The Death Knell

Chapter 2572 An unexpected fight

Three minutes later, a group of four people were suppressed behind a bar counter by heavy fire. Various energy beams flew above their heads, and broken glass and other pieces of furniture were flying all over the sky.

"Is this what you said about covering me?"

Su Ming looked at J beside him speechlessly. At this time, the black man shrank his neck and twisted his teeth.

Hermione also looked at J with disdain. She had previously boasted that he was incompetent, but in the end, it really depends on K's performance. At least the big-nosed agent can occasionally stick his head out and fire back a few shots.

Why is this so? Actually it was just an accident.

Three minutes ago, several people planned to come to the ex-convicts to get information, because the two corpses in the trunk of the car often moved around this generation during their lifetimes.

It's not that they don't do business with people on Earth, but it's obviously easier to do business in areas where aliens gather.

The mentioned Minik was K's 'old acquaintance'. He was one of those aliens who never made big mistakes but kept making small mistakes. He would be arrested every three days and released on bail a few days later. A veteran who has been on earth for more than thirty years.

The so-called black shop is the largest nightclub nearby. Its main customers are aliens. It is the kind of place where demons dance wildly at night.

K originally thought well. It was daytime and the nightclub would not be open. He went in to ask Minick about something and he would be out soon.

The men in black are considered to be the police in charge of aliens. Naturally, they cannot go in through the main entrance to look for people in a big way. It is taboo for such a gray place to have spies coming in and out frequently.

There was no grudge between him and Minik, so there was no need to ruin his business, so at K's suggestion, the four of them walked out of the back door of the nightclub, but something unexpected happened.

Minik, who originally thought he was just a businessman, was doing "big business" with a group of ferocious-looking alien bug people. The so-called goods were some humans, unconscious and locked in a cage.

It obviously didn't expect why a man in black would come out from behind the scenes. At that time, both parties were silent for a moment in embarrassment.

But the silence was only a brief moment when the mind couldn't turn around. After a few seconds, the battle broke out.

When it comes to human trafficking on Earth, the target of the transaction is still the notorious Zerg slave trader. If a man in black is caught doing this business, he will be killed on the spot.

So the aliens didn't stop doing anything and picked up the guy on the spot.

Minik's men were okay, they were just nightclub security guards and gang members, and the weapons in their hands were not very advanced.

However, the Zerg aliens who came to pick up the goods were all fully armed, and almost all of their huge bodies were carrying heavy weapons. After the multi-barreled laser gun like a Vulcan cannon was fired, the suppression effect was like a storm.

K and J only had two small pistols, and their heavy weapons were on the black supercar. Su Ming wanted to see how they would handle a battle of this level, so he had no intention of taking action for the time being.

What is the result?

All I can say is, don’t put too much hope in the combat effectiveness of the police, even if they are black special police officers.

The four of them were suppressed behind the metal bar and fell into a difficult situation.

"Man, we can't cover it anymore. We have to stand still and wait for help." J was not afraid of embarrassment. He shrank his neck and told the truth. He slapped the broken glass on his head. There was still green viscous drink in the bottom of the bottle. He was confused.

He suffered another disaster. Looking at K on the other side, he was still wearing a neat suit and was clean.

"We can't wait for reinforcements. The bugs are spreading out to surround this bar." Su Ming could judge the opponent's position just by the footsteps in the sound of gunfire, because those bugs have too many legs: "Also, your old friends may be with The leader of the slave traders is on his way out.”

"Then what can we do?" J gasped, took a look, and then retracted in the rain of bullets: "They still have hostages in their hands, those in the cages."

This is the case with the Zerg race called Dilabadi. They are suspected of running a business similar to the "Human Colosseum" all over the world, and they have always been the key target of the people in black.

The so-called Colosseum is to dig a big pit deep underground somewhere, make a big iron cage, and then throw humans and some alien beasts into it, and then you can make money by selling tickets.

There are too many aliens on this earth, and of course there are alien scum that hate earthlings. There is a market for this business.

It can be regarded as a problem left over from history. These bugs entered the earth decades ago, and then hid underground and multiplied. Although the MIB prohibited new bugs from entering, these localized bugs could never be cleared away. This is comparable to giving It’s even harder to get rid of cockroaches in New York’s sewers.

In response to the black agent's complaints, Su Ming smiled slightly:

"If you promise me a condition, I will help you deal with all these aliens and rescue the hostages."

"Man, are you serious?".

J opened his mouth, hoping to see some joking intention on Agent Su's face. After all, it doesn't hurt to make a joke when the atmosphere is tense.

However, the Asian man's face was only serious, and he seemed to be sure.

So J nodded repeatedly, reached into his arms to take out his spare gun and wanted to hand it to his teammates: "Okay, man, if you really don't intend to die or make fun of yourself, but really have a way, then I owe you a favor. .”

Su Ming pushed away the small energy pistol that was handed to him, picked up a wine bottle on the ground, smashed it aside, and shook his head while holding the 'bar weapon':

"You must be curious why O and the people above agreed to my visit and study? Don't blink next, the time to witness the miracle has arrived."

Do you still need to use guns to deal with some ordinary alien bugs?

This is also because they don't want to expose Strangler. After all, symbionts are also considered parasitic creatures and will always cause other people's concerns. Otherwise, these miscellaneous soldiers will not be able to survive for a second.

Deathstroke held the wine bottle in one hand, touched Hermione's head with his free hand, and told her: "Protect them both, I'll be back as soon as I go."

"Okay, teacher." Hermione wasn't nervous at all, she was even holding the bucket of popcorn and eating it.

Seeing his apprentice agree, Su Ming jumped on the spot and flew out of the bar with a backflip. Then he rolled and slid, sliding in front of the nearest insect on the dance floor with all the colorful lights.

This bug alien is a bit like a rhinoceros that walks upright. It is about four meters in size, has four arms and four legs, and has a strong-looking carapace on its back.

They can use two heavy energy weapons weighing hundreds of kilograms at the same time. The lower body remains stable when firing. They look really good, but this body structure is tantamount to exposing their fragile side to the front.

For the man in white who slid in front of him, the bug naturally started to move its muzzle, preparing to kill the human on the spot.

However, its speed is too slow, and this time is enough for Deathstroke to kill it dozens of times.

The man in white slapped the ground with one hand, and flew up in a spin. The broken wine bottle in his hand was filled with a little bit of cosmic energy, and he thrust it straight through its chin.

Body armor and armor patches mean nothing to some beings.

One poke, one turn, destroying the brain or spinal cord, these are the basic skills of a mercenary. Then Deathstroke used the instantly lifeless corpse as a human shield and pushed it away, rushing towards the next target again.

The villains all turned their fire towards him, and the pressure at the bar was greatly reduced. J popped his head out of curiosity to watch the excitement.

He could only see a ghost in white flying among the enemies in the confusing lights of the nightclub. The enemies fell unwillingly one by one because their opponent only used a wine bottle from beginning to end.

"Is your teacher really a human?" J looked at the girl eating popcorn on the side with a look of disbelief: "No, I mean, is this Chinese Kung Fu?"

Hermione threw a piece of popcorn into her mouth, got up and looked outside, with only indifference on her face:

"Sit down, this is his basic operation."

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