The Death Knell

Chapter 2556 Travel and Vacation

One day later, Sepurk's throne room.

The death knell sitting on the golden throne leaned silently in the darkness. The grand hall was very quiet. The long black and yellow flags were hung on the pillars, slightly fluttered by the wind coming from nowhere.

The red eyepiece shone and dimmed in the shadows as he breathed, erratic like a will-o'-the-wisp.

The door of the palace opened, and the sound of fast footsteps sounded, and Gin's voice also came at the same time:

"So you're here, why don't you turn on the light?"

This sentence seemed to trigger some keyword. The hall became brightly lit in the next second. The golden dazzling light fell from the ceiling, making the death knell dazzling. Countless skull servers in the shape of baby angels were unknown. It flew out from somewhere and started playing an aria-like hymn.

The grand melody of the organ echoed, and hymns in praise of the Emperor were sung loudly in the form of a cantata.

This new song mainly talks about the emperor's anger turning into thunder, the corpses of aliens crawling on the ground, the father of mankind being wise and powerful, and countless universes finally bathing in God's grace.

"..." Su Ming looked at the woman with speechless eyes. This was the result of turning on the light.

Gin smiled and shrank her neck, as if she knew she was wrong, but it was more like gloating. She walked towards her man, climbed up the red carpeted steps, and sat carelessly on the armrest of the throne.

"Don't you like to be praised? I think this song and lyrics are well written. In my impression, even Odin likes to watch dramas commemorating his great achievements."

"So he is dead." Su Ming took off his face mask, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. Strangle immediately stretched out his small tentacles to help light the fire: "It does no good to dwell on the past. I am integrating the information I have obtained. Thinking about our future.”

The former Valkyrie smiled, and her long pale golden hair fell down as she bent down: "You always have a sense of crisis, but I don't understand, you invited Batman to travel around 40K, how did you talk to him? What?"

"You will understand in the future that there are some things that cannot be said." Su Ming pointed to the top of his head, implying something: "It is always right to think about the worst and prepare some plans..."

"Okay, I understand." Gin came over and kissed her face, then stood up: "I'm looking for you to ask about Vanaheim's future arrangements."

"When the World Tree grows back, and then insert the leaves back, the nine realms will still be the same nine realms." Deathstroke didn't think much, just raised his hand and pinched the cigarette and turned it: "According to the agreement between Angboda and I, the nine realms will still be the same." We need to get zombies in batches to make fertilizer, and send non-infectious androids to the world that Wade has explored in the future."

Gin nodded and turned away simply: "Okay, then you can have a good rest. I made a fire pit roasted camel and someone will bring it to you later."

"..." Deathstroke was speechless, it was roasting again, and she was not asking for advice at all, just informing.

A small head popped up at the door of the throne room. The visitor looked inside before walking in and met Gin who was leaving.

"Ms. Qin, good morning."

"Good morning, Miss Granger."

The two stood hand in hand at the door and joked for a while, chatting about some meaningless topics, such as complimenting each other on the beautiful clothes and saying that they seemed to have become stronger recently.

It took Ginjiu a long time to leave, and she was even more convinced that she was actually here to inform about the roasted camel, and she was not anxious at all about the matter in Vanaheim.

"Professor, I'm here."

Hermione walked up to Deathstroke with a smile on her face. She seemed to be in a good mood and was holding some candies in her hand.

"I came at the right time. The roasted camel will be delivered shortly." Su Ming glanced at his student and motioned for her to find a place to sit: "How is the situation over there lately?"

"It's still the same. I went to see the old headmaster and the Dark Lord. They lived well in seclusion in Hawaii." Hermione's little face wrinkled. She didn't like greasy things like roasted camel at all, but I'm afraid there's nothing I can do about it. Escape: "Harry and Malfoy have been so good lately that they seem to be the same person, and Ron is extremely jealous."

"There's no invasion from another world or dimension, right?"

Su Ming took out some snacks and handed them to the student beside him who took out a chair to sit on.

The girl brought chocolate frogs and other candies to Deathstroke. She picked out a bottle of drink from the items given by the professor and drank it, then shook her head slightly:

"As far as I know, no. Although the goblins were uneasy for a while and wanted to interfere with Mr. Howard Stark's business there, I have already taken care of it... Why do you suddenly ask this? ?”

