The Death Knell

Chapter 2625 Hot Trash

"Don't come here! I'm warning you!"

In the eternal burning hell, some different scenes appeared today. In the past, the lord Mephisto, who always had a drooping head, was very energetic now.

He was playing hide and seek around his obsidian throne and a figure, with a look of disgust and disgust on his face. He was retching from time to time while running.

"I'm chasing you. If I catch you, I'll fuck you..."

The so-called other figure is Deadpool dressed as Sailor Moon, a beautiful girl in sailor uniform.

At this time, his mask has been taken off, and he wears a pair of yellow pantyhose on his forehead to serve as a double ponytail wig. He assumes the "Twisting Pose for the Moon", crosses his arms together, and uses the "Extraordinary Six Plus One" Gesture pointed at Mephisto.

The Lord of Hell didn't want to eat this disgusting lump of rotten meat, nor did he want to be rotten meat. Today, he finally felt the fear of being dominated by something indescribable.

Mephisto can be said to be well-informed. Although he is not as senior as the Beast, he has also caught up with the end of the first generation of God War, that is, Gaia sacrificed himself to help Ou Shutu and Devourer. The great battle in which the Gods defeated Sithorn plus Seth.

As a demon, Lao Mo was originally on the Eastern Star Goddess's elimination list, but he was very clever and immediately switched to Death's sect. Like him, there were several other hell lords.

This can be regarded as saving his life and participating in the cycle of life and soul. Ao Shutu can no longer interfere with the already formed hell system.

For hundreds of millions of years since then, Mephisto has been sitting in his own hell, seeing all the joys and sorrows of the world, the ups and downs, and at the same time deceiving countless humans on earth and sending clean souls to death one by one.

But he has never seen anything as disgusting as Deadpool!

Is this really a human being?

From the perspective of the feeling of the soul, yes, Deadpool's size and soul strength are completely that of an ordinary human being.

But the key point is that this guy doesn't care about people at all!

Not long ago, he and Loki found Mephisto together, and they wanted to ask the hell lord to let them resurrect. Not only did they bring out Cousin Deathstroke to scare Lao Mo, but he also said that if he didn't let him go, he would contact other hell lords. Let's do something together.

But was Lao Mo so scared? The Supreme Mage is strong, but it is not the humans in the main dimension who have the final say in their own hell dimension!

And you have already told me your plan, how can Mephisto still give you a chance to implement it?

He used his power on the spot and captured Deadpool's soul in his hands, preparing to flatten and round it.

However, something terrible happened. The feel of Deadpool's soul was different. Holding him was like holding a piece of shit that was still bleeding and mixed with vomit. He had a strong 'disgusting' attribute. , has even reached a conceptual level.

Mephisto immediately let go, but even so, the slimy feeling of squeezing shit in his hands lingered in his mind, leaving a psychological shadow that made him retch when he thought about it.

He would often disembowel human souls and take out the contents to play with. Logically speaking, no dirt should be able to affect him. But Deadpool was different. The disgusting feeling seemed to be poured directly into Lao Mo's mind and soul, and he couldn't even resist.

There was no other way, Mephisto called his men again, threw Deadpool into the furnace of hell to be washed, and then arranged for someone to execute him.

However, after a while, the demon who was vomiting and crying came back to report, saying that nothing happened to Deadpool's soul, and that he performed water ballet with his bare buttocks in the magma. The disgusting feeling spread along the magma and heat. Vomited all the staff and souls in hell.

If this continues, the entire hell will be polluted, the magma will be replaced by everyone's vomit, and it will be over by then!

Mephisto was silent for a long time, and could only give up cleaning Deadpool's soul for the time being, and instead planned to lock him somewhere where he would never see the light of day, or seal it with magic.

But it was also useless.

Deadpool complained to the air that life was too difficult after meeting Thanos, and this script could not be performed.

So a 'hairless old man wearing brown sunglasses in the room' suddenly appeared in the seal and presented Deadpool with the 'plot continuity' gem.

With this gem, Deadpool can 'delete' useless 'scenes' and go straight from 'cause' to 'result'.

For example, in the previous page, he was poking the ground with the dry skin that fell off his body, and in the next page, he came out of the seal. Anyway, the audience doesn't like to watch the lock-picking process, so just delete it.

It's just so reasonable.

