The Death Knell

Chapter 2570 What’s missing

"Close Encounters of the Third Kind, huh?" Su Ming stood by the stream and smiled at J who was walking over: "I heard that Spielberg is also an alien?"

The so-called Longshi River is a meandering mountain river, flowing happily among green trees.

There are shoals paved with pebbles on both sides of the bank. There are rotten trees and various garbage piled on the shore beside the stone shoals. There is no lack of traces of human beings here.

J shrugged his shoulders and stood next to Su Ming. He looked at the scene by the river and took a breath: "Tsk, that's right. I watched "ET" when I was a kid, and he looked like the alien in it. Look, Come and join the case, our murderer came here again to do another case."

Yes, this scene was so obvious that Su Ming didn't even need to explain it, because the four golden chairs by the river explained everything.

The chairs faced the river, as if the murderer wanted four people to sit on the chairs and admire his work.

There were two alien corpses soaked in the water. They were hung on a fallen branch of a dead tree. The corpses were half floating and half sinking in the water, staring at the sky with dead eyes.

Su Ming had some strange feelings. He had killed countless aliens, but he had never seen eyes like this. The eyes of the deceased were too human, at least they had the same emotions.

After checking the surrounding environment, K crossed over the stumbling bushes and came to the three of them. He looked at the scene and sighed.

Despite all efforts to trace them, the murderer still killed a second group of people.

He loosened his tie and said in a low voice:

"We now know that the murderer is likely to fly, or have a high-speed and concealed air vehicle, but this time there are still no witnesses, and the A network does not have corresponding monitoring data."

"Are these two corpses people you know?" Su Ming walked to the river, walked around the four chairs, fished the corpse out of the river, and placed it on the wet stone beach aside: "But this time, I see They should not be dressed like diplomats."

The two aliens were dressed in a very dusty style. Even after being washed in the water for a long time, they could still smell the pungent smell of cosmetics. They were wearing sequined vests and short skirts. This was not something they could wear on a formal occasion. .

Their fingers and toes were all painted with bright nail polish, their necks were bent in an unnatural posture, and the foam on their mouths and noses indicated their cause of death—their cervical vertebrae were broken by brute force, resulting in high paraplegia, and then they were immersed in water and drowned. .

K came over, took a picture of them with his mobile phone, and sent it to the headquarters for identity verification. The results were available within a few seconds.

"The Vaskahapons are mammals. They also have a double helix of DNA. Apart from having four stomachs and two hearts, they look little different from humans in appearance. Their identities have also been found. They have been criticized and educated by the MIB. She’s a New York street girl.”


Su Ming nodded, and then the three of them looked at J who was squatting next to him to inspect the body.


Feeling the pressure of the gaze, J showed a standard black question mark face, shook his butt twice and sat on the river beach:

"Why are you all looking at me like that? I'm also a black super policeman after all. If I like aliens, I won't look for young ladies, right? I think I've seen them, but that's just official business."

"Just think what you said is true, but these people have also interacted with you." Su Ming walked to the chair beside him, sat on it and looked at the scene, mainly the waves in the stream: "Their death The time was earlier than the diplomat’s family, and they were probably kidnapped and killed by the murderer when they were finishing work this morning, so strictly speaking, this is the first case.”

I won’t go into detail on how to determine the time of death. There is no need to explain the existence of strangulation to the man in black. Anyway, the last memory of the two corpses is this morning, before dawn, the two women came out of the client’s hotel room. I walked into a dark alley somewhere in New York City, and then the world started to spin.

The environment was too dark, they could not see anything, and death came too suddenly.

"What do you mean by 'just think what you say is true'? This is obviously true. Although I have had several alien girlfriends, they all broke up." J walked over speechlessly and came to Deathstroke's side. Sit down and look at the stream together.

The trees by the river rustled their leaves in the breeze, but Agent Su still had a calm smile on his face. He looked very young, but he seemed calmer than K.

Because he thinks things are getting more and more interesting.

Early this morning was the time when he and Hermione arrived in this world. It may be understood that the murderer behind the scenes started to prepare to play this detective game at that time.

The chairs were added later, and according to Strangler, two of the four chairs were contaminated with more moisture, while the other two were relatively less contaminated.

The murderer first arranged the scene and placed two chairs as an auditorium for Deathstroke and Hermione. Then Deathstroke contacted the Men in Black organization, and K and J also acted together, so the guy came back and added two more chairs.

Sounds... quite hospitable?

"Did you find anything? You also checked the two corpses, tell me."

Su Ming patted J on the shoulder and dropped the topic, and Hermione also came over and sat down to listen together.

The little black man nodded. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes wide: "Yes, there is something missing again at the scene. The shoes of the two corpses are missing. Our murderer took their high heels as a To commemorate, no matter which planet you come from, being a young lady on Earth requires a pair of high heels."

"Eyeballs, fish scales, shoes, these are the things the murderer took away from the deceased." Su Ming shook his head, and he added on J's discovery: "But it's not the missing things. There is a lack of table wine in the apartment, and it is missing here. ....."

As Su Ming spoke, he pointed to his head. Above the empty river, the midday sun shone fiercely on the four of them.

As an auditorium in an open area in the wild, there is a lack of parasols. Perhaps they were taken away by fishermen, perhaps blown away by the wind, or even washed away by the water.

But there is no doubt that this is still an imperfect 'reception', and the murderer will commit another crime.

Deathstroke had some suspicions in his mind. He felt that he was close to the truth, but now it was vacation time, and he wanted to hang around with the duo of men in black to see their reactions.

Speaking of which, the technology for transforming into a flying car is pretty good. Even Optimus Prime cannot fly after transforming into a car. We should find a way to get this technology back and study it.

Well, let's let him sneak into the car and touch it while we're in the car later. There's no need to trade.

K obviously had some ideas. Standing by the river, he used a wireless game controller to remotely control the car and flew over. He took out two body bags from the trunk to contain the body, and then cleaned up the traces of the scene.

"Let's go back to the city and investigate those ex-convicts who have a grudge against me or J."

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