The Death Knell

Chapter 2557 Two Agents


Accompanied by the sound of car tires screeching, a black car stopped on the side of the road, and two people wearing sunglasses, suits and ties appeared at the rescue scene.

The older white man has a big nose, a slightly upward hairline, and a weathered and indifferent look in his eyes.

The young man who got out of the passenger seat was an African American. He was obviously a joke, because his hand slipped when he took off his sunglasses, and he almost poked the temples of his glasses into his nostrils.

The middle-aged man shook his head and ignored his partner's daily disconnect. Instead, he walked to the fire truck nearby. He found the captain of the fire brigade in front of the car and took out the wallet in his arms to show his ID.

"Federal Bureau of Conservation of Animal and Plant Ecological Balance, ABCDEFG for short." The middle-aged man's agent ID card stayed in front of the fire chief for a long time before snapping it shut: "I am Agent Hoover, and this is Agent Kennedy behind me. We took over the scene.”

The black agent was fussy for a while, but he still pulled the sunglasses out of his collar, stuffed them into the pocket of his suit, and nodded solemnly as a greeting.

"But...we are just here to save a cat that can't save a tree. As for sending federal agents?"

There was a kitten on the big tree on the roadside beside everyone. It was a very beautiful blue cat. Its head poked out from the leaves and looked at the man in black below. Then it shrank back and only made a meowing sound.

The fire chief put down the ladder in his hand and pushed up the hat on his head. The wrinkles on his forehead were like waves.

It was really hard for him to understand that he used to hear police officers from other departments saying how annoying it was to have their case taken away by the FBI on the spot when they left the scene.

Didn’t you expect that one day you would be a firefighter?

I don't feel angry at all, I just feel incomprehensible.

"If you have any questions, please contact your superiors. Now, everyone, retreat." The middle-aged agent hooked his hand and motioned all the firefighters to stay away from the tree: "As for you, leave the ladder and retreat behind us. "

This is a very ordinary middle-class American community, located in the suburbs of New York City. On a quiet and peaceful summer morning, everyone went to work. Apart from the firefighters, only the old lady who called the police and wanted to save the cat was still watching.

"I will appeal to my superiors. This is our case!" The fire chief had never seen such a situation before, so he could only follow the example of the police and use harsh words towards the detectives, but he led his men back with a curious look on his face.

The middle-aged agent rolled his eyes behind his sunglasses: "Go further, fifty meters away. Unless I ask you to come over, don't scream or run no matter what you see."

"team leader?"


The firefighters lazily backed away, carrying axes, hydraulic pliers and other tools. Everyone looked at the two government agents with curiosity. They were wearing black suits and shiny leather shoes, which looked inappropriate for climbing trees.

The black man turned his head to look at them, and just smiled slyly. He approached the middle-aged man's ear mysteriously and asked in a low voice in English with a hip-hop rhythm:

"K, do you know what it is?"

"Unregistered Abrash aliens are very dangerous." The big-nosed white agent looked at the kitten among the leaves. At this time, a gray tail was exposed, but he quickly retracted it as if he was afraid of the cold. : "J, you may not be able to deal with this guy, help me hold the clothes."

"Oh oh oh oh, wait, you said I can't handle it?"

The black man shook his head repeatedly, as if he was amused. He held down his partner's hand that was unbuttoning his suit:

"Why do you still look at people with the same old eyes? We have saved the earth more than once together. Time travel cannot stop our ace partner. This time I insist that I can do it, and you can just watch from the side."

Agent K didn't say anything more, he just buttoned up his suit and made a sign of invitation.

J smiled slightly, pulled the collar of his suit handsomely, raised his chin, walked around the tree a few times, and then climbed up with the sensitivity of a monkey.

He was an athlete before and had very good physical fitness, especially tree climbing. After all, K was old, so this kind of physical work should be done by a young man like himself.

This is a rare banyan tree. The branches under the canopy even form a platform shape. The blue cat is squatting on a branch, staring at the black man with its golden eyes, and there is a small gold medal hanging around its neck. .

"Hey, man, surrender, we know your true identity!" The black agent climbed up between the branches and first tried to persuade the other party to surrender: "If you land on Earth without entry and exit procedures, we will probably have to deport you and list you as a blacklist. list, but hey, do you like milk? If you surrender now, we’ll have milk in the car.”

"Meow?" The blue cat tilted its head, as if asking something in return.

"Strange, there seems to be something wrong with my translator." J pointed at K's ear, which was more than ten meters away under the tree, and spread his hands speechlessly: "I can't understand what it said, those four locusts from the logistics department What are you doing?"

"They are addicted to twisting and fitness." Agent K replied calmly. He touched the sunglasses in his breast pocket: "If you can't..."

"No! I can do it! Just watch from below, don't come over!" J immediately opened his eyes wide and waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need help. Didn't he just not understand the alien language? It’s okay if the other party can understand you.

He looked into the blue cat's eyes again, trying to establish emotional communication, and stretched out his hand.


The blue cat's back arched, the hair on its body stood on end, it showed its claws and let out a threatening growl.

"Don't get excited! We can talk again. If you don't like milk, dried fish is fine. We can drive and buy it on the way back."

J retracted his hand and raised it to his head to show that he was not hostile:

"I know you dangerous aliens like to shrink yourself. I once saw a big cockroach wearing human skin. After I got into his stomach and blew him up, I realized that bathing is also a kind of nightmare. Continuation, so now I don’t want to get into the same trouble again, but I also hope you won’t make it difficult for me.”

First, he lured him with benefits, and then gave him threats, even taking out the milk he usually drank. J felt that there was nothing wrong with his plan.

"Meow! Hiss!"

The blue cat became even more excited. It kept extending its little paws to scratch the agent and made louder threatening sounds.

"Oh, you forced me, so I can only use force." Agent J wiped his nose with his thumb, then tightened his tie, squatted on the tree branch, and prepared to capture the opponent like a hungry tiger, and then gave him It's handcuffed.

Under the shadow of humans, the kitten's pupils became the size of needlepoints. After seeing that the deterrent was ineffective, it stepped back step by step, causing the branches to tremble violently...

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