The Death Knell

Chapter 2611 Psychic Traitor

Archimonde was pretty good, but he had no information about Deathstroke and his strength was not dominant, which became the reason for his failure.

He didn't know what cosmic energy was, he didn't know what X metal was, and all kinds of evil spells were blocked by the black cloak, so he quickly lost his mind when faced with the "death by a thousand cuts" tactics.

Deathstroke did not seek to kill him with one blow, because the devil's vitality was very strong. What he needed was to make the other party hate him, fear him, and prepare for future plans.

Flying around the enemy at high speed like a comet, he used his giant sword to cut off pieces of flesh and blood. In just a few seconds, Archimonde was chopped like a Dalmatian.

Large green spots appeared on the originally blue skin, and the wounds were so densely packed that it would make people suffer from trypophobia. Even one of his proud beards was chopped off.

He shouted angrily, detonating the evil energy under the ground, and the strong earthquake even permanently modified the landscape of Shadowmoon Valley. However, the humans he had previously regarded as bugs were not harmed in any way.

The opponent seems to be immune to magic, but the huge fist cannot hit the opponent. Whether it is summoning fire rain or using curses, the human under the black and yellow armor is not afraid.

In so many years of traveling across the sea of ​​stars, he has never seen such a disgusting enemy, and it is even more incomprehensible for him to be able to resist evil energy with his body.

It's like throwing a hair into the lava. The hair is fine, but it pierces the crater of the volcano. It has a weird feeling.

No matter what he thought, the balance on the battlefield was tilting in the direction of humans. The battle between the two was shaken, but he was the one who fell in the end.

The little human was like an ant munching on a tree. He cut off both of his feet with a knife, and the flesh and blood seemed to pile up into a hill. Then the man fell on his chest with a smile.

"Why do you think this is so troublesome? It was Sargeras who organized the Legion to invade Azeroth last time. Your fallen Titan master was defeated by me. Do you think Kil'jaeden's organization can succeed the second time? ?”

"This is impossible! The legion must win!" The demon lord roared, green evil energy spewing from his mouth.

"The Burning Legion is not Pizza Hut, why are you shouting so loudly?" Deathstroke stretched out his little finger to block one of his ears, and shook his head speechlessly: "Okay, you die once, and take a message to your boss. , tell Sargeras, I, the Supreme Mage, Deathstroke, will go and play with him when I have time in a few days."

After saying that, he put away the Night Sword, took out the God Killer, turned it into a long rope, wrapped it around Archimonde's neck, and then pulled it suddenly.

The world is quiet.

But this does not mean that this powerful demon has been completely killed. His demon soul has escaped and returned to the void through the green vortex. At the same time, it should also have taken away the souls of Ner'zhul and the Blood Demon.

The whirlpool portal closed instantly, and the world darkened.

The leader of the legion was defeated, the demons also fled one after another, and portals, large and small, were opened across Draenor, and then the orc masters of the past disappeared forever.

Archimonde's body was also decaying rapidly, and soon only the huge skeleton and armor were left, and the flesh and blood turned into dust.

Yrel, who was originally looking at the death knell with bright eyes, found that the opponent had landed and drilled into the enemy's skeleton. He groped around and then walked back to the crowd with a speechless expression, saying something he couldn't understand:

"Not to mention dropping some equipment, that's too stingy. In fact, I quite like the appearance of Cataclysm Blade."


Yrel was in a daze. The orcs and the Burning Legion, which the draenei had fought hard against for decades, were actually defeated by one person in a few minutes. Are humans really so powerful?

"It's just the beginning. The headquarters of the Burning Legion is in Argus. The war is not over until you Eredar take it back." Su Ming clapped his hands and motioned for the cloak to take everyone up. At this time, the ruined Shadowmoon Cemetery was already there. It turned into a big pit, and the souls of countless Shadowmoon orc ancestors emerged from the ruins, crying constantly.

Defeating the Burning Legion should have been a joyous event, but Su Ming didn't want to hear the ghost cry.

Yrel nodded and looked at the sky. The dark clouds were dispersing and the black rain was washing away everything: "I understand that there will be a day, and I will try to take back that world with our own power, the ereda. "

Jaina may be the person who has gained the most. During her trip to Draenor, she not only saw the true power, but also learned many secrets that no one knew in Azeroth. She saw through the true face of the orcs, and is now digesting it silently. .

But seeing the scene disappearing, she obviously relaxed a lot, sitting on the flying carpet and stretching.

I had been tense all the time, but when I suddenly relaxed, I felt tired.

"Teacher, when will we return to Azeroth?" She raised her hand to cover her mouth and yawned covertly.

"Go back now. Velen has asked everyone to board the fleet. This time we will take them with us." Su Ming let the cloak fly to the east, to the temple by the sea. Delaney could not be allowed to stay. Draenor, he wanted to put them where his apprentices could see them.

Otherwise, when Deathstroke leaves, Khadgar and the others won't be able to open the Dark Door, and of course they won't be able to monitor what's going on here.

It's better to send it to Kalimdor's Blue Island, and go see the night elves on the way.


"Blasphemy! Absolute blasphemy!"

The Council is holding a temporary meeting in a messy mage tower, and the topic is how to hunt down the human traitor Kel'Thuzad. The madman showed Master Antonidas a terrifying possibility, and it was an ethically unacceptable experiment.

Originally he was demonstrating a new type of high-yielding crop, but when Antonidas entered his laboratory, he accidentally discovered a mouse.

It seemed to have been bitten to death by a cat, its cervical vertebrae were broken, and its head was hanging between its two front legs, but it was still running, and Kel'Thuzad's cats were playing with it as a toy.

The experienced Antonidas immediately noticed something was wrong and felt the evil wave of necromantic magic.

It was a zombie rat, a type of undead creature, and using such unethical weapons as undead creatures was a trick of the orc warlocks.

Evil magic is not allowed to appear in Dalaran at all. Even chanting a necromantic spell is a felony and needs to be sent directly to prison. And making a zombie mouse requires no idea how many magics are needed.

It must have been after the last Orc War that Kel'Thuzad violated the laws of Dalaran and conducted secret experiments.

He has achieved results in necromancy, but this terrible magic can make people fall into darkness.

The old mage remained calm at that time, pretending not to see the mouse, and patiently listened to Kel'Thuzad's account of his crop experiments, and as always praised the other party's research direction.

But after leaving the door, Lao An immediately contacted other people in the council, summoned the guards and golems, and prepared to arrest the apprentice who deviated from the right path.

But when the archmages sealed off Dalaran and broke into the traitor's mage tower again, they were greeted by an army of human zombies that could explode like balloons filled with green water, releasing large amounts of corrosive liquid and This blockage blocked the door of the mage tower and delayed it for a long time.

After taking care of these undead, everyone rushed into the laboratory and found that Kel'Thuzad had run away. The instruments, equipment, books and materials were still there, but he had taken his pet cat with him.

Everyone in Dalaran knew that Kel'Thuzad was a cat slave. Once he took the cat away, it would mean that he had truly escaped.

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