fly back to the edge of the land.

The serpent transformed into...a dragon.

Yes, although it is said to be a snake, his transformed image is more like a green-scaled Western dragon, a winged lizard style, but the body is longer and slender, and there are no hind legs.

Because the snake's legs were shattered when it killed the giants, and it still relied on crawling to secretly bite them to death, so he felt that the legs were just decoration and of no use.

"Ah, what does it look like? It looks so familiar. It turns out to be the green version of the Blood God Haka!"

The Supreme Mage struck his palm with his fist, as if he had discovered some great truth, and he insisted on bringing in the color green and speaking clearly.

"Who is Haka? Wasn't it originally green?" Hela dropped the melon seed shell and sighed happily.

"A strong wind snake, a Loa god, with a red body, but the big snake is greener after all." Deathstroke handed her a bottle of wine. Behind the two of them was the chaotic void turbulence, but they did not panic at all, but cheered and drank. .

"That's it." Hades swallowed his drink and blinked his eyes innocently: "So the snake is greener after its transformation. The Haka you mentioned is not as green as him."

"That's right, green is really easy to associate with the vibrant spring. The snake chose this color for transformation, right? It should also commemorate the green-eyed girl back then?" Su Ming smiled evilly and moved his cervical vertebrae while observing the existing everything of.

"Oh, it's so cute."

Hela raised her chin, sneered at the sea with pitiful eyes, and gently blocked her mouth with her fingertips.

The two of them were talking like cross talk, each taking turns speaking. As expected, the big snake regained its confidence after gaining a huge size. It was so huge that it almost completely occupied Asgard's body. He twisted and bit the two of them in one bite. come over.

Deathstroke's mask blocked his face, so Orochi could not notice the helpless smile shown by the Supreme Mage at that moment.

"Now, Hela."

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