He can't be killed, cleansed, or trapped. Now the situation has reversed and it's Wade chasing after Mephisto.

It's not that he can't escape hell on his own, but he has to do it after receiving Loki's order. This is the professional ethics of a mercenary.

Besides, there is no point in escaping the soul from hell. He also wants to get a new body from Lao Mo with 'specialties in certain aspects'. After all, there are a lot of girls waiting for him.

Mephisto tried all the methods he could think of, but there was nothing he could do with the current Deadpool. Loki kept watching not far away with a smile, as if watching the fun.

"If you come near me again, I will kill Loki! She is your employee, right? If I kill her, you won't get paid!"

Perhaps she was smiling too arrogantly, and Lao Mo, who was running around the throne, suddenly pointed his finger at the employee.

Deadpool stopped in his tracks, with a thoughtful expression on his rotten face, and tilted his head to think:

"Well, this is really a problem...but the environment in hell is too bad. My butt is so dry that it is peeling, like a tree trunk during the dry season in Africa. The transgender god is watching the fun over there Ah, how about you find a way to pay in advance? Do you have a Bitcoin account?"

However, Loki was not a vegetarian. She smiled evilly and lightly opened her lips without any panic:

"Now Ragnarok is over, and thanks to Mephisto's previous 'generosity', I am now a 'living person' with a physical body. Kill me? Then I have to thank him, because then my soul will If you automatically go to the underworld of Heim according to the 'distribution of death', if you insist on detaining me, you are crossing the line."

"It's great, you dark people always have a backup plan." Deadpool sighed a little enviously, pressed his belly button with his fingers, flicked the mud ball mixed with blood to the side, and looked at the gloomy face. The uncertain Hell Lord said: "How about it? Old Mo, should you bend down and pick up the soap on the ground? Or let me and my employer be resurrected?"

At some point, a piece of pink soap appeared on the ground between Lao Mo and Deadpool.

There are demons in hell, and they still have to live. Although they are basically shirtless with red skin exposed, at least they still wear a crotch.

If there's cloth, it needs to be washed, so it makes perfect sense that there's soap in hell, right?

"You win this time, Loki, but we will have plenty of time to play slowly in the future." Mephisto was exhausted and raised his paws to show his resignation. He can survive to this day because of his ability to bend and stretch: "But Thor, Amora, Deadpool, it's not up to me whether you three can be resurrected, I can only send you to another place to ask for the opinion of an existence."

"Is that so? That's okay. Anyway, I'm very confident in my eloquence, and your leader should also like me." Wade nodded, and the golden double ponytail wig on his head swayed very reasonably: "But Loki, does he want to sign a supplementary agreement with us to prevent him from going back on his word? You magicians should know this better, right?"

"I've been ready for a long time." Loki rubbed his fingers, and a contract suddenly appeared and slowly floated in front of Mephisto.

The Hell Lord looked at the contract, glared at Loki angrily, and then pressed his hand seal.

Then, as if he didn't want to see Deadpool, he waved his hand, and the flames of hell poured out from the black ground to form teleporters, throwing Wade directly out of hell.


The next second, Wade found himself falling into the cold water. He immediately took off his clothes and started scrubbing himself. After all, he had to meet Lao Mo's boss, who he was, so it would be more polite after washing himself, right?

But halfway through scrubbing, he accidentally turned around and discovered that there was a beautiful woman covered in black gauze taking a bath in the pool. The woman was still staring at the middle of Deadpool's legs, secretly swallowing her saliva.

Wade smiled confidently and performed the elephant dance on the spot. He thought he was cool and tilted his head like a dried avocado that had been gnawed by a dog:

"Hey, beauty, how many shots do you want?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, and then she burst into laughter. Her cold face suddenly seemed like flowers blooming. She stretched out her white arms and opened her arms in an invitation:

"Do you have the guts? Do you know who I am?"

"You are a woman and I am a man. It's that simple. Do other identities matter? Besides, if you ask me how much money I have, I will answer no, but you have to ask about the courage..."

Wade smiled strangely, and immediately swam towards the opponent like a dog paddle, and jumped out of the water like a dolphin. It was very reasonable to talk while swimming:

"My Deadpool, Wade Wilson, is famous for being brave! Take the move, Electric Spiral Silver Snake Drill!"

"Ah~~~!" The mysterious woman made a strange sound.

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