The Death Knell

Chapter 2610 Arrival

After receiving the order, Talon Bloodfiend nodded and walked out with slightly heavy steps. Now the two of them are at the bottom of Shadowmoon Cemetery. For safety reasons, they have even set up a magic circle. If something goes wrong, Can escape into the void and run away.

But if he wanted to convey the order, he still had to return to the ground. Ner'zhul obviously didn't intend to go up, so Talon, who had no tool men at his disposal, could only run errands.

But just when he turned around, a small ball flew out of nowhere in the darkness, black and yellow in color, with a small green light flashing on it.

"What is this..."

The Blood Demon wanted the leader to help find out what it was, but before he could finish speaking, the strange ball suddenly exploded, emitting a dazzling light and a harsh noise.

He and Ner'zhul immediately covered their eyes and fell down.

Although they are all warlocks with rough skin and thick flesh, and magic armor is applied to their bodies to enhance their physical fitness. The demon servants can also share the damage to their bodies through soul links, but the eyes are still the most vulnerable part.

"Now you know why you need to turn on the light when reading in the dark?"

Voices came from the tunnel not far away. Of course, the two warlocks who were knocked down by the blast bombs could not hear them. Deathstroke was just teaching his students to learn how to use their eyes healthily.

Only then did the two demon guards beside the door react, brandishing their giant axes and charging at Su Ming.

For ordinary warriors, it was difficult to deal with the charge of the four-meter-high demon guards, but Deathstroke just jumped up and grabbed the heads of the two demon guards and slammed them together.

Two headless corpses fell, and green demon blood splashed everywhere from their necks like a fountain.

"Hey! Fluorescent green blood always makes people sick." Hermione shook her head. She followed her professor, stepping on the fallen body and walked forward: "These guys stink worse than trolls."

"Darkness is easy to hide, and killing everyone along the way is the perfect sneak. I understand." Miss Granger was followed by Jaina. She had obviously learned Deathstroke's advanced stealth skills and was thinking for a long time.

Although stealth may not be of much use to a mage, if he has many skills, he may be able to develop skills such as invisibility barriers.

Ever since she entered the Shadowmoon Cemetery, Yrel had become silent. She just carried the hammer and walked silently with the death knell. When she saw the Supreme Mage killing orcs and demons one by one, she would occasionally show some suppressed smiles.

Now she no longer needed to control her smile. Looking at Ner'zhul and Gorefiend who were rolling on the ground, covering their eyes, she laughed out loud.

"Ha! Today is the day of revenge!"

With the hammer in both hands, her lethality was obviously much stronger. As soon as her wings opened, she jumped over and smashed the two warlocks rolling on the ground. After beating them into glowing flesh, she started to cry and mouthed Li also whispered the names of his parents and friends, saying that he had avenged them.

Khadgar stood beside Deathstroke with his arms folded. Seeing this situation, he just shook his head and said nothing. There are many humans who hate orcs. This is an unavoidable reality.

So he simply did not look at the corpse, but studied the magic runes drawn in a circle around the underground hall.

Su Ming wanted to say something, but received a communication from Sepulke. In the communication, Gin said that he was traveling in DC, but encountered an unknown global blizzard phenomenon, and asked Deathstroke if he wanted to go there and take a look.

It sounds very wrong, it should be another world-ending crisis, but except for the heavy snow, there are no traces of magic, no monsters appear, nothing, the clues are not enough to investigate.

So Su Ming asked Gin to go back to Sepurk to avoid it first. Let the Justice League investigate the matter on Earth 0 first. He would also contact Bobo and ask the orangutan to inquire more when he opened the store.

But it’s useless to go there now, we still have to wait.

After cutting off the communication, Su Ming looked at Yirel who was still kneeling next to the pile of meat. Her shoulders were still twitching, and she didn't know whether she was crying or laughing.

At this moment, the magic circle on the ground suddenly activated, and the strange symbols painted around the circular platform lit up one by one, changing from green to purple light.

"What did you touch? Khadgar?"

Deathstroke turned around and asked about the land not far away. At this time, the entire cemetery was shaking, and a lot of dust fell from his head.

"I didn't touch anything, and I didn't even pronounce the runes I knew." Khadgar staggered back to the teacher, and he held up a large arcane shield to protect everyone.

In fact, there was no need for him to explain. Within a few seconds of the conversation between the two, a green vertical line lit up in the sky not far away. This line suddenly opened like the eyes of some creature, and then rotated into energy. swirl.

It expanded rapidly and became so towering that even the ceiling of the cemetery collapsed, revealing dark clouds in the sky.

Gravel, soil, corpses, and all kinds of debris fell one after another, causing ripples on Khadgar's energy barrier, but no one paid attention to it, because at this time, from here A huge hoof suddenly stretched out from the portal.

The sky was torn as a result, green lightning flashed in the dark clouds, the space made an unstable clicking sound, and cracks like spider webs appeared at the same time.

"Is this world going to shatter?"

Yrel clenched the amethyst war hammer in her hand, and the holy light on her body illuminated the surroundings, like a beacon in the darkness.

But she didn't have the ability to guide people, so she still had to ask the death knell next to her.

The person who came to Draenor should be regarded as an "acquaintance" of Su Ming, at least he was familiar with him in his previous life.

He is about thirty meters tall, with blue-gray skin like sewage, a pointed bald head protruding in the center, only two thick tentacles on the left and right sides of his chin, and broad brass-colored shoulder armor carved with flashy patterns.

"Delanor can hold on for the time being, and this is Velen's former colleague Archimonde. You retreat, I will communicate with him alone."

While Su Ming took out the giant sword, he asked the students to stay with Khadgar while he flew out of the range of the shield and rose to a position where the opponent's eyes could be leveled.

Obviously, one of the commanders of the Burning Legion heard someone calling his name and saw two puddles of flesh at his feet.

He showed a cruel and sinister smile, and his eyes burning with evil energy fell on Deathstroke:

"A few humans, as humble as insects, actually try to block the great cause of the Burning Legion?"

Su Ming didn't know how to quarrel with the opponent. At the same time, colorful flames burst out from his body, and he seemed to turn into a fashion and hit the opponent's face. Judging from the size, it was like a peanut about to fly into someone's mouth.

But with the ear-piercing roar, it was the larger one who was pushed back.

Archimonde stepped back continuously, his body tilted back uncontrollably, the blood from the corner of his mouth spat out like a volcano of evil energy erupting, and there was an incomprehensible color in his eyes.

After repelling the opponent, the death knell hovering in the air patted his shoulder, as if knocking away unworthy dust, and said calmly:

"Actually, I thought Kil'jaeden was coming. The Deceiver is indeed a little smarter than you, but it doesn't matter. Let me send you back to the Twisting Nether, taking those two souvenirs with you."

The giant sword was raised and then slashed down on the head.

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