The Death Knell

Chapter 2568 Almighty Recorder

The battle between Lucifer and the Laughing Bat created universes, and then they were smashed into each other like water balloons. They were born, ripened, and then destroyed.

Now that the Origin Wall has collapsed, the battle between the two across reality attracts those beings powerful enough to watch.

For example, at this time, a corner of the void broke open, revealing a white background, but this layer of background cracked again, revealing the golden light below.

An irregular space breach appeared in a place with no concept of space. A group of tentacles squirmed up to the edge of the passage, and with a slight force, they pulled themselves into the single universe of Earth 0.

Few people noticed that the heretical energy pulse that tore through the structure of time and space did not come from the Sky Blood Layer, but from the Almighty Void.

Just as there is a more majestic universe outside the earth, and there is a greater multiverse outside of it, of course there is also a more majestic omnipotent universe outside of this multiplicity.

And they were watching.

When it enters this material world with a realistic form, it takes on a humanoid appearance, looking like a shriveled skeleton wearing a spacesuit, but there is only a black and red flame with facial features burning in the helmet.

"Ah, it seems it's too late, everything is over."

It stepped into the universe, carrying a large book in the shape of a briefcase in its hand. There was a metal handle on the spine, which made it look somewhat funny.

This weirdo raised his head and looked into the distance, his eyes seemed to be able to see through space and time. There was a helpless expression on his flaming face, and he muttered to himself:

"The battlefield between two Omega-level entities is still stable. It is simply unimaginable. What is it that continues this diverse life? It's interesting. I have to fulfill my duties as soon as possible."

After saying that, it exploded like fireworks, disappeared in an instant, and appeared in the low prison of the Hall of Justice the next second.

"Hey Hey......"

As soon as it arrived, it heard weird laughter, and the shadow-like eyes in the flames panned across its face, and it saw the clown in the prison who was laughing at it.

"Is it your presence that calls me?"

It took one step forward, and the high-tech energy barrier seemed to be nothing. This weirdo flashed in front of the clown, and his hands like mummies grabbed the prisoner's neck and held him up in front of him.

But before the clown could answer, its eyes seemed to have already seen the answer. It shook its head and put the person down, looking a little disappointed:

"No, you're not important, you're just one third, a weird point, it's a wonder they didn't kill you."

The corners of the clown's mouth curved downward. He was very unhappy when he heard that he was not important.

"Hey, sir, why are you so serious? You didn't smile when you saw me? I understand, you and the Laughing Bat are in the same group. You are here to avenge him. You must be the 'Microwave Bat', right? ?Huh? Hahahahahahahahaha!!!”


The weirdo let out a chuckle, and bulges squirmed under his gray skin as if there were insects flowing through it.

It picked up the book in its hand and opened it in front of it. A bright green light burst out from the book.

"My name is Recorder, and I am a clerk affiliated with Origin. I need information now."

"Oh, origin? The name of the band is good, is there Gotham on the tour route? Hehehe..."

The Joker shook his head and smiled. He didn't care about the other party's origins. He was just waiting for Batman to come see him and want to play a game.

And the guy in front of me, who looks like a mummy on fire, is not dark at all and is far from interesting.

But if he hadn't been wrapped like a caterpillar in the straitjacket, he would have wanted to tear his hair out to relieve the itch, because for no apparent reason, the strange figure in front of him made his scalp tingle.

"I can hear the echo of the crisis and see the new history produced by the dimensional iteration, and it does not require your cooperation." The recorder turned the pages of the book and lowered his head to read a certain line of text: "While we were talking,' The All-Code 'will absorb your memories of everything, and it will be fun to update your perspective on this diverse record."

The clown couldn't move, and the mysterious visitor also received huge information in an instant.

From the founding of the Justice Society, to the Justice League, to the two reboots of the universe, and a lot more recently.


It made an interested sound, closed the book with a snap, and nodded to the clown squirming on the ground:

"It's done, thank you for your cooperation."

"Hey hey hey, ho ho ho, ha ha ha ha, my head hurts so much, what did you do to me? It's so funny!"

The white-faced man banged his head against the prison wall, as if to continue the pleasure.

However, the recorder had no intention of answering his question. The other party just turned around and walked out of the cell:

"This multiverse is extraordinary. I have witnessed the demise of countless universes, but no one has ever been pulled back from the edge of the cliff. I hope that I can understand the story of this world more deeply, but unfortunately you can't give it to me. More information provided, right?”

"Information? Haha, like the one your mother spent the night at Batman's house last night?" The Joker raised his eyebrows, nosebleeds flowing across his lips, and because of this, his smile became even brighter.

"Well, is it a joke of a lower species? I'm sorry I can't understand it, but I see what you're after, as a reward..."

The recorder turned around, raised his hand casually, and a ray of fire shot out from between him, hitting the clown with a buzzing sound.

This light looks very similar to Darkseid's Omega rays. It can turn at right angles in the air, but it is faster and stronger. At least it cannot be avoided with the Joker's physical fitness.

The hit clown was lit up in the flames, his bones even glowing, and then exploded into a puff of green smoke and a chuckle.


There is nothing more, this clown disappears from the world, as if his existence has been wiped out.

The recorder picked up his book and walked out through the prison's protective barrier. At this time, due to the previous movement, the red tornado and a large number of security robots arrived and stood in front of him.

"Invaders! Lay down your weapons and surrender! Otherwise we will use force."

The Red Tornado, who was easily defeated by Luther in the previous battle, has just repaired himself. Now he is full of guilt because he feels that he has betrayed everyone's trust.

I promised myself that I would be a foolproof security robot, but in the end I couldn't even stop an intruder for ten seconds.

This time, he specially improved other defense robots in the original Hall of Justice to form a honeycomb-like network structure, thus achieving a split data storage mechanism to avoid hacker intrusions.

Therefore, facing today's invaders, he was very confident this time.

"I am not your enemy, but a recorder. Now I want to leave." The other party's burning face glanced at him, and then his eyes passed over his head like a speck of dust.

"Don't even think about it, come here!" Red Tornado reached out to grab the opponent, while other machine security guards behind him also swarmed up.

However, the recorder just raised one hand and wiped the air from left to right in front of him like he was erasing a blackboard.

All the robots were annihilated in the golden light without any effort.

"As a clerk of the Almighty Universe, I am protected by the Origin of All Things and cannot be touched by low-level units."

It shook its head at the black dust on the ground, looked up at the ceiling, and then disappeared into the golden light with a hiss.

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