The Death Knell

Chapter 2597 Resurrection from the Dead

The recorder looked at the skull in his hand and stared at the empty eyes.

As if his words followed his words, just as he finished speaking to himself, the skull erupted with a bright blue light.

It threw the skull, and the skull began to spin in the air, and then the light flashed, and instead a man wearing black tights appeared there.

The man fell to the ground, his face seemed to still bear the pain before death, and he knelt on the ground and gasped violently.

"I do not understand."

After seeing his palm again and feeling the touch of the moon, the man murmured.

He remembered that he should have died, so why was he resurrected?

The recorder held his big book and set his sights on the earth again: "Metron, some time ago, you were destroyed, and I recast you."

Only then did Metron realize that there was someone behind him, but he had seen a lot and knew that no matter who could resurrect him, it would definitely not be simple.

So he spun on the spot, keeping his kneeling position and turning to the gray withered legs in front of him: "Who are you?"

The recorder seemed to have a good impression of polite people. He calmly answered in a vacuum:

"I am a clerk from the Great Almighty Universe. My task is to record the status of each multiverse. People call me the recorder. And your multiverse has just experienced a disaster that should have led to destruction, but it has survived strangely. It’s puzzling to me.”

The earth was glowing with a faint blue light, and the two of them were standing in this light. Metron's tights could also glow. It was the natural dissipation of energy, but he felt that compared with the person in front of him...

It's like the difference between a firefly's light and a star.

"The multiverse was almost destroyed? How long have I been dead? And who caused this disaster?"

The mummy-like recorder held up his big book, spread it out and gave Metron a look.

"See for yourself."


As the god who forged the Möbius chair, Metron has long been accustomed to the huge flow of information sent by the chair every moment. Even the flight path of a fly in different worlds will be known to him. Everything is transmitted instantly. of.

But just after taking a glance at the mysterious book, he felt that his brain was almost burned. A huge amount of information that he could not think of in the past rushed into his mind like a tsunami, making him scream in agony.

The recorder just took back the book and watched the smoking Metron rolling on the ground. It didn't speak until the other person was able to kneel down again after several minutes:

"It seems that you know what happened after your death, but you must understand, Metron, compared with your work, the years I have spent fulfilling my mission cannot be counted in time."

But the god couldn't answer, he just gasped.

"Hoo, ho..."

"I have visited many incredible worlds and witnessed countless wonderful worlds, but I have never seen a world destined to be restarted that can be pulled back from the cliff by a mortal. This kind of cosmic scene that only I can see, there is nothing It’s comparable.”

The recorder was very calm. He watched the sun in the distance reveal a golden line from the earth. It should be dawning now in the place called the United States.

But it sees more than that, and there is more to the universe.

In its eyes, there is a scenery that others cannot see, a single universe from a higher level, everything is different.

"I...can't understand." Metron obviously couldn't resonate with the other party, just like in the past, ordinary humans often couldn't understand his thinking.

At different heights and angles, you often see different things. This is the fundamental difference between intelligent creatures.

"Maybe I can explain it patiently." The recorder was silent for a while, then raised his hand and pinched his burning chin, and rubbed his fingers back and forth: "You also know everything about the 'story', but they It should have gone to a natural ending, torn apart by the 'nightmare' connected by 'crisis', but now, the story is in a state of half-dream and half-awake. Why is this happening? You have to help me figure it out."

Metron was a little dumbfounded. He looked at the observer's flaming face, hoping to see some expression that resembled a joke.

But the other person's face looked like Batman's, with the corners of his mouth that were obviously brighter than the surroundings curved downward, looking very serious.

Metron, who knew how much he weighed, was silent. After a long time, he shook his head, unable to give an explanation:

"All this is brand new information to me, Perpetua, the Laughing Bat, the dark and diverse secrets, all tearing the universe apart."

"That's what I'm hoping to figure out, why is this happening?"

The problem is back to the original point. The recorder has deviated from his own path. He should only be responsible for recording what happened, not why.

Metron turned around and climbed up from the ground tremblingly. His legs were still trembling, but he had already spread his hands:

"In the past, I was an indifferent spectator, observing things from a 'macro' perspective through the Möbius Chair. As a result, the stories I witnessed came back to bite me. It was so heavy and terrifying, but Now, that story didn’t happen and everything has changed, which makes me doubt myself and naturally I can’t give you any answers.”

The recorder touched his chin, the black-red flame head shook, and his eyes narrowed:

"I don't understand why people can bypass the arrangement of the story, ignore the rules of the court, and forcibly change the fate of multiple people?"

"You just showed me that book, which contains your rules." Metron also rubbed his face and looked at the empty universe: "But now you have violated the rules, show me, and me Communication, this should go beyond your story, right?"

"..." The recorder who touched his chin turned his head to think and did not give a positive answer.

"I belong to a race in the universe. They once fell apart and fought for thousands of years, and I was also involved. I betrayed my duties time and time again, participating in the battles between gods and mortals, and deceiving myself that it was the price I paid for the pursuit of knowledge. "

Metron turned around again, looked at the bright planet, and said calmly:

"But as I separated from the chair, my vision also changed. I found that this multiverse is also wonderful. Even now, the stress response of this multiverse to your arrival is also wonderful."

The recorder thought for a moment: "Yes."

Metron smiled slightly. He raised his head and looked into the distance, perhaps looking at the place where the origin wall cracked:

"That means this multiverse is still fulfilling its duties and it should not die."

"I temporarily agree with your explanation, Metron, but when the Origin Judge arrives, will it still gain his approval? I am only responsible for recording, but that officer is not."

The New God nodded calmly and said with certainty: "Although it sounds a bit ridiculous, I believe in humans in some respects."

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