Su Ming bit off the head of a frog with some nostalgia: "Nothing, it's just that after the DC universe is upgraded, I want to know whether this will have an impact on other universes connected by Sepulk, so that no one can take advantage of it."

"I will pay attention to it, and then I will reduce the time I spend hanging out with Shirley." The little girl nodded seriously, her eyes blinked, as if she was thinking about something: "But my Ellu cat Sanhua has Bring back."

Su Ming looked at the barbecue dinner brought in by the servitors and sighed softly:

"Ciri is a demon hunter. What she likes most is adventure and freedom. But if the problem of the Wild Hunt is not solved, she will never be safe."

"She knows it herself, but with her ability, she won't even have a chance to ask for help, right? So I don't think the problem is big." Hermione touched her smooth brown hair. After using Wilson's Magic Shampoo, Her hair is no longer frizzy.

"Okay, let's eat first. After you finish eating, I will take you to a few other worlds to play for a while and bring back some professional manpower."

The professor smiled softly, used the Godslayer to remove a camel leg, and stuffed it into Hermione's little hand.

The little girl rolled her eyes. Like many people on earth at this time, she had many things on her mind but couldn't express them at all.


The delighted Deadpool narrowed his eyes and walked out of Wilson Commercial Bank with his bankbook in hand.

Not long ago, I received 100,000 U.S. dollars from Gin with a white note, deposited 1,000 U.S. dollars into my bankbook, and withdrew 99,000 U.S. dollars in cash. Where should I go to play?

Vanessa is not at home today and has nothing to do when she goes back, why not go on a vacation by herself?

Carrying his My Little Pony schoolbag, he thought about this problem and walked aimlessly on the street.

"Come on, come on, come and see, you can make money with money!" There was a stall set up by a little black man on the street, playing a street trick of three paper cups and a small ball, and the shouting voice reached Deadpool's ears. .

He smiled slightly and said to the air: "Friends, have you seen how dark my cousin has made the Marvel Universe? In the past, this trick on the street still used small white balls, but now it is replaced by chocolate beans. , the operator is still black, isn’t playing this equivalent to invisible magic, obviously cheating money, dark, too dark... Well, but using money to make money is not wrong, I have decided, I want to go Las Vegas.”

Go wherever you want. Deadpool is so free after obtaining the teleportation belt. After all, if he is afraid that he will forget this idea after a while, brain cancer is so wonderful.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with teleporting in front of everyone on the street, as long as he was happy.

With a flash of light, he was teleported directly to the inside of a famous underworld casino. A pair of small eyes looked around the venue with squinting eyes, wondering whether he should go to the slot machines first or go directly to play the big roulette?

At this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, because not far away he saw two beautiful figures playing blackjack. It was Domino and the Outlaw who had defrauded him of his money.

The two women were now wearing expensive slim-fitting dresses and sunglasses like ladies, and were happily holding drinks in their hands.

"Looks like my luck isn't too bad. Hehe, this time I'm going to play the 'female teacher and bad student' trick, suck!" Deadpool blinked at the non-existent audience and swallowed his saliva. .

Without further ado, he sneaked up like a stalking idiot, stretched out his sinful little hand, ready to put his hand on their shoulders...

But just a second before they were about to touch the soft skin, the two women suddenly stood up, magically pulled out submachine guns from under their skirts and fired towards the roof, causing the gamblers to run away and the security guards toppling to the ground like dominoes.

Domino also threw a big bag to him and winked with the same evil smile:

"I knew you would come. The Outlaw and I will take care of the place. You go to the room where the chips are exchanged to load the money. We are together again."

"Are you taking advantage of others? I actually don't like robberies because there is no technical content." Deadpool was a little confused. He looked at the guests lying on the floor. Their eyes were full of fear when they looked at him. He should have said no now. Qing Qing: "Unless...hehehe, you want to dress up as a female teacher and have a few rounds with me."

Domino and Inez looked at each other and nodded happily. Speaking of which, Deadpool is quite good at playing, and they also have needs, so let's continue to cooperate.

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