The Death Knell

Chapter 2596 Start learning

Jaina had never been to Karazhan, and when she was teleported here, she felt dizzy for a moment.

Everything happened so fast today. Originally, I just wanted to go to the garden to read a book and enjoy the sunshine and apples after an afternoon. Why did the world turn upside down ten minutes later?

At a loss...and my belongings are still unpacked in Dalaran!

"Don't worry, Your Highness, the professor is a very good person." Hermione smiled and took Jaina's hand, acting as a red-faced person as a peer: "Your family must also want you to become stronger, right? Professor. There must be plans for you."

"I'm just... a little behind on how things are changing."

Jaina sighed and looked at the surrounding environment. This place looked like a huge library, because there were walls hundreds of meters high in all directions, and they were all made of bookshelves.

Arcane puppets and flying tools are being cleaned, and everything is in order. There are more items with magical auras here than in Dalaran, and even the dust in the air seems to be filled with magical fluctuations.

But Jaina is a princess after all, and she is the daughter of the sea. She never lacks courage. She glanced at everyone, and then saluted the death knell:

"Master, please continue to guide me in the future. I will study hard."

"Of course, I won't make fun of other people's futures. The future of the alliance depends on you. Khadgar, tell Moros to prepare lunch. After we eat, we will go to the dungeon and level up."

Su Ming smiled and hung a chainsword on Jaina's back. The Space Marine's weapon was so large that an ordinary person would hold it like a two-handed sword. This was a meeting gift.

Jaina didn't understand what the Supreme Mage meant, she just felt her shoulders sink.


The game meat brought by the hunter Atumen was carefully cooked by the ghost chefs. The butler Moros served several people for dinner. Deathstroke also brought out various special foods and drinks from other worlds.

These ghosts were all people who died in the demonic invasion, but Khadgar, carrying a chicken leg staff and Medivh's crow signet ring, is now the veritable master of Karazhan, and he is fully capable of ordering them to obey all arrangements.

The lunch was very sumptuous, and there were even many things that Gianna had never seen before, such as the self-heating hot pot. She didn't understand how water could generate heat at all.

Deathstroke spoke loudly during the banquet, telling a series of secrets about the Star Realm, the Shadow Realm, the Ancient Gods, the Moon God Elune, etc., which opened Jaina's eyes.

These were all knowledge that had not been recorded in Dalaran. After one meal, she made up her mind to learn from Deathstroke.

The most important thing is that during the break after the meal, Hermione took her to the apprentice's bedroom, took out her cosmetics and perfume, moisturizing masks, new clothes and other things, and gave them to Jaina.

We are all teenage girls, who doesn’t like to be beautiful? So Gianna quickly became addicted to the beauty brought by ‘technology’.

When the two girls took a shower and dressed up before returning to the observatory to look for the death knell, he was talking to Khadgar about how to connect Karazhan to running water and electricity, and the most important thing was to have WIFI.

"The Deadwind Pass was like a ghost land after the massacre that year. It was so gloomy that even standing in the tower felt cold. It is imperative to install central air conditioning." As he spoke, Deathstroke handed Khadgar one. Spider Totem: "Put it in wherever you like, and I'll call the engineering team to come over and rebuild it for you."

"This is an important node in the Twisting Void. Can it really be changed at will?" Although he took over the totem, the mage felt a little unsure.

"This time I will let you meet the other members of the Sky Council. Then you will know how powerful those masters are. Let alone a mere void node, what if it is completely blocked?"

As the two of them talked, the vortex at the junction of the observatory and the void kept twisting, and the green and purple light kept spinning, making the rotunda look very strange.

"Professor, look."

Hermione came over, pulled Jaina in front of her, and turned the princess around in a circle.

At this time, Gianna put on a light blue robe and a white skirt. Her golden hair was much smoother, and her white face was glowing with a faint red. She looked much more beautiful after dressing up.

But Deathstroke acted as if he didn't see it, and just smiled: "Very good, now that you are ready, let's go to Zul'Gurub."

The four of them came to the Karazhan Terrace. Su Ming took off his cloak and turned it into a flying carpet, and the group flew toward the southeast.

The Deadwind Trail is very close to Stranglethorn Vale. After flying over a few mountains, it reaches the sky above Zurg. Unfortunately, there is no one in this city hidden in the green mountains. At this time, the Zandalari trolls have not returned from across the sea. , there is no blood-red figure of Haka on the central high platform.

Some are just various animals, just like the environment of Stranglethorn Valley outside.

"It seems that the trolls haven't resurrected the evil god yet. Forget it, they're here already. Khadgar, please show Jaina how to kill the crocodile. A mage must learn how to kill monster A. Jaina, please do well. See what your senior brother does."

"Yeah!" Jaina nodded seriously, watching Khadgar cast a slow fall spell on himself and fall towards the river below.

There were many huge crocodiles like dead trees, drying their teeth by the water.

But just a few seconds after Khadgar landed, Jaina realized that she couldn't learn it. Wouldn't it make her dizzy to do Arcane Explosion and Whirlwind at the same time? Is this really a tactic a mage should use? Shouldn't it be releasing a blizzard to cause area-wide damage?

So her little face seemed to be wearing a mask of pain.

But Deathstroke is a good teacher, and of course he won't see his new apprentice in such pain.

Just when the girl was distressed, the teacher handed her a plasma pistol: "It doesn't matter, everyone has different talents. You only need to learn ice magic and technology. Go ahead and try to kill with technological weapons." The feeling of a mortal enemy.”


The omnipotent recorder walked across the surface of the moon, where the gray ground seemed lifeless.

It was not discouraged when it failed to obtain information in the ghost universe. Instead, it returned to Earth 0 again and thought of another way.

This earth's satellite was once destroyed, but was put back together. The craters were arranged in the shape of a bat, but it was not here for sightseeing.

At this time, there was a more grand force urging it to complete its mission, and its codex was already filled with various records, playing over and over again in its mind.

Then it made a decision that it wanted more.

"I think my superiors may not agree with what I am going to do, but the information provided by this multiverse does not meet my requirements."

As it spoke, it suddenly bent down and inserted its hand into the moon rock. Its arms turned like drills and penetrated into the depths of the moon. Then it moved its wrists, groping for something like fishing for fish in the water.

After a moment, it withdrew its arm, holding a gray skull in its hand.

"I need a new narrator, another perspective." The recorder's face seemed to be burning with no expression, and only the shadowy mouth could be seen opening and closing: "Resurrection, little god, tell me, Everything you see!”

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