The Death Knell

Chapter 2571 Superman for All

Along the way, K could be said to be worried. Although his face remained expressionless and calm, he basically stopped talking and was just immersed in his own thoughts.

On the contrary, J acted more relaxed, because he knew that he always had a partner to support him, and as long as K was around, the case would eventually come to light.

"It's still some time before dark, but maybe we have to work overtime tonight." J leaned sideways on the passenger seat and spoke to the two people in the back seat: "You don't mind this, do you? Because the police are always You have to work overtime.”

"Of course it doesn't matter. We are here to learn this time. If we can't experience working overtime, wouldn't it be in vain?" Su Ming smiled, grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed it into his mouth, acting like a bystander: " But by the way, do you get overtime pay? And how are your usual benefits calculated?"

"There is no overtime pay, but we have subsidies for clothing, transportation, food, etc." J didn't know why Deathstroke asked this, but he still counted on his fingers: "Every New Year or holiday, we also We will organize some activities to distribute benefits, but to be honest, we have no chance to spend money at all.”

"So is there dental insurance?" This is a measure of an organization's conscience.

"Yes. In fact, the guys at the infirmary can also perform dental surgeries, but I don't like all kinds of tentacles poking around in my mouth. To be honest, I usually don't have time to go to the dentist." J did not hesitate. He nodded and talked a lot of nonsense.

"That's really good." Su Ming smiled thoughtfully.

"Yeah, at least the conditions are much better than when I was a police officer, especially the coffee. Hey, you haven't drunk the coffee from the American Police Department, have you? It tastes like gorilla urine plus antifreeze."

People in black have no holidays and are even busy almost every day. If they live in the headquarters dormitory, all living costs can be reduced to a minimum.

Besides, these people are people with glorious beliefs in their hearts, and they work to protect the earth, so the remuneration is not that important.

"Uh, I don't know what that smell is. Having said that, I thought you were all vigilantes at first." Deathstroke nodded, and the strangle behind him quietly retracted. It had already figured out the structure of the car, and stored the information first. In the host’s mind.

"Vigilante? Superhero?" After mentioning this topic, J became more excited. He squirmed a few times and reached out to grab a handful of popcorn: "I also liked comics when I was a kid, because someone told me , my father is a hero, and for a long time I thought he was the kind of masked hero."

As he spoke, he glanced at K who was driving. He already knew the truth of the matter during his last trip back to the past.

"Oh? Who is your favorite hero? Hancock, the universal superman?" Strangler had returned. Su Ming handed the popcorn bucket on her lap to Hermione next to her, and talked to J with interest. Superhero stuff.

The black man's eyebrows raised and lowered, showing a puzzled expression: "Hancock? Who is that? We should be about the same age. If you have read our American comics before, you must have seen Rubber Man, right?"

Su Ming twisted the corner of his mouth and showed a polite smile. Well, it seems that there are no Marvel or DC stories in this world. Is it this kind of diverse setting...

"Of course I've seen it, haha, he's so handsome saving the world."

He was thinking about other things, and he hadn't read this so-called comic, but that didn't stop Deathstroke from continuing to chat. Anyway, the story of superheroes saving the world can be applied to anyone, and it can't be wrong no matter how you say it.

Agent J also laughed. He felt that Agent Su was his comrade, so he happily chatted about the so-called rubber man's story and his favorite comic plots. Naturally, this useless information was also used by Deathstroke. collected.

There was no rush on the way back, and the clouds outside the window could be seen more clearly. A few minutes later, the car returned to the city, and Su Ming found a chance to interrupt in the chatter:

"By the way, J, if you could become a superhero with extraordinary powers, what superpower would you want?"

The black agent blinked. He really started to think about it. He touched his chin and smiled and thought about it:

"Compared to those superpowers that can go up to the sky and destroy the planet, I would rather have that kind of...well, super intelligence and reasoning ability. Man, I am a black agent. These Abilities are more useful for my job.”

"Now I know what you usually lack." K, who was driving, rolled his eyes, landed the car in an alley, turned off the flying attitude brought by the red button, loosened the seat belt, got out of the car and left: "Boy, Stop daydreaming, grab your gun and we’ll get out of the car.”

J tilted his mouth and shrugged at Agent Su: "The old man doesn't know what a superhero is at all, but I think he is one."

After saying that, he blinked, checked his weapons, got out of the car, and jogged to catch up with his partner. The two were once again on the road to solving the case.

"Professor, are you planning to..." Hermione asked Deathstroke in a low voice.

She didn't speak much along the way, because now she was playing an Asian woman, and her personality was reserved and low-key, but she didn't know how many times she complained in her heart along the way.

Su Ming pulled her out of the car with a smile and took a deep breath of the city's atmosphere: "Only when it comes to 'growing brains', no one else can help..."


"We're going to Minik's black shop?"

The four of them walked for a while in the alley, and J already recognized their current location.

"Yes, stay vigilant."

K just said this and walked forward quickly, as if he didn't see the scenery on the roadside.

This is the depths of Hell's Kitchen in New York. Like other Marvel parallel worlds, it is also full of chaos and disorder. Some aliens with hairstyles like those of the soldiers in "Fist of the North Star" are sitting there carelessly. On the trash can next to the alley, he watched the arrival of the four people with unscrupulous eyes.

There wasn't any obvious malice, at least Su Ming didn't feel any murderous intent for the time being, they just wanted to grab the popcorn bucket Hermione was holding.

The alley was not spacious to begin with, and many shack-like buildings were added to it. It was not enough to build a bungalow, but then add several more floors to it, and it suddenly looked like the bottom floor of a hive city in the Warhammer world.

The air quality is extremely poor, sewage flows across the ground, the walls are covered with graffiti, and the sky is invisible.

Faintly, I could hear crying coming from somewhere in the distance.

Many skinny aliens live in this makeshift city walled area, scavenging for food in trash cans, or collecting discarded cardboard boxes. It seems like this is an alien slum.

"It looks a bit 'simple' here, doesn't it?"

Su Ming patted J's shoulder before walking away, and when he turned back, he motioned for him to look at the roadside.

There was a bird-like alien there, sitting on a telephone pole licking a dagger with its long tongue. When it noticed that the man in black turned his head, it didn't panic and just looked away.

"Don't worry, those who really committed the crime have been caught or deported." J glared seriously over there as a deterrent, then hugged Deathstroke's shoulders and moved forward together: "These little gangsters only scare people, they don't do anything. How dare you, don’t worry, since we come out together, I will protect you.”

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