The Death Knell

Chapter 2633 Return to visit the deceased

Can the skills of Asgardian warriors be profitable in modern society?

The answer is of course, if nothing else, the killing skills are enough to become a mercenary. In the mercenary world, those who assassinate with cold weapons are generally masters.

But neither Frigga nor Sif liked killing people. Bald Skorchi might be able to make a name for himself among the mercenaries, so they decided to forget it.

But those skills can also be used to produce programs. Su Ming has a TV station under him. Isn't it easy to make two beautiful women into stars?

Frigga is elegant and dignified. Although she looks a little older, there is a market for mature types, and she can still become the dream lover of countless old men on the earth.

Sif, on the other hand, is heroic, young and beautiful, full of the healthy beauty of a warrior.

As for Skorchi, he really isn’t photogenic, but it’s not a problem to carry a camera and follow him in the wild, right? Su Ming had already thought of this when he rescued him, and he was already a handyman.

"The name of the show is "Mother and Daughter Flowers of Wilderness Survival", what do you think? Then you only need to go to various complex primitive areas on the earth to hunt and survive, and you will be able to make money."

After describing the wealth plan he had conceived for the survivors of Asgard, Su Ming asked the Queen and Sif with a smile. After all, as warriors, they also have self-respect. If they were given money directly, they would definitely not ask for it. Instead, they would be looked down upon. To humiliate.

It sounds quite simple. It is a good habit to exchange labor for reward, but the biggest gain is not in that aspect.

When you become a reality show star, you will have fans, especially female stars. Soon you will have a large group of dog-licking fans, which is guaranteed to make the two girls happy every day.

After all, how can the men in Immortal Palace talk sweetly? Thor is a classic example.

And when they become accustomed to all kinds of licking and talking, and become fond of and curious about humans, it means that all survivors in Asgard have now been assimilated into the earth's culture...

Frigga and Sif, plus Thor and Loki who have lived on Earth for many years, all possible future leaders are accustomed to Earth's civilization and social system, and Asgard can return to the raising of the God King. Tribalism for all?

If they want to engage in a market economy, they will rely more and more on their acquaintances on Earth, the Deathstroke.

In the end, Asgard became a being like Vanaheim.

After all, the Asa are still the orthodox controllers of the Nine Realms. Their cold weapon manufacturing technology and small spacecraft construction technology, as well as the diplomatic relations left by Odin in the past, the existence of the World Tree and Angboda, etc., these Useful for both death knells.

Of course, this takes a lot of time, but this layout will not put any burden on Deathstroke himself. Just start it, make a plan, and then leave it to his subordinates to do it.

"Recording a program? It should require us to suppress our abilities and behave like ordinary people on earth, right?"

Sif touched her white chin and blinked her big eyes.

In the past, she often left Asgard to go out to do errands, such as going to Xandar to buy some things, or going to the Void to handle some goods. Of course, she had seen many similar entertainment programs, and she could understand the meaning of the death knell.

"That's right, you don't use any supernatural powers, just bring a knife with you when you go out. The first show will throw you into the middle of the Amazon rainforest. The advertisement can also use 'Amazon female warrior' to hype up the show."

Deathstroke stretched out his hand and drew a map of the earth's plates on the ground, pointing to the location of South America.

"It's just that I don't know how to speak. How can I communicate with the audience?" The female bodyguard Sif was obviously moved and had even begun to think about the details.

"What we are going to do is a serious science and education program. You should teach your junior soldiers how to survive in the wild." Su Ming took out a few bottles of spirits and entertained the three of them to take a few sips: "Of course, you need to learn about the earth. The animal and plant resources are memorized, but it doesn’t matter, as long as you memorize them by rote before each shooting, the program must have a script. The key to a reality show is to show and sell the characters, so as to drive the sales of peripherals and product placement.”

Frigga had never left the Golden Palace since marrying Odin. She had no idea what Deathstroke was discussing with Sif.

But Sif was her future daughter-in-law, so the queen didn't say anything, just looked at her with a smile and let her make up her mind.

"I don't know if I can do it well." Sif was a little lacking in confidence. Everything on earth was still too unfamiliar to her, and she murmured with a wine bottle in her mouth.

She didn't like bottled wine and couldn't drink it in large gulps. It would be better if it came from a wooden barrel.

"There is a simple criterion for judging whether you are doing well or not, and that is whether you can make money."

Su Ming spread out the green ticket in his hand and pulled it back and forth, making it make a special paper-tightening sound:

"Thor and Loki used to work as security guards in nightclubs on Earth. Their weekly salary plus tips was about $500. Now 5 pounds of high-quality flour only costs $4. Don't you want to beat him once?"

"I do!"

Sif's eyes lit up, she pursed her lips and took Gin's hand, nodding repeatedly.

It doesn't matter how much flour you can buy with your weekly salary, but if you can beat Thor once and let him see how powerful he is now, will he fall in love with you?

It's possible, after all, powerful female warriors are the most attractive. Thor ignored her in the past because she didn't show her strength!

Su Ming put away the banknotes, raised the wine bottle and toasted to the goddesses with a smile:

"Then it's decided. The reconstruction of Asgard will be put on hold for now. I will let Staranci help you take care of this place and continue to 'fertilize' the World Tree. In this way, I will invite you to New York for dinner first, and then I will Come on, let’s sign a contract..."


I took the three country bumpkins to visit human society. Of course, the damage caused to New York during Thanos' invasion was still being repaired.

But everyone has been resurrected, so building houses and clearing roads are not difficult. And because of the timely retreat, Wilson Enterprises has not been affected in any way. Now various departments and factories have officially resumed work.

What they need is not high-end clothing, they only need to change their armor and weapons. As for dining, it is also simple, as long as they have enough wine and meat.

We walked around the city and showed off mankind's ability to rebuild after disasters. After eating and drinking, we arranged to stay at the Wilson Hotel and let Gin arrange the rest.

Su Ming next planned to take a peek at the Avengers, because there was only a big hole left in the Stark Industries Building. They must have gone to Long Island, where Tony's ancestral home was.

But as he was walking on the street wearing Batman's face, he suddenly saw the TV in the window of a roadside shop.

The female anchor inside was broadcasting a piece of financial news, saying that Harry Osborne, the young owner of the Osborne Group, was kicked out by the board of directors six months after his father disappeared, and his equity had also undergone large-scale changes, reminding investors to pay attention to the stock market trends.

Su Ming raised an eyebrow when he saw Harry's face turned ashen on TV and being chased by reporters as he ran away from home with his head in his arms.

This poor former rich second generation was surrounded by reporters and his family's house was sealed by the court. He was homeless and should have exploded.

However, it would be better to become the second generation Green Goblin.

It was getting dark now, and Harry would either find his girlfriend Mary Jane or his best friend Peter. Whether he slept on the sofa or on the floor, he had to find a place to shelter from the wind on an early winter night, right?

A rich second generation like Harry who has never suffered much hardship would certainly not have the guts to live with drug dealers and homeless people in a subway station. Of course, it is impossible to huddle in an alley, clinging to the wall and lighting matches to keep warm.

He still has friends, even though that friend has a crush on his girlfriend, but that's not a problem.

I decided to go check on Xiao Chong first. I heard from Wade that the child died miserably. I wonder how he has recovered after being resurrected and whether he still remembers what happened after his death.

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