The Death Knell

Chapter 2624 Ancient God

I have to say that whenever I see the maelstrom, the shocking vision will never change.

The entire sea is spinning, and the center of the red-light vortex is like a strange eye. The surrounding spiral waves are also dyed red. The huge amount of sea water makes a deafening roar, and a person floats in it. On the whirlpool, as small as a mosquito.

That was where the Well of Eternity once was, and Azshara's palace has sunk into the ground. It's unclear what the situation below is like, and it's unclear whether Deathwing is at home.

But that's not important. Su Ming didn't come to him.

What he is looking for is Azshara's former deputy, the prime minister of the ancient Elf Empire, who was turned into a demon by Sargeras, abandoned by the Burning Legion and then fell into the arms of the ancient gods. Xavius, the tool man of Zoth and the incarnation of the nightmare.

If you want to enter the Emerald Dream and kill Malfurion, it can be regarded as an independent dimension, and there are only two ways to go.

Either build a good relationship with the Green Dragon Legion and let Ysera or other green dragons take you in.

Or, cooperate with the opposite side of the dream and invade through nightmares.

His goal is to go in and kill people. Malfurion must die. If it goes smoothly, he can also kill his teacher Cenarius.

In this way, Deathstroke's identity could no longer be used, so he simply asked the servant of the Ancient God and Malfurion's old enemy to cooperate.

Speaking of which, Xavius ​​is a bit like Thanos, also a licking dog.

Thanos licked the goddess of death crazily, while Xavius ​​was obsessed with Queen Azshara. When the queen wanted to let the Burning Legion take over Azeroth to help her unify the world, and also planned to marry Sargeras, Xavius Weiss went all out and gave everything for the woman he loved.

He just hopes that the queen and Mr. Sa will live happily in the future, and that is enough.

However, even such a simple and honest wish could not be realized. Not to mention that Sargeras only deceived Azshara. Illidan, who had penetrated behind enemy lines, also knew about the Burning Legion's plan.

Illidan stole the Demon's Soul and wanted to detonate the Well of Eternity. Naturally, he also needed to defeat Xavius ​​who was blocking the way.

But Xavius ​​didn't hate Illidan, because when he saw Malfurion and Tyrande still fighting each other on the battlefield, but letting Illidan and Shandris Feathermoon deal with him, he seemed to feel that they were both licking dogs. of sorrow.

Illidan's obsession with Tyrande, and the fact that his love was finally taken away by his brother, can be said to be known to everyone in Suramar. Shandris, Tyrande's adopted daughter, is also famous for her unrequited love for Jarod Shadowsong.

So at the last moment, he was defeated by Illidan and Shandris in front of Azshara's palace, but the person he hated the most was Malfurion, who was showing off his love not far away.

Malfurion said at that time, ‘Look at your sister’! Then he used the power of nature to catalyze the arrow that Shandis shot at the satyr demon.

The arrow grew into a twisted towering tree. Red and black woody blood vessels and sarcoma devoured Xavius ​​from his body. His demonic essence was trapped in the prison formed by the tree. When the Well of Eternity exploded, he sank to the bottom of the sea.

Everyone thought he was dead, like Queen Azshara, but in fact he was not.

An indescribable being connected with the Queen's spirit when she sank to the bottom of the sea, resurrecting the troops loyal to Azshara and transforming them into naga.

As for Xavius, the tree he formed fell into Deep Rock, directly beneath the sea cavity formed by the Maelstrom.

For the past ten thousand years, he has been neighbor to the crazy Deathwing. Recently, he was finally remembered by the ancient gods and given the power of nightmare, allowing him to invade the Emerald Dream to seek revenge on Malfurion.

Xavius, who has understood the truth of the world, will let Malfurion know what the anger of a defeated dog is towards the winner of life. As long as he is given some more time, after Deathwing destroys the elemental balance of Azeroth in the future, he can control Xavius ​​of Nightmare will become far more powerful than Malfurion, and can even corrupt Cenarius and Ysera.

Of course, at the time when Su Ming arrived, Xavius ​​was still a tree, just in the southeast corner of Deep Rock Continent, not far from where Deathwing's men were forging iron.

He was also lucky today. Deathwing happened to be at home. When Su Ming flew over his head, he also admired the process of the goblin craftsmen binding the tentacles in his body.

After watching it for a few minutes, he picked up a few source material ingots from the construction site and stuffed them into his bag to study at home. Su Ming shook his head and flew further south.

Deathwing seemed to feel something. His huge eyes suddenly opened, his neck stood up and he smelled everywhere. Many of the goblins who were standing on him screamed, lost their balance and fell to their death.

But the dragon found nothing in the end. After spitting out a mouthful of red mucus, he lay down again and continued to sleep.

There are many satyrs kowtowing beside Xavius's tree. They are his former friends sent by the ancient gods to help him run errands.

In addition, Deathstroke also saw some members of the Twilight Hammer, wearing purple robes and turbans, patrolling around with elemental servants.

There was nothing to worry about. After all, they were all miscellaneous soldiers. Su Ming released his invisibility and landed next to the big tree in the form of Xiao Hei.

This twisted plant looks more like a puddle of rotten flesh when viewed up close. The red and black tree body is constantly vibrating like a heartbeat, emitting foul-smelling red smoke, accompanied by inaudible whispers.

But listen carefully because you can’t hear clearly? That counts as being fooled.

If someone really does this, the ancient god will roar loudly in his ear in the next second, turning his brain into a pot of porridge, completely emptying his mind and making him crazy.

The human-sized black man fell next to the God of Satyr, and the Satyrs and Twilight Cultists immediately reacted with hostility, but Deathstroke just asked Strangler to conjure up a large cluster of tentacles that twisted like sea anemones, and they They all knelt down and started chanting sutras.

“Vwyq agth sshoq, meg N, Zoth vra zz shfk qwor ga, halahs agthu!”

The devil knows what it means, but it must be some kind of hymn. N'Zoth is also known as the 'God of Thousand Beards' and is the true master of these people.

Although they didn't know who Xiao Hei was, but being able to show such a twisted form with millions of tentacles, he must be the messenger of the ancient gods, perhaps even more advanced than the Faceless Man.

Su Ming actually felt a little regretful. Originally, he wanted to slap someone in the face and say something like, 'Long live N'Zos! ’ and other nonsense to prove his identity, but it seems that this old skill is no longer needed.


Standing next to the tree, he stretched out his palm, and the tentacles formed by strangulation were like black snakes, tearing open the surface of the tree and drilling into the inside.

Almost in the next second, Deathstroke saw a darkness in front of his eyes. There was a red light in the center of the darkness. There, a large and sturdy Sartre looked at him with an evil smile...

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