The Death Knell

Chapter 2598 Princess Lessons

"Can humans really do this?"

Beside the green river of Zul'Gurub, Jaina held a huge plasma pistol in her hands and asked her new teacher for confirmation in great surprise.

This strange-looking firearm can be picked up and fired by itself, but it is more powerful than the cannon on the wall of Boralus. The crocodile that was hit directly turned into black ash, and it can also be charged by holding down the trigger. The power, the ability to achieve range of damage is simply amazing.

After learning that the weapon in her hand came from humans and was not the creation of dwarfs or goblins, the little princess seemed a little unbelievable.

"After you become an astral mage and see humans in other worlds, you will know that humans have unlimited possibilities." At some point, Deathstroke and Hermione had laid a piece of cloth by the river and began to enjoy camping. Afternoon tea: "There is no future in just learning magic. Improving overall quality is the key."


Hermione raised her orchid fingers and blew the hot tea in the cup in a standard British manner. She took a sip and turned into a spectator.

I don’t know how long this city has been abandoned. There are overgrown weeds beside the roads. Big spiders are crawling everywhere. Bones can easily be seen under the soil. Strange statues and long hairs are carved on the yellowed stone arches. The skull with teeth, according to the professor, is it pure divinity?

But after experiencing the ice and snow, traveling in the tropical rainforest is a good feeling.

"Astral Mage? Can I do it too?" Jaina suddenly became happy, and the blond hair on her head looked even brighter.

"It's actually a bit low-level for the soul to leave the body and roam the stars, because Hermione and I are from other worlds." Deathstroke, who was having a picnic by the river, somehow caught a hydra from the river, fed it and strangled it on the spot. Give it a taste: "The most important question is, why do you want power? Once you get it, what are you going to do with it?"

The princess watched the black tentacles eating curiously, then came back holding the gun. Her waist was a little bent under the weight of the chain sword, and her face was full of thinking.

She really had never thought about this problem. She came to Dalaran to learn magic just to follow her parents' arrangements. It didn't seem to have any special purpose. If she had to say it, she probably didn't want to get married.

As a princess of the kingdom, she naturally knows about political marriage. Just like Princess Calia Menethil, who is three years older than herself and the daughter of the King of Thailand, she had an early marriage with Alteran. Duke Presto of the Kingdom of Croton was engaged to be married.

Jaina didn't want to do that, get married early, have children, and then spend her life in another castle.

What she wants is adventure, excitement, taking a boat on the sea to fight the storm, and using magic to explore the unknown.

"So teacher, can you help me? I don't know what I want now, because I seem to have everything." She sat sideways on the corner of the floral cloth and looked at the death knell with her big water-blue eyes.

"It's just that you think you have everything. Your vision limits your cognition. Looking at problems from different levels often leads to different conclusions." Su Ming did not drink black tea, but drank his own wine and looked at Card Ga was performing arcane explosions in the distance like fireworks, flashing in and out among the crocodiles: "Hermione, show Jaina what she doesn't have."

Miss Granger took out a chocolate frog from her pocket, opened the box, gently held it in her hand and placed it in front of the princess:

"Such as this."

"What is this? A dark brown toad?" Jaina tilted her head. As a mage, she often uses these things as experimental subjects. This is a mysterious tradition inherited from the time of the Troll Empire.

In a world like Marvel, mice are usually chosen for experiments, but in Azeroth, the subjects of magic experiments are all toads, which is a bit similar to Hermione's hometown.

"This is a chocolate frog, a living magic candy." Hermione cruelly tore the frog in half and stuffed one half into her mouth: "Although my parents are both dentists and don't approve of me eating this often, But it can be a huge help in getting you back on your feet when you’re feeling scared or lost.”

Jaina bravely took half of what was handed to her and ate it, then she narrowed her eyes with a happy expression.

The maritime trade in Kul Tiras is very developed, and of course there are foods such as chocolate. The origin of cocoa beans is Stranglethorn Valley, where everyone is currently located. It is warm and humid, suitable for that kind of crop.

But candies that move in your mouth seem to be sweeter and more fragrant.

More than that, just like Hermione said, it was as if a warm current flowed down her neck and into her heart. The confusion and hesitation were swept away, leaving only pure joy.

However, Deathstroke seemed to see through her thoughts and spoke at the right time:

"Do you understand now? The Azeroth you see is just the tip of the iceberg. Human beings need to be ambitious to 'transcend', and when you don't know what to transcend, you should 'create' what you have. It’s so little and there’s so much to learn, I have to think about where to start teaching.”

"It won't be another three years of apprenticeship and a hundred years of service, right?" Hermione narrowed her eyes, hugged Jaina angrily, and gently stroked her back: "You must want her to run 10,000 meters. , right? Just like me back then."

The girl was just happy, but she seemed to be hit by the professor's words again. Then the chocolate frog was eaten in vain.

"Her situation is different from yours. People in Kul Tiran had better not do physical exercise, otherwise they will become muscular women like enhanced dwarf aunts." Su Ming quickly denied it, because in his mind There is already an image of a female library person in it.

Jaina also shuddered. She recalled the tall and thick aunts in Boralus. Although they were as brave as men, they could sail on the sea and fight against beasts, and they made great contributions to the kingdom... .

But it really doesn’t fit the aesthetics of the Eastern Kingdom, at least Jaina herself doesn’t want to look like that.

Hermione looked at the professor with suspicious little eyes, then at her junior sister, and nodded in understanding: "In the next few days, I want to go to Kul Tiras to see what kind of woman can teach you. So excited too.”

"Oh, you will know when the time comes, but your words gave me some hints." Su Ming put down the bottle and shook his head speechlessly: "Jaina, have you ever seen an orc?"

"I've seen it. Arthas and I secretly visited the orc shelter, which is in Hillsbrad, not far from Dalaran." The princess nodded, with a look of reminiscence and reluctance: "I think They are so pitiful, they have to do hard work every day, and there are obviously many children."

"Okay, the first class has been decided." Su Ming stood up, waved to the man with Infinite Whirlwind in the distance and shouted: "Khadgar! Bring back some crocodile meat, and then use the portal to Watch Fortress. "

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