The Death Knell

Chapter 2623 Safekeeping

There were no trees in the swamp, and mosquitoes in the bushes kept chirping. Su Ming, who had overheard the information, touched his chin.

It seems that because he intervened in the Dark Portal time in the past, the timeline is somewhat misaligned. It seems that Ronin and Vereesa are suffering from the Red Dragon Legion controlled by the Dragonmaw Clan.

Originally, the orcs had no way to control the dragon, but Zuluhid, the chief of the Dragonmaw clan, had the anti-dragon artifact 'Demon Soul' in his hand. With that golden plate in his hand, even the guardian dragon could only lie down.

That thing was made by Neltharion, the black dragon among the Aspect Dragons, who ordered his goblin craftsmen to make it when the Burning Legion first invaded thousands of years ago. At that time, he had already been seduced by the whispers of the ancient god N'Zoth. , so he planned to make an artifact to make himself the king of the world.

The Aspect Dragons were originally created by Titans to protect the security of Azeroth. Each has a different 'concept'. Under normal circumstances, in a one-on-one challenge, everyone's strength is only 50-50, representing the 'earth'. 'Neltharion may be slightly stronger, but it's limited.

However, the invasion of the Burning Legion at that time gave him a good opportunity to deceive his compatriots. He took out the disc at that time and persuaded the other four guardian dragons to inject their original power into it to fight against Sargeras.

Once everyone hears it, it is indeed the dragons' responsibility to protect Azeroth, so let's do it.

So those few people did as they were told, taking out their own original energy and concepts and injecting some into the Demon Soul. In the end, when it was time for the Black Dragon King to inject energy, he turned against him and ran away with the disk. .

The other four wanted to recover it, but the disc already had their abilities and could brainwash and order the low-level dragons. So the four against one failed to retain the black dragon, and even the blue dragon army was wiped out.

At that time, they still had to deal with the Burning Legion. The major dragon clans had no way to settle accounts with the black dragon for the time being, so they asked the allied elves to steal the demon soul.

Illidan led people to steal the Demon's Soul and used it to detonate the Well of Eternity. Then a big explosion occurred. He ran to Mount Hyjal to plant trees and pour water, and was captured and imprisoned by Malfurion.

The Demon Soul disappeared.

Of course, that was for the natives of Azeroth, and Su Ming knew more information.

Neltharion has been communicating closely with the Old Gods in the Deep Rock Continent under the Maelstrom, waiting for the opportunity. It can be said that this is the place where the earth elements of the world of Azeroth gather, and it was originally the home of Deathwing.

His body has been completely corrupted by the power of the ancient gods. Except for the scaly shell that still barely has the shape of a dragon, his body has actually become a ball of burning tentacle-like objects. As a last resort, he can only let his goblins cast the source of matter. The armor was inlaid on his body, hooping himself like a bucket to prevent it from falling apart.

He had been almost ready for the past few years. After learning that the Burning Legion had invaded again, he saw another opportunity to rule the world, so he transformed into a human and claimed to be Prestor, who had escaped from the Kingdom of Alterac. The Duke sneaked into the palace of Lordaeron.

Because the Kingdom of Alterac was a slave during the orc invasion, and the king's family all died, Duke Prestor promised a bunch of empty promises to the King of Thailand. If he could be supported to board Alterac If he takes the throne, then Lordaeron will always be the one to look after him in the future.

He wants the territory of a kingdom so that he can conduct dragon transformation experiments underground, which is to inject the power of the ancient gods into various dragon eggs and turn them into twilight dragons.

King Terenas didn't know that, he just wanted to support a puppet legitimately, so the two hit it off.

But he also needs to add an extra layer of insurance, and betroth his daughter Calia Menethil to him as his wife. In this way, their future children will inherit the Kingdom of Alterac, a classic noble method.

Calia was only 12 years old at the time, so she was only engaged. The marriage was almost completed, but in the end, the mages of Dalaran messed it up and discovered that he was a fake noble.

Duke Prestor had to leave the court of Lordaeron in embarrassment.

However, the first plan failed, and several others were devised. Neltharion asked his son Nefarian to move into Blackstone Tower to control the orcs and dwarves there, and also asked his daughter Onyxia to infiltrate under the alias Countess Prestor. The royal court of Stormwind City incites class antagonism.

And he himself already knew the whereabouts of the Demon Soul, but instead of doing it himself, he lured the Dragonmaw clan of orcs trapped in the wetland to get it.

With this artifact, the orcs can control the Red Dragon Queen to continuously lay eggs. While adding flying mounts to their clan, they can also take out the eggs as tribute to the representative of the ancient gods, namely Deathwing.

Some of these dragon eggs were sent to Twilight Highlands, and some were sent to Blackstone Tower, but the final results were similar, that is, they turned into various experimental subjects or monsters.

The current situation is like this. Krasus sent his student Ronin and did not give reinforcements. It was not because he did not believe that there were orcs who could control the dragon. After all, he had also participated in the War of the Ancients and had seen the Demon Soul. power.

The fundamental reason why he only sent Luo Ning was because his students were the best at wreaking havoc, and their single-person action targets were small. As long as they could sneak into the area controlled by the Dragonmaw Clan, they would definitely be able to achieve the effect of central flowering.

In fact, the other dragon legions are already ready, perhaps waiting somewhere in Arathi or the Searing Gorge. As long as Luo Ning makes some noise, everyone will arrive in time.

The original plan should be like this, but now that Su Ming has encountered this incident, naturally he can't just sit idly by!

Demon's Soul, or Dragon Soul, this kind of thing is too dangerous for dragons, let's let the Supreme Mage keep it for this world...

Ignoring the two people who were bickering, Deathstroke quietly disappeared and flew towards Grim Batol, which was occupied by the Dragonmaw Orcs.


A few minutes later, amidst the roar of the dragon and the flames of life, Su Ming held a small gold medal in his hand, snickered and continued flying towards the sea. Without the control effect of the dragon soul, the red dragons would naturally destroy the Dragon Throat. Clan, no problem.

Deathstroke continued his plan and headed to the Deep Rock Continent under the maelstrom to find someone there to negotiate terms.

But you can’t pass by the way you are.

During the flight, he took on the identity of a vest that he had not shown for a long time. His whole body was pitch black except for his eyes and teeth, which represented the suspect's 'little black'.

The sea was right in front of him. He lowered his flying altitude, stretched out his hand to hold the gold medal, and swept it across the water, causing a long ripple.

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