The Death Knell

Chapter 2558 Man in White


The blue cat let out a shrill cry and jumped up, but not to pounce on J for a life-and-death fight. Instead, he jumped directly under the tree and fell into the arms of Agent K, who had been waiting with open arms.

But even after the blue cat broke away from the branches, the shaking of the big tree did not stop. Instead, it became more and more violent. The leaves kept ringing as if being blown by the strong wind, and the trunk of the tree shook violently, as if the roots below were about to break through the ground. out.

The next second, the branch suddenly bent back, wrapping Agent J like a spring roll like a snake. Then it stretched out and turned into tentacles, picking him up and throwing him from side to side.

“Dong dong dong dong!!!”

A sound like a drum was heard. It was the sound of Agent J's head touching the ground and retracting into his chest. The tree came to life, and it beat up J who climbed on top of him.

First, there was the old tree root move, and then there was the Soviet squat, which completely knocked J's head like a walnut.

Agent K, who was masturbating with his cat not far away, sighed. He had long said that J was no good, but he insisted on saying yes, but in the end he didn't even figure out which one was the alien.

He took out his sunglasses, put them on, and handed the kitten to the old lady waiting aside. The cat had a collar, which meant it had an owner. Thinking about the old lady calling the police, it was obvious that this cat was a native of the earth. Just an ordinary cat.

When J talks to a cat, the translator will of course not work, otherwise pet lovers will be in luck.

The firefighters behind him were stunned. They often need to cut trees to save cats, or chop down trees to deal with cables. Now how can they not be surprised to see "The Revenge of Trees"?

The axes in their hands were so frightened that they all opened their mouths like goldfish.

But Agent K had no expression on his face. He took out a gun as big as a nail clipper from his pocket, held it with two fingers, pointed it at the big tree, and announced loudly:

"You are under arrest, Abrash. Stop resisting now and put the agent down, otherwise I will use extreme force in accordance with Earth security protocols."

The big tree that was beating the black man stopped, and a snake-like head emerged from its crown. After taking a look at K, he threw the garbage in his hand at him.

It thought that K would catch his partner, and then the two would fall into a ball and be delayed so that he could escape. After all, how could he fight with bare hands and weapons?

But the plan failed. When J, who was thrown out like a sandbag, came to K, the middle-aged agent skillfully dodged sideways and the two passed by.

So J screamed and was thrown into the fire truck on the side of the road. A large piece of the front of the car was dented and various parts were flying around.

As for the big tree alien, it took the opportunity to run towards the rising sun, as if its octopus-like roots were its legs, and it ran quite fast.

K held the weapon with two fingers and took aim briefly, then pulled the trigger at the back. The small pistol fired a huge blue ball of light, accurately hitting the big tree. The huge recoil pushed K Company Take several steps back.

With an explosion and a large amount of sawdust flying, the alien was blown into ashes on the spot.

K patted the fallen sawdust on his shoulder calmly, walked to the fire truck and pulled his partner out of the metal scraps: "Are you not hurt?"

The black agent stretched his neck and sat up from the smoke with a grin on his face: "It's okay, it just hurts a little. Is it dead?"

"He's dead, the mission is over, put on your sunglasses." K pulled out a silver metal stick from the lining pocket, tapped the sunglasses on the boy's chest with it, then adjusted the knob of the short stick and walked towards the firefighters present. And the cat owner: "Gentlemen and ladies, please come close to me, yes, look at the microphone in my hand, there's a red dot here."

He pressed the button on the stick, and the stick stretched a bit, with a bright spot flowing back and forth on it, which was very interesting.

The fire chief pointed to the wood debris on the street in the distance and asked the government agent excitedly: "What happened just now..."

"call out!"

Before he could finish his question, a light flashed from the tip of the stick, and everyone's minds went blank.

Putting away the stick and taking off his sunglasses, Agent K had a smile on his face. He shook hands with the firefighters one by one enthusiastically: "The fire truck hit a big tree when you were performing your mission. Fortunately, no one was injured. I It means that the insurance company has completed the damage assessment and you can leave. Enthusiastic madam, you are just passing by and are going home to make soup."


All the firefighters and the old woman holding the cat, including the cat itself, all looked dull.

They nodded numbly to Agent K's words, then the tow truck operator called the tow truck, the road cleaners went to clean the road, and everyone went back to their homes.

K turned around and his smile disappeared. He patted J on the shoulder, walked to his car, and pressed the communicator in his ear: "Headquarters, this is K. The alarm has been lifted. There is no need to clear the area."

"Understood, Agent K, good job." The operator's voice came from the other side of the earphone.

The grinning Agent J was still rubbing his neck and patting his clothes unhappily: "I'm so unlucky, but can you comfort me and let me drive today?"

"No, get in the car." K glanced at him silently and sat in the driver's seat: "I am the only one who can drive. Now let's go eat pancakes."

The black car's tires spun violently and drifted away from this quiet and peaceful community with a piercing noise, leaving only firefighters dealing with broken trees and large craters.

At that moment, two heads popped up from behind the garden fence of a family not far away. They had three eyes in total, both looking at the tail lights of the leaving vehicle.

"Professor, this is not scientific, nor is it magic." Hermione complained with empty eyes and wrinkled her little nose: "The man just now was rolled up by the big tree and smashed everywhere. The road was smashed, and he was thrown dozens of meters away. Smashing a car and still looking like a normal person afterwards? If only the Whomping Willow could be so gentle."

"It's normal. You can take off your head and palms. What's wrong with people being able to withstand dozens of tons of external force without getting hurt?" Su Ming stood up from behind the bush and stretched his neck: "Let's go, follow them and find a way. Sneak into MIB headquarters."

Hermione took out a toy car from her bag, walked out of the courtyard, placed it behind the bushes, and touched it with her wand: "Get bigger quickly."

The car turned into a real thing. She opened the door and sat in the driver's seat and started the ignition: "How do you get in? Disguise yourself as an alien?"

"No, aliens will be wary of it, and humans are the best. We just need to meet their leaders, and then pretend to be 'men in white' who come from heaven to exchange and learn." Su Ming got into the co-pilot. His black suit instantly rippled and turned white like milk added to water: "Let's drive, leave the rest to me."

"In addition to men in black, are there organizations like men in white in this world?" Hermione put the car into gear skillfully and rushed out of the community with a tire-burning ejection.

Su Ming shrugged and conjured up two bottles of soda, one for each person. He also put a straw on the student's bottle and asked Strangler to help hold it up: "It definitely didn't exist before, but now that I'm here, there will be... ..."

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